All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 62: Main Civilization Confirmed, Loan Plan. (Asking For Evaluation)

"Check, the civilization attributes of Tiangong territory."

[Ghost 50%, technology 20%, runes 10%, martial arts 10%, cultivation 10%, psychic technology 0%, magic 0%]

"That's quite reasonable."

Lu Yun took a look at the civilization attributes of the current territory.

The attributes of ghost civilization are due to the ‘underworld’ territory.

Ignore it for now.

Level 3 lord's mansion was promoted in the civilized era.

You can only choose one [main civilization] for development and one [support civilization] for development.


It’s not that other civilizations couldn’t develop.

Studying other non-[branch civilization] and [main civilization] paths will slow down the development progress of the first two civilizations.

"Confirm cultivation as the main civilization."

"Determine technology as a supporting civilization."

[Determine the territory of ‘Tiangong’ and develop the main civilization direction (cultivation)]

[Turn on the territory realm display and synchronize the enemy realm transition display. 】

[Qi refining (1-25), foundation building (26-50), golden elixir (51-75), Yuanying (76-100), spirit transformation (101-125), void refining (126-150), integration (156-175), Mahayana (176-200), Tribulation Transcendence (level 201-225)]

[Currently influenced by ‘Jianmu’ and ‘Ziweiyuan Palace’. 】

[The citizens of the ‘Tiangong’ territory have opened a chain: qualification panels such as skills, bloodline, spiritual roots, and skills. 】

[Because the main civilization has not turned on the ‘luck to the dynasty’ mode. 】

[The process of supporting the civilization era will be used as a reference for the process of the main development era. 】

[Current civilization development progress, level 2 classical era. 】

"Finally unlocked."

A big stone fell in Lu Yun's heart.

The Qi Luck Tianchi in Ziweiyuan Palace comes with a complete set of methods for opening up luck.

There are two different methods of transporting the dynasty, namely "Forging the Heaven" and "Opening the Underworld".

The method of luck and dynasty records that you want to follow the path of luck and dynasty.

Indispensable needs: the method of fortune and the method of observing fortune.

Lu Yun now has the secret to bring luck to the court.

But there is no basic population and institutional support.

If you want to enter the path of luck that condenses your luck.

Minimum requirements.

There must also be an ancient town with a population of more than 200,000 as the basis.

In other words, if you want to be lucky, start at the Intermediate Lord's Mansion (Level 6) and go up.

The little daughter-in-law looks at the sedan chair, which makes people anxious.

"The ancient system of 200,000 people cannot be overstepped."

"No wonder the Great Xia Yun Dynasty used counties as units to govern the world."

"The town system is not enough to establish a fairy city."

"City, prefecture, province, state, country."

"Level-by-level controls are clearly differentiated."

Lu Yun suddenly understood.


But it’s time to arrive on the ninth day.

He cannot become fat in one go.

The road must be fought steadily and step by step.

Waiting to expand the territory of the Tiangong, thousands of soldiers, exploring the major planes of the fog, can increase the population and luck.

“Determine the ‘Ziweiyuan Palace’ as the central building of the municipal government.”

[Affected by the ‘Ziweiyuan Palace’, there is no upper limit for territorial buildings. 】

[Affected by ‘Jianmu’, there is no limit to the development of the bloodline of the people. 】

"Is there no limit to the number of buildings and bloodline development?"

Lu Yun looked at the impact prompt with joy.

The upper limit of the number of level 3 lord's mansion buildings is 300,000.

There is no upper limit on the number of buildings, which means there is no upper limit on the number of people.

He wanted to further reduce the difficulty of storming troops.

It is easiest to understand that there is no upper limit to bloodline development.

for example.

Ge Erdan's bloodline is currently [Lintao Giant], and the upper limit can only be Giant.

But if there is no upper limit to the influence of Jianmu.

[Lintao Giant] may evolve into [Longbo Giant], evolve step by step, and eventually become [Giant Spirit God].

In the future, Lu Yun’s territory.

As time goes by, everyone is like a dragon and it will no longer be a joke!

Open the development path of the [Main Civilization] era.

The biggest advantage is.

The refugee population refreshes its orientation.

In addition to the talents of cultivation civilization and scientific and technological civilization.

Refugees from other civilization systems will no longer be refreshed in the future.

In the early stage, the new lord developed in a mess, a hodgepodge.

It won't show up again.


Lu Yun walked out of Ziweiyuan Palace with a relaxed expression.

He walked directly outside the [Plane Trading Hall].

Visitors from other planes came and went, saluting Lu Yun respectfully.

Bai Gui hung the Lord's portrait in the [Plane Trading Hall].

Any visitor who comes to trade will be warned to bow when seeing an adult.

Four huge libraries of civilized buildings stand, and on the other side is a super spherical building covering an area of ​​one square kilometer.

Promotion in the civilized era brings another invisible benefit.

Buildings built before this will be promoted with the times and completed immediately.

"The construction of the four libraries and the armillary sphere is completed."

S-level armillary sphere building.

Has three very useful functions.

[Huntian]: Observe the time and position information of stars (planes) and establish a huge star (plane) information storage library.

[Muddy Image]: Simulates the movement of stars, and can predict weather changes in advance to avoid other malignant fogs in the foggy world.

[Stable Space]: When the plane passage is turned on, the space-time structure of the channel tends to be stable, and accidents of space-time turbulence will not occur.

Lu Yun attaches great importance to the function of [stable space].

Jianmu's [Bridge Building] magical power and plane trading hall will open up a space channel every time it is opened.


It is easy to open the space channel multiple times, which has one consequence.

Space collapses.

A well-known knowledge in the era of universal lords.

Mist erosion causes the stability of the space-time structure of each plane to decrease.

Teleporting too close or too frequently will cause space to collapse.

Space is like a huge stable land. Small passages are constantly opened one after another, which can easily lead to 'ground subsidence'.

Before there was no luck, the space channel was suppressed.

The stable space of the [Armillary Sphere] is a very practical function.

"The armillary sphere and the plane trading floor are combined."

"It seems to have other wonderful uses."

Lu Yun pondered.

The plane trading hall can record the plane coordinates of visitors from various planes.

The armillary sphere can observe plane coordinate information and time flow rate ratio.

This keeps going on.

The territory of the Heavenly Palace can be drawn, a vast star map, covering a vast territory beyond imagination.

"That's it."

"It seems like I can go to other dimensions to steal people?"

Lu Yun's eyes lit up.

Immediately afterwards, he suppressed the idea again.

The exclusivity of the will of the world in all planes is no joke.


In these known plane worlds, there are also gods from other pantheons who are paying attention.

"Can what a scholar does be called stealing? This is called borrowing."

"If I lend you 100 people a day, the will of the world won't even notice."

"Borrow them in rotation from each plane."

Just do it.

Lu Yun directly sent Hu Mukeng to do this.

This guy has the [Census] talent.

It is easy to investigate the other party's information.

The remaining four, Yili, Jessica, Fiona, and Zoe, spend their free time taking care of things in the library.

By the way, I will help with population statistics and household registration.

Anyway, there is an [Armillary Sphere] to stabilize the space, so there is no need to worry about accidents in the space channel.


Lu Yun also has to be careful not to be hated by other small plane world wills.

Also pay attention.

These human planes cannot be sold and used as replica worlds for other lords.

The loyalty of the people of these small world territories.

Lu Yun also has to take care of it.

If something unexpected happens, he rushes to escape.

(Star map: a map of each galaxy plane.)

(Structure of space and time: Some science fiction novels mention that spacecraft jump in time and space, which can easily cause space and time instability.)

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