All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 69 Wang Lingguan, The Top Hero! Don't Be A Vassal To A Foreign Country.

In the major regional channels of the misty world, a massive amount of news is rolling like a tide.

"Who will be in the top ten on the Lord Hero List?"

"I feel that Daxia Crown Prince Zhu Houde will have a seat."

"Wu Xuanmiao, Wu Xuanmiao might also have a place."

"The city-state of Athens must be number one."

"The Lighthouse Country doesn't know if anyone can be on the list."

"The Guojin God Line will come to an end in person, and Fuso Kingdom will become a great power with great fortune, and it will be just around the corner!"

The lords of the Fuso Kingdom are discussing the end of the eight million gods to help the Fuso lords compete for the rankings.

Even though it is now a small country in the mist, it still has the ambition to dominate the Great Xia.

Fengqi Land territory.

[Current territory level lv1]

Wu Xuanmiao saw it by chance.

Messages like "Wuxuan Miao has a place".

He could only smile and shake his head.

The Tangzhou Wu family is located on one-third of an acre of land in Tangzhou.

Considered a wealthy family.

But looking at the territory of the Daxia Dynasty, there are many noble families with stronger surnames than her family.

"Among the four barbaric circles, there are still direct descendants of foreign kings, descendants of ghosts and gods."

"I, Wu Xuanmiao, am extremely lucky to be ranked among the top 100."

The deeper the understanding of the world.

Wu Xuan Miaoyue understands what it means that there is heaven outside the world and there are people outside the world.

Most of the civilian lords who came to the misty world knew some inside information.

They rank the lord heroes list.

Not expecting much at all.

Like Tang Wenguang, Wan Yangou and other lords with excellent destiny qualifications, looking at the hundreds of millions of lords, there are always some people with similar destiny.


In this battle of heroes.

Ancestors of big families met their fate as heroes in their territories, generals protecting the state took action, elders of the hidden immortal sect were demoted, and many foreign gods from foreign races all placed their bets.

The geniuses with purple destiny.

Under the action of the older generation of lord families, everyone was completely wiped out.

There are geniuses in every era, and the geniuses who grow up are called giants and deans.

The older generation of lord families, in order to compete for the national fortune rewards in the foggy world, have maximized their own advantages.

What kind of waves can Lu Yun make when he has an opportunity and no one behind him to support him?

"Lord, they are from a family with millions of lords."

Du Qiuniang, Xiu Niang, Bai Gui and others had worries in their eyes.

They couldn't watch the news on the regional channel, so they had to rely on Lu Yun to relay the news from other lords.

"My lord, wait a moment."

Jiutian Interviewer and Li Zhixuan were calm and relaxed, without any sense of panic.

In the Ziweiyuan Palace in Lushan, a Taoist guardian war god sleeps.

Than a hero?

At this stage, there really is no heroic quality that can suppress Wang Lingguan.

Wang Lingguan is the protector of Taoism.

Quality myth 870 stars.

He is the marshal in charge of force in Heaven, and his duty is to maintain order through violence.

Wang Lingguan hates evil as much as he hates it, and has a fiery personality. He kills countless people, and he disobeys and provokes those in heaven.

Not only does he shoulder the responsibility of guarding the Jade Emperor's Palace, he also guards the Taoist disciples and ensures the safety of the people in the area.


"We are fighting the elite!"

"I'm a stupid person who likes to hit people when I'm being reasonable."

Ge Erdan stood up and slapped the table. Everyone else looked at this tough guy.

Ge Erdan has always been hands-on and tried not to make any noise.

Lu Yun does not have these worries and worries.

That was all he could think of.

Why haven't you given me the accounting reward yet?

Lu Yundu had been waiting for a long time, and the siege of the fog monsters on the tenth day was about to begin.

[World Announcement: Number one in the lord hero rankings is Lu Yun, the lord of Tiangong (territory) from the Great Xia Dynasty! 】

[Congratulations to the Daxia Dynasty for ranking first on the hero list! 】

[In view of the outstanding performance of the new lord of the Great Xia Dynasty, we hereby reward the Great Xia Dynasty with +100 national luck, +1% aura concentration, and -0.5% pollution. 】

[World Announcement: Let us congratulate Lu Yun, the lord from the Tiangong territory, for successfully winning the title! 】


The new and old lords of the world fell into silence.

In various palaces and mansions, countless tea cups and wine bottles could be heard breaking.

"Lu Yun, how could it be him?!!"

"You have won the first place on the four major lists. Are you the son of the destiny of the times?"

"What kind of hero is Wang Lingguan? He suppressed millions of veteran lords and cheated, and climbed to the top of the list!"

"By the God of Tianjin, what happened to our Fuso Kingdom Amaterasu? We didn't even make it to the top 100?"

"Isn't Athena the main god of the pantheon? Why is Abbas ranked second on the list?"

"In order to win the ranking, the Lord Protector of the Country has lost his face, right?!"

"Where is France?"

"The unknown Carter, the hero is actually ranked third?"

There were a lot of questions and expressions of surprise.

What appeared was more turbulent than the rankings on the previously discussed list.

The information was refreshed at such a speed that it was impossible to see what was being discussed on the regional channels. The whole world was going crazy at the moment.


Something that was beyond the expectations of the lords all over the world.

It happened one after another.

Xu Jianxian, the famous general of the Great Xia Yun Dynasty, ranked fourth on the hero list!

In a foreign country surrounded by barbarians, crooks are constantly appearing crazily.

During the Great Xia Yun Dynasty, the lords of the sixteen states, the second ring, and the third ring all fell into anger.

The small barbarian countries, one after another, resorted to ruthless means and behaved like clowns.

The imperial capital of Daxia.

Ying Tianfu.

The glass cup in Zhu Yuan's hand turned into powder silently.

The civil and military officials standing under the stage were all solemn and solemn.

"Your Majesty, Supervisor Tiansi is here to report."

"The main god of the pantheon in a foreign country has come to an end."

The voice of the eunuch who delivered the message reached the main hall, and his voice was so quiet that only the sound of breathing remained.

"The new lord Lu Yun deserves a heavy reward for showing off the prestige of our country."

"Pass the order."

"The God of Great Xia is coming, don't move, otherwise the country will be destroyed."

The imperial sound of Honglu Dazhong echoed in the hall without any extra emotion.

On the surface, all the civil and military officials remained motionless, but they each speculated in their minds that the number of mist gods sent abroad this year would probably be compromised.

His Majesty was furious.

All the major vassal states in the misty world are expected to be hammered hard by the gods of Great Xia. This harvesting of faith will not be as easy as before.

It's a pity that they secretly received the incense offerings this year.

at the same time.

The entire military camp of Daxia Yun Dynasty received an order.

Send troops to all the major planes of mist to attack disobedient foreign countries.

The huge and efficient Yun Dynasty system was running crazily, and the swords of soldiers pointed at the foreign countries in the foggy world.

"The Greek city-states are finished."

Abbas' face turned pale.

A huge sense of panic came over the sky.

The Greek city-states knew the fate of their gods, and the heavenly kings were furious.

Still choose the main god of the pantheon to end.

If Abbas achieves first place, the National Games rewards will make up for all this damage.


Abbas' reward for second place.

It’s simply not as good as the reward for being number one on the list.

Additional rewards for being at the top of the list.

Predictions based on gods who are good at predicting the future.

It has methods and items related to the casting of fortune.

Countless misty foreign countries risked everything.

Just for this!

Athena smiled miserably, the other eleven gods of Olympus would definitely bleed profusely and pay the price for their disobedience.

He even said he would wait for Athena before going back.

I am afraid that the people of the Greek city-states will be destroyed and their country will be destroyed.

Xia Bing prestige leads all the nations, and all the people who are illuminated by the sun and moon are ministers.

I don’t know how many of these foreigners who have cheated can enjoy the protection of the gods this year.

The mist world chooses the foreign country where the main god will end up.

All the major kings fell into panic and regret.

They huddled under the system of the Great Xia Dynasty, working together to resist the invasion of fog and enjoying the blessing of the gods of Great Xia.

"We're done."

The same words echoed in the hearts of all the foreign kings.

(Authentication attached to Wang Lingguan’s combat prowess)

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