All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 75: Thirty Thousand Heavenly Soldiers At The Beginning, Facing Off Against The Mythical Seve

Before using [Army Tempering Secret Realm Card].

Lu Yun opened the 800 weak water moat, and the space transmission channels opened by [Building Bridges] were all hidden.

Separated by tens of thousands of miles.

The territorial sergeants’ exploration of the misty world will not stop.

If there is a large-scale monster riot.

Immediately cut off space channels and territorial connections.

The Jiutian Envoy is stationed in Mount Lu, monitoring the conditions of the Heavenly Palace and the Underworld, the two territories of Yin and Yang.

Kill the gathering of poisonous insects in time to prevent the birth of nearby poisonous miasma areas and over-limit monsters blocking doors.

Uncle Wang, Bai Gui, and Hu Mukeng are each responsible for the material procurement of the plane trading hall, which will not affect the territory's operation in the short term.

A huge and empty martial arts arena at the foot of Lushan Mountain.

Lu Yun holds the reins in his hand, and the Pegasus steps lightly on the clouds, and the neighing sounds rise and fall in the sky.

In front of him were countless fluttering golden flags.

Zhang San and Li Si joined hands, and the Baijiang Gongfu and the Weapons Workshop jointly modified the appearance of the flag of the Soul Calling Banner.

The cold wind howled.

In Lu Yun's ears, there were mixed sounds of horses neighing and more than 30,000 flags rustling in the wind.

If there are thousands of people, there are no boundaries; if there are tens of thousands of people, they will reach the sky and the earth!

The average level of Tianbing Yuwei is around level 5-10 during the Qi refining period.

"See Your Majesty."

Li Zhixuan looked serious, and tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers behind him echoed.

The SSS-level tempering secret realm will not work on Li Zhixuan, who is of mythical quality, so he will not go with it.

"Open the secret realm of troop tempering."

[Army tempering secret realm, current secret realm level is SSS level immortal]

Since then.

In the treacherous and turbulent world of mist, Lu Yun has a glimmer of self-preservation and the foundation to settle down and live his life.


White light fell precisely on each of the SS-level Heavenly Soldiers and Feather Guards, along with the Sky Pegasus.

[Please note that in the dungeon, you cannot call territory materials or troop tempering dungeons. If all troops are killed, the dungeon will be settled immediately. 】

[You can choose the following two methods to collaboratively enter the secret realm of troop tempering]

[1. Personal experience, your soul is reflected in the tempering secret realm, and you gain valuable experience and experience. 】

[2. Text description, you can direct and interfere with the tempering process of the troops as a spectator player. 】

[Note: The current dungeon time ratio is 1:200. During the dungeon, you can remotely control the development of your territory, and your ability to control details is somewhat reduced. 】

[Note: Based on the performance evaluation, your unit will receive random training rewards including: grade improvement, combat skills, martial arts and combat skills, etc. 】


Lu Yun did not hesitate and chose to experience it personally.

Now on him.

It is also blessed with the effect of Hongfu Qitian.

It was just soul projection, this precious copy experience, and he had no reason not to go.

[You will randomly draw a copy of the Tempering Secret Realm. 】

A large amount of copy information flashed across Lu Yun's eyes.

A startling glance.

He found many copies of mythological systems.

Spirit Flesh Penglai Island (Eastern Keshen Series), Buddha Bones Guohuang Cave (Eastern Keshen Series), Secret of the Cowherd and Weaver Girl (Illusionary), Peach Killing Banquet (Eastern Keshen Series), Rise of the Immortal Heaven (Illusionary) and so on.

However, it is limited by the level of the tempering secret realm.

He couldn't select these mythical copies.


A ray of white light fell from the sky.

Lu Yun's consciousness gradually blurred, and everything in front of him flashed rapidly, like a horse watching a lantern.

[The copy was extracted successfully, currently selected, the battle of the Wei Kingdom to destroy the Zhongshan Kingdom. 】

[The king's power declined and the princes became hegemonic. 】

[Holding an ax and ax and having ambitions to strive for supremacy, holding a precious seal indicates that one has ambitions to aspire to the throne. 】

[The scholars are arguing, and hundreds of schools of thought are rising up. 】

[If you grasp the holy words, you will think about benevolence and educate the common people; if you know the sages, you will worry about ruling Huayi. 】

The cutscenes describe the Warring States Period.


[Background description:

During the Tianzhou Yun Dynasty.

Since King Ping of Zhou moved eastward, the [Dragon Qi Dharma Ban] composed of the human heart and the power of wishes followed the dragon vein of Tianzhou to move eastward.

[Dragon Qi Law Ban] is a humane barrier to protect the people.

As the national destiny waxes and wanes, it rises and falls simultaneously.

at this time.

The royal family of Tianzhou declined, princes rose up together, and barbarians from all directions were ready to move.


Zhou Shi's control over Seyi plummeted.

Three hundred years of spring and autumn.

Thirty-six kings were killed, fifty-two kingdoms were destroyed, and the princes ran away.

There are countless people who run around and cannot protect their country.

The division of the three families into the Jin Dynasty marked the beginning of the Warring States Period in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty.

at this time.

You need to lead the army in Zhongshan State to resist the attack of Wei State, the first overlord of the Warring States Period. 】

[Current era node: the end of the Mythical Age and the early Warring States Period. 】

[The opposing countries in this round are: Wei State and Zhongshan State. 】

[Limited time: AD (408 BC to 406 BC) (3 years)]

[Difficulty: Nightmare]

[The current training role of the lord is: Leshan (an unknown general of Zhongshan Kingdom)]


Lu Yun pondered.

The experience copy has the identity of a general, the source of more than 30,000 elite soldiers under his command, and can be naturally integrated into the army of Zhongshan Kingdom.

Although the initial status is not very low.

But in the context of the Warring States Period, the identity of a general seemed very difficult.

The [Nightmare] difficulty is like blood oozing out.

It means that this troop tempering copy is not simple.

The historical battle of Wei to destroy Zhongshan lasted for three years and ended with the demise of the Zhongshan Kingdom.

[Zhongtian Ziwei] The destiny takes effect.

[King Weilie of Zhou is protected by the Yun Dynasty of Tianzhou and the Nine Cauldrons of Dayu, and you cannot replace him. 】

[Re-select the character. The current experienced character is: Zhongshan Wu Gong. 】

"Wu Gong of Zhongshan?"

Lu Yun looked happy.

This is the identity of the leader of the Zhongshan Kingdom in the current battle round.

Possess the identity of the Lord of the Kingdom.

There is no doubt that a lot of room for Lu Yun to operate has been released.

"The Tianzhou Yun Dynasty, the major tribes of the four barbarians."

The light and darkness in Lu Yun's eyes were uncertain.

On the surface.

This is an offensive and defensive battle between two major vassal states.


This is the confrontation between the decline of the Tianzhou royal family, the rise of the princes, and the rise of the Seyi (Rongdi).

[Mission Objective: Destroy the Wei army or relieve the crisis in Zhongshan State, and protect "Gucheng" from falling. 】

"Destroy the Wei army?"

Lu Yun remained silent, resisting the urge to curse.

What he needs to face is the end of the Age of Mythology.

It was strongly supported by Confucianism, Legalism, and military strategists.

The first overlord of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period was Wei.

The three families were divided into Jin and Hou.

Because of the existence of Wei Wenhou, South Korea, Wei and Zhao.

On the surface, they are still as close as a family.


The State of Wei experienced the reform of Prime Minister Li Li.


Wu Qi personally led 50,000 [Wei Wu soldiers], and his troops pointed directly at Qin, defeating 500,000 Qin troops.

The heroic troops were stationed at Hangu Pass, blocking Qin's westward exit from Hangu Pass, which lasted for eighty years.


Zixia inherited the unique teachings of Kong Sheng and led his disciples Gongyang Gao, Gu Liangchi, Duan Qianmu and other disciples to sit in the two rivers of Wei.

Domestic [Xihe Academy] welcomes students from all over the world, and the corporal, celebrities and talented people frequently appear.


This is the end of the Age of Mythology!

There are hundreds of schools of thought and various schools of thought.

They are all working hard to lobby various countries, trying to use the methods of the school to achieve the destiny of the dynasty.

Each of the hundreds of families has extraordinary power.

If they really encounter an enemy they can't defeat, they will still recruit their friends to support them.

At this moment.

You really dare to kill Zixia, one of the ten philosophers of Confucianism, by yourself.

By the time.

Just replace it with Confucius, who is nine feet tall (carrying the handle), and bring along seventy-two sages (tangguo), plus three thousand younger brothers (thugs) to reason with you.

Confucius was good at persuading people with virtue.

"One of the ten philosophers of Confucianism, Zixia is regarded as the Master of Bu."

"The originator of Confucianism and Confucian businessmen, Zigong was a student of Confucius."

"The founder of the Legalist school, Li Li."

"Military strategist school, Yasheng Wu Qi."

"Add to this a Marquis of Wei Wen, who selects talents and appoints capable people, cultivates virtue internally and externally martial arts, and is admired by the people."

Lu Yun felt like he wanted to cry without tears.

"The State of Zhongshan is in all aspects of diplomacy, economy, military, internal affairs, science and technology, and education."

"Being crushed by Wei State in all dimensions."


"I just like to fight elites and chew hard bones."

Lu Yun's eyes were fierce, and the surging emotions were quickly suppressed.

At least he still has 30,000 heavenly soldiers and feather guards in his hands.

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