All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 92 One Person Dominates A Country. Sir, I Want To Say That Your Toes Are Dirty.

"The King of Wei has ordered that any one of the seven cities in Zhongshan surrender first, and the past will be forgotten."

Outside the city wall.

Confucian scholars and Legalist officials continued to persuade the seven cities to surrender.

Tens of thousands of Wei banners fluttered in the wind.

In the distance, there is darkness, with the Wei army holding weapons like a forest and riding tall horses.

It brought a great sense of oppression to the people of Zhongshan.

at the same time.

Dongguo received a special gift.

Juzi Ling represents the Mohist giant.

"The forgery is good, but the quality is a little off."

After Dongguo observed it repeatedly, he threw it aside with disdain.

"Xiangguo, look quickly, there are people standing under the city wall."

Another Mo Xia from Shu Kingdom suddenly became excited, as if he saw someone he shouldn't have seen appear.

"Qin Huali, why is he here?"

Dongguo took a closer look and felt something bad.

The people of the three Mohist sects behind the city wall saw a contemporary Mohist giant appear here. It was questionable whether they could still insist on defending the city.

"Love is universal, not aggressive."

"The big will not attack the small, the strong will not bully the weak, and the strong will not attack the weak."

Quite the opposite.

Behind him came members of the Mo family from three countries. They were relieved when they heard that Juzi Ling was fake.

"I am willing to be the eagle dog of Wei State and give up the concept of saints loving each other but not attacking."

"We are ashamed to associate with him. Could it be that all the books of sages have been read on dogs?!"

So when they saw the disguised Qin Huali appearing here, they started to curse.

Although they belong to a branch of the Mohist school of thought, they no longer completely obey the orders of the master.

Simply because the ideals and moral principles in their hearts are the same, the three Mohist schools uphold the same identity.

"Look quickly."

"It seems there is something else hidden."

"He seems to be a real giant."

The Qi State Mohist looked at Qin Huali with his head lowered under the city wall, and fell into deep thought.

"He couldn't have been forced here."

"Master Qin Hua Li came out to Zi Xia. It may be that Master Zi Xia asked him to come over to control the situation."

The cursed Mohists paused and suddenly fell silent.

Although you can disobey in name, you can't really disobey the boss's orders in action.

The Mohists scratched their heads one by one and looked at Mr. Dong Guo with troubled expressions.

"Xiang Guo, we may not be able to take action."

A Shu Mo hero struggled to stand up, bowed his hands and apologized.

"It doesn't matter."

"Whether we can defend this city depends on another person."

The worry on Dongguo's face did not disappear.

Under the city wall.

"Uncle Fang is here with three thousand chariots."

"Uncle Fang will take the lead in the test of being a teacher."

"The men of Zheng beat the drums, and the masters of Chen beat the drums."

Gongyang holds the Taoist instrument [Gui Zang] high in his hand and speaks eloquently.

I only heard a clear and resonant sound, which went straight up to the sky.

There was a loud sound of shaking the earth.

The military force gathered by tens of thousands of Wei soldiers behind him transformed into a huge general's figure, soaring into the sky.

The soldiers were tall, hundreds of feet tall, covering the sky and the sun.

Groups of illusory soldiers wearing armor and holding halberds appeared on an astonishing scale.


They continued to gather the troops of Wei soldiers and build momentum.

A relentless attack.

As the momentum progresses, the strength of the illusory soldiers continues to increase from the Qi training stage until it crosses another level of boundary!

The military force suddenly gathered, tens of thousands of soldiers in the foundation-building stage!

Countless soldiers and demons condensed into a bloody red cloud.

The yellow sand is flying for hundreds of miles, and the smoke is billowing all the way.

"The military formations and military formations, Confucianism's subtle talk of magical powers."

"They want to directly destroy the Big Dipper Formation."

Dongguo's pupils on the city wall suddenly shrank.

This method of combining the magical powers of the two schools amazed everyone present.


For the Zhongshan Kingdom defending the city.

Just utter despair.

"The city is about to fall."

"We are going to be slaves to the subjugation of our country."

"What to do, what to do."

People on the city wall were floating and running around. They didn't want to become refugees who had subjugated their country, but they had nothing to do.

at this time.

The red clouds rolling on the ground, where soldiers gathered together, were suddenly embedded in the mid-air.

The people on the city wall felt the overwhelming smell of blood.

Each of them resisted the urge to retching.

at the same time.

The illusory soldiers summoned by Confucian magical powers and military strategist magical powers, and charging forward in an unstoppable manner, also stopped in their tracks.

The illusory soldiers seemed to be still moving forward, and people on the city wall could even clearly see the cold light of the soldiers' halberds.

Tens of thousands of flags were frozen in one direction.

It was as if the biting cold wind had been frozen in time and could no longer blow.

This strange and contradictory feeling of time suddenly being stopped seemed familiar to the soldiers guarding the city.

It seemed like they had met half a year ago.

"God Nuo, is God Nuo still alive??"

The [Return to Tibet] in the Gongyang master's hand slowly flashed with light.

Ram Gao, who was also unable to move, suddenly gasped for air and looked at everything motionless around him in shock.

Just now.

He seemed to be strangled by the throat, unable to breathe.

The consciousness can clearly feel what is happening around him, but it seems to be trapped in the body, unable to move.


There was a person on the city wall, walking on the battlefield between the two armies, as if he was strolling in a garden.

"Who is this?"

Gong Yang swallowed hard. When he saw Wu Qi holding the [Dharma Sutra], his pupils suddenly dilated.

Li Kui set up the Legalist instrument of enlightenment.

It can't even offset this weird influence.

Only the Book of Changes [Return to Tibet] passed down from ancient times made Gong Yanggao sober up.

The surrounding 100,000 Wei troops fell into absolute stillness.

Even the blown sand and loess were stabilized.

"The the king of our family!"

"It's the king!"

"We're saved!"

There was cheering on the city walls as they celebrated their part in this horrific battle to defend the city.

Able to survive.

"Dharma Sutra, Dharma Sutra, please give me some strength."

Gong Yanggao looked at Lu Yun, who was gradually walking towards him, with a look of fear on his face.

The fear in his heart reached its peak.

This kind of breathless oppressive feeling was something Gong Yanggao had never experienced before when he faced the Golden Dragon of Wei's fortune.

at this time.

The [Dharma Sutra] in Wu Qi's arms gradually lit up.

Gongyang Gao's heart suddenly became calm.

"My great king of Zhongshan Kingdom, your Taoism and cultivation are very strong, but our national destiny in Wei Dynasty is not a vegetarian."

Gongyang Gaojie spent the rest of his life looking at Lu Yun who was walking over.

"If you dare to take one more step forward, the fate of Wei's country will crush you to death!"

Gongyang Gao has no lies.

The national destiny of a top hegemonic country is so profound and majestic.

He carries the hearts and aspirations of millions of people.

Why was the human emperor Xin able to control ghosts and gods in ancient times?

Just because he has the blessing of national destiny, all monsters and demons cannot make even half a step towards him.

[Five Emperors Yulong] The destiny takes effect.

"I am walking through this step by step, what can you do?"

Lu Yun didn't feel any shackles or ambiguity, and asked with interest.

The golden dragon of national luck is also a dragon.

The male sheep's face turned the color of pig's liver. He was so frightened that he sat down on the ground.

"How can it be."

"The Dharma Sutra... the Dharma Sutra is broken."

"The ideals of Legalism that were condensed based on the fate of the Wei Dynasty were actually shattered."

Gongyang Gao's world view was greatly impacted.

He stared blankly at the Taoist Dharma Sutra, broken into four parts, turned into wisps of light, and disappeared into the vast sky.

The 100,000 stationary Wei army behind him did not give Gongyang Gao the slightest sense of security.

His body kept shaking, as if falling into an ice cave.

"Sir, I want to say, please slow down and don't dirty your feet."

A forced smile appeared on Gongyang's tall face, he lowered his head cautiously and caressed Lu Yun's toes.

There does seem to be something dirty somewhere.

He can't risk his life for the sake of face.

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