All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 97 Give Birth To Jianmu! Myth 20 Stars! Zhuanxu’S Memory!


Lu Yun enjoyed the embroiderer's service and put on brand new yellow clothes with splendid embroideries of mountains and rivers.

I briefly looked in the mirror.

Lu Yun's fresh and handsome face, set off by his clothes, added a bit of majesty.

According to the ancient theory of Yin Yang and Five Elements, yellow has a unique symbolic meaning and symbolizes the earth.

The earth also represents the ruler of the world.

A man depends on his clothes, and a horse depends on its saddle. A good appearance can often get twice the result with half the effort.

Take advantage of your free time.

Lu Yun opened two more new chat channels.

Sixteen days have passed, and the development of the new lords is basically on the right track.

【Acquire high-quality animals and plants above Excellent (D). 】

[If you are interested, please send us a private message. Large quantity and high price. 】

A familiar avatar suddenly popped up in Lu Yun's private message list.

"Boss, I sell, I sell."

"I have [Darcissus Tree] seedlings here and 200,000 low-grade spiritual stones."

"Is the boss buying it?"

Xiao Kun asked anxiously.

As the version is updated.

In the area where newcomers go out to explore, the temperature is getting colder and colder, with heavy snow and thick fog.

Many civilian new lords have an extremely difficult time surviving.

During the territorial battles in the past few days, he exploded a C-level rare quality [narcissus tree] seed.

The water in the center of the planted narcissus tree is called fairy juice. Drinking it will make you drunk for seven days.

Side effects of being drunk for seven days.

Xiao Kun avoided this kind of plant like a snake or a scorpion. If he slept on it for seven days, there would be no need to develop his territory.

"As many as there are, they have been acquired."

Lu Yun was very wealthy and bought them all.

[You successfully spent 200,000 low-grade spiritual stones to purchase 100 narcissus tree seeds. 】

"It costs 2,000 for a low-grade spiritual stone. The price is acceptable."

"It seems like it could be used as narcissus wine."

"Fine wine and fine wine are popular hard goods in all planes."

"Keep it for a while, maybe Jianmu can mutate a second time."

Lu Yun's eyes lit up.

As for the side effects of drinking and being drunk for seven days, Lu Yun didn't care at all.

Then sell it to visitors from other dimensions.

Anyway, it’s not for people in your own territory to drink.

For drunken drunkards, this is a solid piece of hard food.

Logically speaking.

The environment in which narcissus trees grow must be harsh.

However, there is Jianmu in Lu Yun's territory, the most sacred tree in the world, which is constantly changing the living environment of the territory.

No matter what harsh growing environment is required.

This is not a problem for the Tiangong territory.

Been busy for a while.

Lu Yun held a pile of purchased seeds.

Send someone to Lingtian.

This made Niu Dali and the others dance excitedly and carefully planted the narcissus tree.

"Lord, according to the ten thousand acres of spiritual land and the current spiritual energy feedback provided by Lushan Mountain, these narcissus trees will sprout in about 60 days."

"60 days to sprout?"

Lu Yun rubbed his chin.

The maturity cycle of D-grade high-quality crops is actually very short, taking about 5 days to mature.

Narcissus trees take 60 days to germinate.

It is probably due to the environmental problem of acclimatization.

Wang Lingguan in the territory has the effect of rain and clearing, the effect of Lushan Wonders, the effect of Kang Rui Beast, and the effect of Gu Soul Sacrifice.

The four agricultural buffs stack up like crazy.

The budding period for narcissus trees to grow will be shortened very quickly and does not necessarily have to wait 60 days.

"It seems like Jianmu needs to be ripened."

Think of this.

Lu Yun received a new 2 million strands of luck in his hand, and it was a very cost-effective deal to use it to feed Jianmu.

Out of the gate of Ziweiyuan Palace.

Lu Yun went straight to Jianmu at the foot of Mount Lu.

at this time.

The thriving building trees are more than 20 meters tall.

Beneath the dense canopy, a 3-meter-long snake crouched, spitting out messages and looking around warily.

"This snake."

Lu Yun couldn't help but check the snake's attribute panel again.

An ordinary little snake



Introduction: The guardian who was born under the influence of Jianmu.

No matter how many times Lu Yun watches it.

The snake panels are all ordinary little snakes.


Lu Yun no longer dwells on this issue.

No matter what species it is, its existence is to protect Jianmu and will not threaten the security of the territory.

"Invest 1 million rays of luck."

Lu Yun gritted his teeth.

Use half of your luck to feed Jianmu.

If you can't let go of your children, you can't trap the wolf.

If you want your territory to prosper, these early investments are indispensable.


The rich luck turned into a majestic spiritual mist that filled the entire Jianmu area.

The 20-meter-long building tree seems to have eaten golden garbage. It keeps spreading its branches and a large number of branches and leaves appear.

25 meters.

30 meters.

200 meters.

Soon, Jianmu reached a height of 300 meters.

The effect of using luck to feed Jianmu is immediate.

It is much faster than using spiritual stones to induce birth.

300 meters of building timber.

From a distance, it looks like a hill, with dragons and tigers perched on it, majestic and majestic, with a crown like a canopy and dozens of acres of shade.


The little snake lying on the crown of the tree looked at Jianmu who was growing taller with a confused look on his face, and his vision gradually entered the clouds.

"Cough cough cough."

"It's like a little snake, and it's hard to come down."

Lu Yun looked up at Jianmu, thoughtfully.


As the guardian of Jianmu, it is good for little snakes to exercise their courage more.

"View the wood property panel."

Lu Yun skillfully opened the territory panel and checked the properties of the matured building wood.

After staying in the dungeon for three years, he missed this kind of visual panel very much.


Quality: Mythical (20 stars)

Level: Juvenile stage

Attributes: [Eight Hundred Weak Waters] [Coexistence of Humans and Gods] [Myths of Mountains and Seas] [Building Bridges] [Zhuan Xu’s Remains]

Effect: 1. Subconscious awe of the Mythical Immortality Seed; 2. All plants within the territory are affected by it; 3. All animals within the territory are affected by it...

Introduction: Legend has it that Jianmu is a bridge between heaven, earth, humans and gods, traveling between the human world and heaven.

"The mythical quality has increased by 11 stars."

"Jianmu is still in his infancy."

Lu Yun glanced at Jianmu's attribute panel, and there didn't seem to be any big changes.

My 1 million fortune was smashed down without even a splash.

Bai listened.

"No, Zhuanxu Yi Nian?"

Lu Yun took another careful look.

Jianmu in his infancy has a brand new entry.

Who is Zhuanxu?

An ancient ancestor of humanity and one of the leaders of the ancient tribal alliance.

There is also a saying that Zhuanxu is the emperor of heaven in charge of the northern world.

Entries related to the Emperor of Heaven.

No matter how bad it is, it can't be that bad.

Lu Yun clicked on the entry introduction with a look of anticipation.

[Zhuanxu's Relics]: Invest spiritual stones or energy to open a path for evolution of a certain building, animal or plant.


"What the hell?!"

Lu Yun was shocked when he saw this introduction.

All the time.

He can only use the high-end [Myth Grant] to evolve.

Although the building wood can occasionally mutate randomly, the buildings, animals and plants in the territory exist.

But after all, it is an unstable random mutation.

Now the appearance of [Zhuanxu's Legacy] is undoubtedly a way to control Jianmu's mutation ability.

"But why is it missing..."

"Or the memory of Zhuan Xu in this Jianmu."

"Actually, it was left behind by Zhuanxu before he became the Emperor of Heaven?"

Lu Yun fell into thinking.

There is a legend once recorded in the Classic of Mountains and Seas.

Zhuanxu died and the fish woman came back to life.

It can be seen from this.

Zhuanxu during that period was the leader of the tribal alliance.

He is far from practicing to become the Emperor of Heaven.

Still will die.

During the three years in the dungeon, Lu Yun continued to consult various mythological classics to enrich his experience.

Although copies cannot bring out memories.

But he later spent some of his belongings to buy back the memories in the copy.

This is another invisible benefit of the experience of tempering the true body of the copy.

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