029 Upload talent, first trial

The uploader of talent hasn’t waited.

However, some people can’t wait to pay to use the relevant functions.

Currently, the only talent that can be selected is [Danger Perception].

At this time, it is only a few seconds before uploading the relevant modules.

[Danger Perception] Dozens of people have chosen to pay for this talent!

“Not bad, good start.”

After waiting for a while, someone finally submitted a request to upload talent.

Soul supercomputing automatically responds.

Follow the Internet of Destiny and begin to analyze the uploaded talent structure runes.

“Good guy, silver-level talent.”

At this moment, he is connecting his spiritual power with the super calculation of his soul.

This makes up for the lack of operational logic in Soul Supercomputing.

However, he has already set up the relevant automatic running instructions.

There is no need for him to personally control it.

It’s not that you limit yourself in order to let the soul supercomputer run.

It was also at this time that the Fate Magic Web had just been launched.

He was a little concerned.

But Mu Bai didn’t expect that the first uploading talent.

It is silver level!

“Is silver-level talent so common?”

Whether it’s the elf Anya or Xiaobai.

The talent itself is silver level.

Not to mention himself, his talent is the only one!

That is.

[Little Destiny] This talent, only he can awaken!

He shook his head, throwing miscellaneous thoughts out of his mind.

This is probably also a coincidence.

Silver-level talents are definitely only a few.

With Mu Bai’s attention, the computing power of Soul Supercomputing continues to accelerate.

However, the energy used by this talent has an aura of destruction.

It is not the energy he has analyzed before, and it will take a little extra time.

Just when Mu Bai paid attention to the analysis of this silver-level talent.

Lots of talents have started uploading.

Soul Supercomputing automatically starts parallel computing.

Among these talents, the vast majority are black iron.

There are only a dozen Bronze-level talents.

Soon, the talent structure composed of runes of magic and shadow power has been parsed out.

The central server started running, and a lot of Destiny Silver was burned.

It turned into a surging soul force and began to describe the spell structure.

Look at your backstage.

as of today.

He has accumulated more than 100 billion silver coins of destiny!

But in just a few minutes, it almost cost tens of millions!

This is because there are not too many high-level talents to upload.

“Damn, this cost is really not something that people can do!”

If it weren’t for the knowledge of magic patterns and runes contained in those talents.

He wouldn’t do such a stupid thing.

But only by doing so can attract people to share their talents.

The higher the talent level, the heavier the thought of not wanting to share.

But if you see other people uploading talents make a lot of money.

Some people really can’t handle it.

If you can come to a few gold-level talents.

Even other unique talents.

Even if he gave hundreds of billions of Destiny Silver Coins to the other party.

Make big profits!

Just when Mu Bai looked at the silver coins of fate that disappeared like water, he felt unbearable.

Many people on the sidelines have paid for it to try it out.


At the foot of a hill in the original mainland.

Fang Ye was lying in the grass in embarrassment.

Not far from the edge of the forest.

A man-high colorful tiger was lying under the shade of a tree to enjoy the coolness.

A shiny silver treasure chest was stuck on the tree branch above the tiger’s head.

“Come on, Tiger King of level 7, this is still a woolen thread.”

Fang Ye cursed in his heart.

He saw the box on the branch from a distance.

I didn’t expect to approach it carefully, only to find a tiger lying under the tree!

Scouting shows that this is a level 7 tiger king.

Although his hunter class has additional damage bonus to beasts.

But this is not the wild monster he can provoke now.

This is not a game, it can be resurrected after death.

In this game, if you die, you really die.

But that silver treasure chest is so tempting!

“Damn it! If my talent could be used, I would still be afraid of this tiger?!”

Fang Ye was a little angry.

His chosen profession is hunter, using the power of natural order.

But unfortunately, his talent is [Demonization]!

This is a Bronze Rank Chaos Talent.

It collided with the power of order in his body.

During his adventures in the past few days, he found that he couldn’t use his talent at all!

Even vaguely pulling his own back!

If it weren’t for the first pot of gold earned by selling wild survival knowledge on the first night.

Then bought a few skills.

He might not even be alive now!

“tmd, people are really unlucky to drink water and get stuck in their teeth!”

Curse in my heart.

Fang Ye is ready to retreat.

It’s just a silver-level box.

Also have to see if you get a life.

At this moment, his fate internet personal interface received a prompt.

[The new module system, Destiny Magic Web, is officially launched…]

“The Magic Web of Fate?”

He curiously opened the new module system, and a series of instructions came into view.

“Upload talents, rent talents, and charge!”

“Wow, wow! It just solved my urgent need!”

Seeing the new features updated by Destiny Internet, Fang Ye hurriedly uploaded his talents.

After waiting for a few minutes, the talents began to refresh continuously.

Fang Ye was overjoyed.

With the help of new talents, the silver chest is expected!

“Thanks to God Mu Bai!”

“Thanks for the gifted friends!”

Look at the talent that is constantly being refreshed in front of you.

He started picking.

“[Cat’s Agility]? I want it!”

“[Cow’s Tenacity]? I want it!”

“[Weakness Vision] has one, and [Fatal Shot] is also installed.”

“One more [Soul Strike], let’s live together.”

After spending 5 Destiny Silver Coins, Fang Ye selected 5 black iron talents.

Somewhere, he felt a mysterious power bless him.

Muscles become firmer and body control becomes more free.

Looking around again, the tiger that was nesting under the tree was covered in deadly red spots!

Pulling out his bow and arrow, he started aiming.


ps: I beg all readers to give my little brother a little collection. If there are flowers, recommend them, and the monthly pass will be even better! It is not easy for newcomers to write books, and they can write with more confidence if they have grades. I beg all readers for your great support. The humble author is here to thank you! ! ! *

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