All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 1 The Worlds Return To Self, All Living Beings Strive For Crossing

【I am Heavenly Dao! 】

[Samsara reciprocates, eternal death will come. 】

【Return to Self from all realms, all living beings fight for crossing. 】

[In order to seek a ray of life, I will integrate the myriad worlds into Return to Self, open the path of evolution for all beings, and give all beings a new life that can control their own destiny. 】

[This is a brand new era, and it is also an unprecedented change. 】

[In the future, should we hold on to the glimmer of life, cross the Sea of ​​Bitterness, and reach the other shore; or should we give up struggling, willing to sink, and return to eternal silence? 】

【All choices are in your hands...】


The majestic and majestic voice echoed in the minds of everyone in Blue Star.

At this moment, the whole world is in an uproar!

dragon country.

In a rental apartment.

Jiang Bai, who had just crossed over from the earth half an hour ago, was stunned when he heard Heavenly Dao's voice.

The world is destroyed at the beginning?

Is it so exciting?

The next moment, a colorful space vortex emerged out of thin air.

The terrible attraction erupted, instantly pulling Jiang Bai into the vortex.

And he also fainted.

I don't know how long it has been.

When Jiang Bai woke up, he found himself lying on the yellow mud.

The coolness coming from under him made him subconsciously get up from the ground.

Only then did he realize that the clothes on his body had long since disappeared.

Apart from the straw sandals on the whole body, there is only one piece of animal skin that can only cover the important part of the lower body!

"Is this going back to the primitive era?"

Jiang Bai couldn't help complaining, and then looked around.

Only then did he realize that he was actually in a stone house.

The stone house is about ten square meters in size and about two meters high. It looks very simple.

Apart from a stone bed covered with hay, there was no other furniture.

Fortunately, there is a window on the wall, otherwise this would be no different from a small black room.

Suddenly, Heavenly Dao's voice sounded——

【Heaven Designated, welcome to No. 666 Cave World of Eternal Continent! 】

【Natural selection, survival of the fittest! 】

【In this new era, everything is possible! 】

[If you don't want to die in obscurity, then do everything you can to fight, fight, and evolve! 】

[Reminder: There are not only human races in Heaven Designated, but also many other races. 】

[Reminder: Your current location is No. 6 novice village in District 168. 】

[Reminder: The stone house you are in is your resting place in Novice Village. 】

[Reminder: The stone house is blessed with Heavenly Dao blessings. When you are in it, the recovery speed of physical strength, injuries, etc. will be doubled. 】

[Reminder: From now on, you can use the evolution panel...]

As Heavenly Dao's voice kept ringing, a lot of information flooded into Jiang Bai's mind.

Through this information, he has a preliminary understanding of the current situation.

While he was thinking, a translucent virtual screen appeared in front of him.

There are five options listed on the screen: personal information, carry-on backpack, real-time map, chat channel, and evolution store.

Click on Personal Information.

【Jiang Bai】

[Race: Human Race]

[Strength: Level 0 (Evolution Point: 0/10.)]

[Attributes: Strength: 8; Agility: 7; Constitution: 8; Spirit: 18] (Note: Under normal circumstances, the four-dimensional attributes of Common people are all 10.)

【Talent: Unawakened】

【Cultivation Technique: None】(Note: Including all cultivation techniques.)

[Technique: None] (Note: Including all combat techniques, techniques, Supernatural Power, etc.)

[Evolution Coin: 0]

[Attribute points: 0] (Note: It can be used to improve four-dimensional attributes.)

[Potential points: 0] (Note: It can be used to improve the level of Cultivation Technique and technique.)

Looking at the abnormally high spiritual attributes, Jiang Bai couldn't help being taken aback.

But immediately, he thought that it might be the reason for time travel.

After all, after two lifetimes, it is reasonable to have a higher spiritual attribute than ordinary people... right?

Returning to the main page of the evolution panel, Jiang Bai learned about four other functions.

The carry-on backpack is similar to the inventory in online games, with a total of fifteen storage slots.

The real-time map, also known as the mini-map, can also automatically record where Heaven Designated has been.

The chat channel is currently only open to the 'chat room No. 6', and other sub-channels have not yet been opened. At the same time, the chat channel also has functions such as private chat, voice input, voice call, live broadcast, video recording, etc.

The evolution store is equivalent to an NPC store, and it sells a wide variety of things, such as daily necessities, food, seasonings, equipment, etc., everything that one expects to find.

But Jiang Bai discovered that all the items sold in the evolution store are basic items.

In addition, the evolution store also has a recycling function.

Heaven Designated can sell valuable things to the evolution store through the recycling function in exchange for evolution coins.

Back to the chat channel page, Jiang Bai clicked on chat room 6.

He noticed that there was a line in the upper left corner of the No. 6 chat room: No. 6 novice village, the current number of people: 10,000.

Chat Room 6.

"Who can tell me what is going on?!"

"Am I dreaming? Or have I been abducted by aliens?!"

"Aren't the two upstairs reading the information? This is Heavenly Dao opening up the path of evolution for us and taking us to another world to evolve!"

"Evolution? This is raising Gu! Didn't you see the phrase 'Natural selection, survival of the fittest'?"

"By the way, who knows the meaning of the words like 'Samsara reciprocating, eternal death is coming. The heavens Return to Self, all living beings strive for crossing'?"

"Blind guessing: Eternal silence is about to come. In order to find a chance for all living beings, Heavenly Dao merged the heavens and myriad worlds into one, and opened the path of evolution for all living beings, so as to give all living beings a chance to escape from eternal death! "

"Damn it, the boss is surprised upstairs!"

"I don't dare to be a boss, I'm writing a novel, I just have a big brain..."

"All the heavens and myriad worlds merged into one? Doesn't it mean that the blue star has disappeared?"

"should be……"

"Huh? Then we can't go back?!"

"What do you do when you go back? Continue to 'enjoy' 996 blessings, being squeezed by capitalists every day?"

"Although I don't know what Eternal Silence is, but judging from the current information, it should be a catastrophe that swept across the heavens and worlds! If we are still on the blue star, I am afraid that the future end will be lifeless !"

"What you said above is good. Heavenly Dao merges the heavens and worlds, and opens the path of evolution for all living beings. Obviously, it wants to save all living beings and fight against eternal silence..."

"Hey, this is different from the novel! In the novel, aren't Heavenly Dao all villain bosses?"

"God, villain big boss! This is reality, okay! Also, if you slander the Heavenly Dao boss like this, aren't you afraid that the boss will reward you with a thunderous blow?"

"...Papa Heavenly Dao, I was wrong!"

Seeing the speech that was gradually crooked, the corners of Jiang Bai's mouth couldn't stop twitching.

At this time, Heavenly Dao's voice rang in everyone's ears.

[Announcement: In one minute, all Heaven Designated talents will be awakened, please get ready. 】

As soon as the news came out, the No. 6 chat room suddenly boiled.

"Here we come! The main event is finally here!"

"So nervous! I don't know what Talent I will awaken? I hope it won't be too bad!"

"Bosses bless you, I am very contented, just let me awaken a Divine Grade Talent!"

"...Upstairs, you managed to make me laugh out loud! Do you think this is a Feilu novel, with a Divine Grade Talent at the beginning?"

"By the way, will Talent be divided into many levels? If a low-level Talent is awakened, wouldn't it be the end of the game?"

"The evolution panel is similar to the game, and according to the nature of the game, Talent must be divided into different levels!"

"Is it a real game? Then can we resurrect infinitely? Or once we die, will we really die?"

"Good question! It is strongly recommended to go upstairs and try..."

"Get lost! You really are a fool!"

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