All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 103 Birdman? Wind Thunder Clan!

Jiang Bai gained power and was relentless, his body flickered, and he chased after him silently.

While waving the Snow Song Knife in his hand, a head soared into the sky.

[Record: Kill the Elder (Gold BOSS) x1 of the Tauren clan, get: +430,000 evolution points, +1 golden treasure chest. 】

Sure enough, it is more cost-effective to kill the boss!

Jiang Bai muttered in his heart, looked at the priest under the city wall, and flew down directly.

In a moment, the priest was beheaded by his knife.

It's a pity that this priest's strength is only level 3 and level 10, and he is only a silver boss.

But now, the leader, the great Elder, and the priests were beheaded one after another, and those Tauren Warriors surrounded Jiang Bai, but no one dared to step forward.

Jiang Bai didn't care about this either.

He jumped up, flew out of the encirclement, and headed for the city.

Since there is a big Elder, there must be other Elders.

These are all BOSS, you have to find them out and kill them!

As for the little ones, let them live!

After all, the Heaven Designated in Area 168 also need evolution points, don't they?

Under the investigation of Mental Energy, the remaining Elders had nowhere to hide, and were found and killed by Jiang Bai.

So far, this raid and exploration can be considered to be completely completed.

Before leaving, Jiang Bai swaggered and took 877 in the whole city.

He scraped away all kinds of medicinal herbs, minerals, high-grade stones, wood, and various animal skin rolls for records.

There is no need to repeat the role of Medicinal herbs.

Minerals, stones, and wood can be used to build tribes.

And the animal skin roll is likely to record various Cultivation Techniques, techniques, and even various knowledge or professional knowledge.

Cultivation Technique, technique, Jiang Bai naturally despised it.

But he needs all kinds of knowledge or professional knowledge.

Small and medium-sized tribes basically don't have these things, because they mostly pass on word of mouth.

Only large-scale tribes or super-large tribes with a relatively large population need carriers to record them so that they can be passed on to future generations.

In addition, Jiang Bai's raid has also roughly figured out the strength level of the large tribes.

Among the many foreign races, the strength of the Tauren tribe is at the upper level.

Even their large tribes are only at this level.

That means that Jiang Bai is enough to kill other large tribes of other races by himself.

Even if you are unlucky and encounter a hard nut to crack.

Jiang Bai also has a lot of talents as his hole cards, so escaping and saving his life is not a problem.

So, in the next time.

Jiang Bai rode a golden (cfbh) eagle, traveled around area 168, and frequently attacked various large tribes.

He didn't destroy these large tribes, but just killed all the fourth-order masters of these large tribes.

Then they scraped away their resources and walked away.

Twenty days later.

"New Year's Eve?"

Sitting cross-legged on the golden eagle's back, Jiang Bai sighed softly, with a slightly embarrassed expression on his face.

He had just finished communicating with Cao Wu, and learned from Cao Wu that three days later it would be New Year's Eve in the Dragon Kingdom.

Naturally, there is no concept of Spring Festival or New Year's Eve in this world.

But the Heaven Designated in No. 6 Village will not forget these things, after all, they are things engraved in their bones.

No, Cao Wu tried his best to persuade Jiang Bai to go back.

But Jiang Bai refused.

Because he has already embarked on a long journey, he has already left Area 168 at this moment.

Of course, apart from what happened on New Year's Eve, Cao Wu also informed other news.

For example, in the other regions of No. 666 Dongtian World, many have survived the regional survival battle and lifted the regional restrictions.

Without the barrier of regional restrictions, the connection between various districts will be much more convenient, and the distance will be shortened at once.

No, it's on the world channel of No. 666 Dongtian World.

All countries are frequently issuing calls to contact and gather Heaven Designated in their respective countries.

Obviously, the top leaders of various countries have already begun to plan for the future in order to rebuild the country in the future.

In this way, the grievances and grievances of the Blue Star countries will inevitably continue in this world.

So Cao Wu also reminded Jiang Bai, if you encounter Heaven Designated from other countries in other regions, don't believe it easily.

And Cao Wu also said an important news.

That is, so far, the World Channel has not found the appearance of the alien Heaven Designated.

Therefore, it is preliminarily estimated that the Heaven Designated in Cave World No. 666 is likely to have only humans from Blue Star!

In addition, it is the situation of the tribal defense war.

After Jiang Bai withdrew from the tribe, the difficulty of defending the Yanhuang tribe has indeed been reduced a lot.

And without Jiang Bai in the lineup, the Heaven Designated have also grown a lot after going through several defense battles.

Cao Wu also said that he began to gradually understand why Jiang Bai quit the tribe temporarily.

All of a sudden, the golden eagle was thrown into a box.

Jiang Bai, who was in deep thought, was almost thrown away.

He stabilized his figure, and hurriedly asked Talent through his mind transmission: "Golden Eagle, what's going on?"

"There are aliens attacking me in front of me!" The golden eagle's voice was full of anger.


Jiang Bai looked puzzled, he was flying high in the sky at this moment!

What alien race can attack such a high place?

With doubts, Jiang Bai stood up and looked forward.

"Fuck? Birdman?!"

Looking at the aliens flying in the air ahead, Jiang Bai felt thunder rolling in his heart.

Those alien races have human bodies, and they are tall and strong, but their skins are blue, and their hair colors are also different.

Most importantly, they all have human heads and bird faces, and a pair of Black bird wings on their backs.

Isn't this just a birdman!

At this time, Jin Diao spoke in his heart:

"Jiang Bai, those alien races seem to be eyeing me, do you want to fight back?"

Hearing the sound, Jiang Bai woke up with a start, and said in his heart: "Fall to the ground first, it's best not to start a conflict until you don't know the details of the other party."

"Okay!" The golden eagle responded, and immediately swooped down.

Jiang Bai squatted down and firmly grasped the golden eagle's feathers.

Seeing this, the few alien races followed closely behind.

Not long after, the golden eagle fell to the ground and shrunk down to stand on Jiang Bai's shoulder.

And those alien races also landed on the big tree not far from Jiang Bai.

At this time, Jiang Bai also saw the information of those alien races.

What surprised him was that the races of these alien races were actually Fenglei clan!

The name of the family is not bad, but this is the image...

It’s really hard to put into words!

Jiang Bai suppressed a smile and asked loudly, "Why did you attack me and my partners?"

Hearing this, one of the fiery red-haired Fenglei Clan responded arrogantly:

"You have broken into the airspace of my Flying Feather Tribe, we are just expelling it as a routine!"

Jiang Bai:

What a god!

Do you really consider yourself a birdman?



Jiang Bai's eyes turned cold, and he stared at the fiery red-haired Fenglei Clan, "Your attack just now is not like expulsion! Let me ask you one last time, why did you attack us?"

"I say yes, believe it or not!"

The fiery red-haired Fenglei Clan got impatient and began to wave his hands away, "You'd better leave quickly, or don't blame us for taking action!"

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