After one hour.

The fighting in the Grand Canyon has come to an end, and the foreign Heaven Designated is lying on the ice.

And they were basically shot with arrows!


The last dying foreign Heaven Designated spat out a mouthful of blood and stared at Jiang Bai unwillingly:

"who are you?"

"Why have I never heard that there is someone like you in District 169?!"

Jiang Bai took the arrow and drew the bow, aiming at this Heaven Designated brow: "Because I come from District 168!"

As soon as the words fell, the arrow instantly pierced through the eyebrows of this Heaven Designated.

"turn out to be..…………"

Before finishing speaking, the Heaven Designated fell to the ground and died.

And the group of Dragon Kingdom Heaven Designated finally understood what happened to Jiang Bai, the terrifying master who appeared suddenly.

Feelings are from Longguo compatriots in District 168!

At this time, a woman who was slightly more beautiful than Yuejiao by one "one five three" stepped out from the crowd.

She came to Jiang Bai, cupped fist and said: "My name is Qin Keqing, and I am the leader of Village No. 7 in District 169. Thank you sir for your help!"

When other people heard the words, they also imitated the cupped fist and thanked them: "Thank you, sir!"

"You are welcome, we are all from the Dragon Kingdom."

One word from Jiang Bai immediately brought the relationship between the two parties closer.

Everyone will smile.

Then everyone left the canyon together and prepared to go to No. 7 village.

On the way, Jiang Bai also said his own name.

At the same time, he also learned that Heaven Designated, the Dragon Country in District 169, had a very difficult life.

Because at the beginning of the regional survival war, countries such as Yingjiang and Sakura have united and have been targeting the Dragon Kingdom.

Coupled with the experience of military disasters, animal disasters, and natural disasters.

It can be said that Heaven Designated, Dragon Country in District 169, is living in dire straits.

Fortunately, with the sudden emergence of Qin Keqing, Heaven Designated of the Dragon Kingdom in District 169 of the road united.

In addition, the Elders of the Dragon Kingdom promptly sent the strategy of each stage of the regional survival battle submitted by Cao Wu to the Dragon Kingdom Heaven Designated in each region by mail.

Only in this way did Dragon Kingdom Heaven Designated in District 169 gain the upper hand in the regional survival battle, barely sustaining until now.

But this also made Yingjiang and other countries secretly hate.

No, as soon as the regional survival battle is over, Eagle Sauce, Sakura, etc. can't wait to destroy Dragon Kingdom Heaven Designated.

If Jiang Bai hadn't happened to come, the Dragon Kingdom Heaven Designated in Area 169 would have been completely wiped out in the canyon.

No. 7 outside the village.

Looking at the frozen village, Jiang Bai used the fire control technique to turn the Spirit Power into a spiritual fire, and then used the Yan Yang Zhi Lie Talent to manipulate the spiritual fire into a sea of ​​flames, melting all the ice.

The stone house in the novice village can speed up the recovery of injuries.

After that, Jiang Bai took out some healing pills and gave them to everyone.

After everyone else took the healing pill and returned to their respective stone houses to recover from their injuries.

Jiang Bai approached Qin Keqing and asked her about her next plan.

Regarding this, Qin Keqing didn't hide anything, and directly expressed her own thoughts.

"To tell you the truth, I originally planned to find the location of District 168 after taking everyone out of District 169.

"We all know that there are Yanhuang tribes in District 168, so it must be safe there. 17

Speaking of this, Qin Keqing suddenly thought of something.

She asked Jiang Bai: "Since you are from District 168, you must be from the Yanhuang tribe?"

"Uh, sort of." Jiang Bai touched his nose, but didn't say that he had quit the Yanhuang Tribe.

After all, he will add it back later.

Qin Keqing's eyes lit up: "Then you should know the leader of the Yanhuang Tribe, right? Can you ask him for me if he is willing to accept us?"

"Don't ask, he will definitely accept it!"

Jiang Bai shook his head with a smile, his tone extremely firm.

Qin Keqing was taken aback, and looked at Jiang Bai suspiciously: "From your tone, it seems that you are very familiar with the leader of the Yanhuang tribe?"

"Couldn't be more familiar!"

Jiang Bai shrugged, and changed his tone, "However, although your idea is good, this place is not close to Area 168, and there are many aboriginal tribes blocking the way on the way. If you walk over like this, you may suffer heavy losses!"

Qin Keqing smiled wryly: "Of course I know, but there's nothing I can do, right?"

"That was before." Jiang Bai shook his head: "Now that Heaven Designated, another country, has basically been wiped out, you can completely settle down and develop here. When you become stronger, you can join the Yanhuang tribe."

Qin Keqing sighed: "I thought about what you said just now, but there are only more than 500 people left in No. 7 Village, how can it be capable of fighting against the danger outside Area 169?"

That's... a problem!

Jiang Bai pinched his chin with one hand and began to think.

Suddenly, he thought of something and asked, "By the way, there should be a large human tribe in Area 169, right? How is your relationship with this large human tribe?"

Hearing this, Qin Keqing shook her head and smiled wryly...

Jiang Bai frowned: "Is the relationship bad?"

"No, our No. 7 village has an excellent relationship with this human tribe."

"But because of this, Yingjiang, Sakura and other countries are worried that we will use the power of this human tribe to slaughter them in turn.

"So, at the end of the beast disaster stage, they took advantage of the celebration banquet held by the human tribe, and used poison to kill this human tribe..."

Qin Keqing told a cruel fact.

Hearing this, Jiang Bai was stunned for three seconds before he came back to his senses.

"How dare they do that?!" Jiang Bai had a look of incredulity.

This is so insane!

Qin Keqing explained: "In their eyes, the aborigines are like NPCs in the game, they can live and kill at will without feeling guilty."

Jiang Bai was speechless.

Although he never regarded the aborigines as NPCs, he also knew that the aborigines were not NPCs.

But he can't stop other people's ideas and practices...

"Okay, I'll take you there with my daughter-in-law!"

Jiang Bai sighed, raised his head and called into the air.

Immediately, the golden eagle hovering in the air swooped down.

"You wait here for my return."

After Jiang Bai said something to Qin Keqing, he flew onto the back of the golden eagle, and was carried by the golden eagle soaring 2.1 into the sky.

After one hour.

Over a certain stretch of hills.

Standing on the back of the golden eagle, Jiang Bai overlooked a group of fiery birds in Life among the hills, with a look of surprise on his face.

Through the information interface, he learned that this group of fierce birds were called Fire Feather Birds, and they were born with the ability to breathe fire.

Moreover, this group of fire feather birds are huge in size, and their strength ranges from the first to the third level.

Especially the Fire Feather Bird King, whose strength has reached Level 3 and Level 10, surpassing the Golden Eagle!

There are more than 500 people left in Dragon Kingdom Heaven Designated in District #169, and there are estimated to be hundreds of fire feather birds here..."

"With the strength and size of the Fire Feather Bird, it shouldn't be a problem to carry five or six people at one head, right?"

Thinking of this, Jiang Bai immediately let the golden eagle fly towards the fire feather bird king.

He wants to control the Fire Feather Bird King, and then control this group of Fire Feather Birds, which will be used to transport the Dragon Kingdom Heaven Designated in District 169!.

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