All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 108 Using The Summoning Order

Looking at the description of these two things, Jiang Bai fell silent.

Counselors and generals, these are indispensable existences in the struggle for world hegemony!

Obviously, this summoning order is paving the way for tribal hegemony!


"Summon within the scope of the country the tribal leader once belonged to?"

"Isn't this a bit of a bully?"

Jiang Bai had a strange expression on his face.

In terms of history, is there any country on Blue Star that can compare to Dragon Country?

What's more, the history of the Dragon Kingdom is a proper history of war!

The counselors and warriors who have appeared in history are simply like crucian carp crossing the river, countless!

There are a lot of people who have left their names in history alone, let alone those who were buried in the torrent of history.

"However, this is the cultivation world!"

"Those counselors and generals in the history of the Dragon Kingdom, can they still stand up when they come to this world?"

Jiang Bai was a little worried, and then threw two summoning tokens into the storage space.

Of course he has to witness the summoning scene with his own eyes!

After counting the harvest, he personally sent the summoning order to Cao Wu, and asked Cao Wu to summon him face to face.

After checking the others.

Jiang Bai confirmed that there was nothing needed in it, so he packed it again and mailed it to Cao Wu.

Finally, there are 3 Heavenly Dao chests!

"Forget it, let's start later!"

After hesitating for a few seconds, 20 Jiang Bai took the Heavenly Dao treasure chest back.

He was worried that if the Heavenly Dao treasure chest also opened several blueprints, wouldn't it be a waste?

So keep saving!

Afterwards, Jiang Bai took out the three knowledge books that had just been issued, and read them one by one.

After receiving the knowledge empowerment of the three books.

Jiang Bai was pleasantly surprised to find that the knowledge in the two books "Feng Shui Basic Knowledge Encyclopedia" and "Qimen Dunjia Detailed Explanation" is related to the knowledge in "Formation Basic Encyclopedia".

This shows that the knowledge of the two books "Feng Shui Basic Knowledge Encyclopedia" and "Qimen Dunjia Detailed Explanation" is very likely to be related to the pre-profession of Mage!

As for "Blacksmith Initiation Knowledge Encyclopedia"?

This look is the knowledge of the blacksmith profession.


"The blacksmith can forge all kinds of equipment, which coincides with the refiner.

"Could it be that blacksmith is a pre-requisite job for a craftsman?"

Jiang Bai pinched his chin and muttered thoughtfully.

Pill refining, refining, and formation, these three professions will be extremely important in the future.

Jiang Bai naturally wanted to activate them.

At present, he has obtained the pill refining profession, and he still needs the refining and formation professions.

"Looks like it will take some time to verify!"

After making up his mind, Jiang Bai temporarily put the matter aside and looked at the pair of animal skin scrolls.

Next, it's time to flip through these animal skin volumes.

With the automatic translation function of the evolution panel, Jiang Bai doesn't have to worry about not being able to understand.

And through the comparison of automatic translation, plus his photographic memory.

Then he learned many languages ​​of other races.

Unfortunately, the automatic translation has no voice.

So even though Jiang Bai could recognize many languages ​​of other races, he didn't know how to read and speak them.

In the evening, Jiang Bai finally read all the animal skin scrolls.

Then he packaged and mailed all the animal skin rolls to Cao Wu.

There are many Cultivation Techniques and techniques in these animal skin rolls.

Although Jiang Bai doesn't like it, the other Heaven Designated in the Yanhuang Tribe don't necessarily.

What's more, Yanhuang Tribe still has so many summoned residents!

In addition, some animal skin scrolls also contain some occupational knowledge, which can also help other Heaven Designated or summoned residents activate occupations.

After coming out of the quiet room.

Jiang Bai first went to the front yard to finish dinner, and then went straight to Cao Wu's mansion.

"Yo, it's all there!"

As soon as Jiang Bai walked into the front yard, he saw ten people including Lin Guodong, Su Xingyu, and Qin Keqing helping Cao Wu organize his belongings.

When everyone heard the words, they raised their heads and greeted, and then continued to tidy up.

Jiang Bai walked in and took a look, only to find that the items he mailed to Cao Wu before

At this moment, everyone is sorting out these items in the most meticulous way.

For example, minerals should be separated by type first, and then further classified and summarized by grade.

Another example is equipment, which must first be divided into weapons and armor, and then further classified and summarized according to their grades.

In this way, it will naturally be a lot of trouble.

No, Cao Wu and the eleven people are so busy that they haven't even had dinner yet!

As for why not call more people?

Don't worry, although Jiang Bai doesn't like these things, they can be used as the foundation of the Yanhuang tribe.

Naturally, the inside story cannot be easily exposed.

Therefore, the people Cao Wu called to help were all high-level tribesmen.

Yes, Qin Keqing has become a senior official of the Yanhuang Tribe.

But although busy, but everyone is very happy.

The starting items are all bronze-level items, and there are equipment, Cultivation Technique, techniques, and panacea.

At the current stage of Heaven Designated, how many people can see so many at one time?

At this time, Cao Wu suddenly raised his head and asked, "Master Jiang, are you here for business?"

"Yes, there are two good things that I have to give to you face to face."

Jiang Bai nodded, took out the two summoning tokens, and threw them to Cao Wu casually.

"Token again?"

Cao Wu looked puzzled, reached out to catch the two summoning orders, and checked the information.

Seeing this, he immediately jumped up on the spot!

"Jiang, Lord Jiang, am I dreaming?!"

Cao Wu was so startled that he couldn't speak well.

Seeing this, other people became curious and leaned over one after another.

Seeing this, he (she) was so startled that their eyeballs almost popped out.

f*ck, there is such a heaven-defying thing?!

For a long time.

Qin Keqing came back to her senses and turned to look at Jiang Bai: "Jiang...Master Jiang, where did you get this heaven-defying item?"

"Of course it came out of a treasure chest!" Jiang Bai replied.

Su Xingyu answered, "Is it the Heavenly Dao treasure chest?"

"No, it's a golden treasure chest." Jiang Bai shook his head: "I opened 38 golden treasure chests in a row, and the group opened these two pieces!"

"Golden treasure chest, and there are still 38?"

Qin Keqing shrank her pupils and said in horror, "I remember that the strength of the silver-level boss is the third level, so the strength of the gold-level boss should reach the fourth level, right? You can kill the fourth-level boss?!"

"It's just some low-level fourth-order Common, it's not a big deal."

What Jiang Bai said was true, the fourth-order masters of those large tribes were really average.

Moreover, the Cultivation Technique and techniques they cultivated are not very good, which makes their combat power very stretched.

But people don't know!

He (she) heard it in their ears, and they only felt a rush of pressure, and they were all shocked.

Not only was he able to cut the fourth level, but he also cut as many as 38!

This is enough to show how powerful Jiang Bai is!

"Okay, let's stop talking about gossip."

Jiang Bai waved his hand to end the topic, looked at Cao Wu, "Old Cao, quickly use the summoning order, I sent it here in person just to witness it with my own eyes!"

"Okay!" Cao Wu nodded, took a deep breath, and forced himself to calm down.

But his trembling fingers still betrayed his inner excitement. .

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