All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 113 Take The Initiative To Attack

"Mr. Zhuge doesn't know that we, Heaven Designated, can gain some benefits by killing alien races.

"I keep those large tribes, one is to alert other Heaven Designated, and the other is to give other Heaven Designated some experience goals, and the third is the benefits I just mentioned."

After listening to Jiang Bai's explanation, Zhuge Liang exclaimed: "Master Jiang is really far-sighted! But what plans does Master Jiang have for super large tribes?"

Jiang Bai said bluntly: "I will find a way to contain them, and I will also try the depth of the super-large tribe.


Cao Wu got up suddenly, and said resolutely, "Master Jiang, you also said that there should be a fifth-order existence in a super-large tribe, but you are only a fourth-order now. It's too dangerous for a super-large tribe!"

Others also persuaded, including Zhuge Liang and Zhao Yun.

"Okay, be quiet!"

Jiang Bai waved his hand, and after everyone was quiet, he continued, "Aren't you thinking too much? I'm sorry for my life and I'm afraid of death, okay! I said the depth of the test, but I didn't do it myself. Don't you forget the group Fire feather bird?"

Fire feather bird?

Everyone was taken aback.

Qin Keqing was the first to react: "Are you planning to domesticate some ferocious beasts and use them to test super-large tribes? 583"

Hearing this, the others reacted suddenly.


If he borrowed the help of fierce beasts, then Jiang Bai would not have to end himself, and there would be no danger!

Jiang Bai nodded: "The most indispensable thing in the forest of elves is beasts and birds, so I am sure to hold back those three super-large tribes, so that they have no time to rescue other tribes! Take this opportunity, you can let go of the king of heaven! "

"Okay, Master Jiang has a solution!" Cao Wu swept away the haze in his heart and became excited.

The same goes for everyone else.

"For your multi-line attack, you must have a person in charge of the overall situation to control the rhythm of the battle and be responsible for all aspects of resources and manpower."

Speaking of this, Jiang Bai glanced at everyone, "I recommend Mr. Zhuge, what do you think?"

"I have no objection." Cao Wu was the first to express his opinion.

Others also agreed.

Jiang Bai looked at Zhuge Liang: "Mr. Zhuge, would you like it?"

"Kong Ming takes orders, and he will live up to Master Jiang's entrustment!"

Zhuge Liang stood up and bowed to Jiang Bai.

He finally understood that Jiang Bai had a transcendent status in the Yanhuang tribe, even his lord Cao Wu would follow his orders.

"In terms of details, you (cfac) can discuss on your own later."

"Now let's deal with the group of survivors first, let's go together!"

With that said, Jiang Bai immediately got up and walked out.

Everyone also stood up to follow.

All the way to the temporary resettlement site of the survivors.

After Cao Wu gathered them together, he turned on the recording function.

After receiving Cao Wu's signal.

Jiang Bai stretched out his right hand, and his five fingers immediately flew out densely packed Spirit Power threads, binding the group of survivors in place.

He ignored the questioning of those survivors, but turned to Cao Wu and said:

"Village No. 12 ignored the warning and left the area to explore without authorization, thus attracting aliens from outside the area!"

"This move has caused us to be exposed to the sight of those aliens prematurely, which is very likely to bring us a disaster!"

"I am here to inform the rest of the villages, if any village dares to ignore the warning, don't blame me for killing!"

When the words fell, Jiang Bai's five fingers suddenly clenched together.

The group of survivors who were bound by the Spirit Power silk threads were instantly cut into pieces by the tightened Spirit Power silk threads.

This scene changed the expressions of everyone present.

But Jiang Bai withdrew the Spirit Power silk thread indifferently, and then used the fire control technique to transform the Spirit Power into spiritual fire, burning those corpses into fly ash.

Then, he looked at Cao Wu:

"After you upload the video to the regional channel, @the leaders of other villages one by one, let them all take a good look."

"Also, bring me a word for them."

"As for their life and death, I don't care, and I don't want to interfere with what they are going to do."

"But the premise is that what they do must not affect the Yanhuang tribe!"

"Otherwise, I don't mind bloodbathing the villages!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Bai turned around and left.

And his domineering words also moved everyone present.

the other side.

After Cao Wu uploaded the video to the regional channel, it also triggered a lot of discussions on Heaven Designated.

But discussion is discussion, but no Heaven Designated dare to question or condemn what Jiang Bai has done.

The leaders of other villages also fell silent after hearing what Cao Wu relayed.

Jiang Bai concealed basic information on the world power list, but did not hide it on the regional power list.

His dazzling fourth-order strength is the most powerful deterrent!

The Heaven Designated of the Yanhuang tribe have the help of the secret realm of Lingxu and the spirit gathering disk.

In addition, Jiang Bai had refined so many panacea supplies before.

Only in this way can all members reach Tier 3 so quickly.

But other villages don't have these conditions!

Many of them are still at the second level, and only a small part of the third level.

So in the face of Jiang Bai's words, all they can do is obey.

Because they already knew that it was Jiang Bai who wiped out Village No. 4 by himself!

Faced with such a ruthless person, how dare they not obey?

the next day.

After Jiang Bai arranged the affairs of the mansion, he went out with the golden eagle.

He first went to Cao Wu's mansion, and handed over the control of the Fire Feather Bird Flock to Cao Wu, and also handed over all the Spirit Stones that had been accumulated up to now to Cao Wu.

The operation of the teleportation array needs to consume Spirit Stones.

Afterwards, Jiang Bai rode the golden eagle directly out of Yanhuang City, and headed out of Area 168.

As soon as Jiang Bai left, Meng Wu also took action.

According to yesterday's discussion, the teleportation array will be arranged on the edge of District 168 first.

Considering the consumption and manpower, Cao Wu and the others planned to arrange eight teleportation formations after discussion, corresponding to eight directions.

At this time, the Fire Feather Bird comes in handy.

Directly dispatch eight Heaven Designated, each carrying a teleportation array, and fly in all directions on the fire feather bird.

After placing the teleportation array in a suitable place.

You can send people there through the teleportation array, start building transit camps and outposts with the teleportation array as the center, and send scouts to check the location of the surrounding alien tribes first.

Here you can also use the Fire Feather Bird to quickly and safely investigate from the air.

Of course, the preparations for the Preceding Entry Stage are more than that.

Fortunately, there is Zhuge Liang, the counselor, who is in charge of everything, making the entire Yanhuang tribe run like a machine, orderly and fast.

three days later.

Preceding Entry Stage preparations are finally complete.

The Heaven Designated, who couldn't wait for a long time, formed mixed teams of hundreds of people with tribal soldiers, and rushed to all directions through the teleportation array.

Next, these 100-member teams will start from the edge of Area 168 and gradually clear out the alien tribes.

This move can also hone the tribal soldiers, and let Heaven Designated brush up evolution points and treasure chests by the way.

At the same time, it can suppress the development of other villages.

After all, compared with beasts, it is more beneficial to farm alien tribes!.

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