All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 125 Changing The Landform

at dusk.

Yanhuang City.

In Cao Wu's mansion.

Today, Cao Wu just came out from the Heavenly Origin secret realm.

At the moment, he is in the lobby of the front yard, listening to Zhuge Liang's report on the crossbow and Spiritual Qi grenade.

Suddenly, a low-pitched horn sounded, spreading throughout the city in an instant.

Cao Wu and Zhuge Liang's expressions changed at the same time, and they rushed out of the hall together.

This is a warning signal that a herd of beasts is coming!

On the wall of the South Gate.

When Cao Wu and Zhuge Liang arrived at this time, the soldiers were already in their positions and ready to fight at any time.

"My lord, Yuan Guan Tian!"

The guard at the south gate hurried forward to salute.

Cao Wu waved his hands and asked eagerly, "Where are the beasts? Are there many of them?"

"My lord, there are fierce birds coming, and there are a lot of them!"

The guard at the south city gate replied with a solemn face. "Seventy-Five Zero" fierce birds?!

As soon as Cao Wu's face changed, he immediately called out the evolution panel and wanted to send a message to Jiang Bai.

At this moment, Zhuge Liang's voice sounded: "Master, do you think that is a golden eagle?"

Golden eagle?

As soon as Cao Wu moved, he followed Zhuge Liang's pointer and looked towards the sky outside the city.

I saw a dark and fierce bird in the sky in the distance, flying towards Yancheng.

And the fierce bird flying in the front, the whole body is Gold, looks like a golden eagle!

"This is... Master Jiang's breath?!"

Cao Wu was stunned, and he couldn't help guessing in his heart, could it be that Jiang Bai got the black and fierce birds?

At this time, Jiang Bai's voice suddenly exploded in midair:

"I'm Jiang Bai!"

"You don't have to worry, this is the mount I brought back, and it's not an attack by a fierce bird!"


Cao Wu and Zhuge Liang looked at each other, and couldn't help but look at each other.

But as the black and fierce bird approached, the two discovered that it was not a fierce bird at all!

It is a beast with a single horn on its head, two wings on its back, and its whole body is covered in blue scales, resembling a horse!

"This shape, this body shape!"

"This is the most suitable mount for the human race!"

"And this mount looks like it can not only fly in the air, but also run on the ground!"

Zhuge Liang suddenly became excited.

When Cao Wu heard the words, he also reversed, and Yi Shi's eyes brightened.

At this time, Jiang Bai had already led the group of windscale horses to land outside the city from the air.

Cao Wu couldn't wait to jump off the city wall and went straight to Jiang Bai.

So is Zhuge Liang.

"Old Cao, why are you back?"

Jiang Bai, who just got off the golden eagle's back, was very surprised when he saw Cao Wu.

"I just came back too!"

Cao Wu hurriedly replied, and then looked at the group of black beasts behind Jiang Bai.

Through the information display, he also learned that this group of beasts were named Windscale Horses.

He excitedly asked: "Master Jiang, these wind-scaled horses are really the mounts you brought back?!"


Jiang Bai raised his chin and said proudly, "I've already discussed with the Windscale Horse King. From now on, they will live near Yanhuang City. Those who want to mount a horse just need to tame a Windscale Horse by themselves."

Windscale Horse King was originally unwilling to migrate with his group, after all, the environment of the Grand Canyon was very suitable for his group to survive.

But after Jiang Bai's friendly communication and sincere persuasion, Fenglin Mawang finally agreed with tears in his eyes.

Just like that, Jiang Bai brought back all the windscale horses without even using the puppet Talent.

Zhuge Liang asked: "Master Jiang, are you planning to keep these fresh horses around Yanhuang City?"

"Mr. Zhuge is worried that there is no place to keep them? Or is he afraid that these wind-scaled horses will threaten Yanhuang City?"

Jiang Bai saw Zhuge Liang's worry at a glance, and said with a smile, "Sir, there is no need to worry. I will take care of the stocking place, and don't worry about safety issues. Mister will know later."

Zhuge Liangliang nodded and said nothing more.

To be honest, he also liked these wind scaled horses very much, so he sincerely hoped that they could be used by the Yanhuang tribe.

Afterwards, Jiang Bai recruited Fenglin Mawang [introduced Cao Wu and Zhuge Liang to it.

And tell it that if there is any problem in the future, it will go to him, Cao Wu and Zhuge Liang directly.

After that, Jiang Bai entrusted Cao Wu and Zhuge Liang to take care of the Fenglin horses temporarily.

He flew up into the sky on a golden eagle to observe the environment around Yanhuang City.

Yanhuang City is also surrounded by thousand-meter-high mountains, but it is not exactly C-shaped like the Fengyue Mountains.

However, these are not problems.

With the big element so that Talent is there, Jiang Bai can easily change the terrain.

No, after observing the surrounding environment, he returned to the ground.

When he came to the mountains outside the south city gate, he activated the great elementalist Talent, and directly tore a huge ravine on the mountains...

He solidified the mountain walls on both sides of the gully to prevent rolling stones, mudslides and other problems.

Then take materials from the mountains, starting from the gate of the south city, pave a wide and flat road all the way to the other side of the mountains.

After finishing these, Jiang Bai followed the road to the other side of the mountain range.

Seeing this, Cao Wu and Zhuge Liang quickly followed.

When the two rushed to the other side of the mountain range, they saw Jiang Bai in pieces, uprooting the big trees on this side, pruning them and piling them aside.

two hours later.

Jiang Bai cleared out a vast flat land, which was longer than Life's canyon before the wind scale horses.

Then, he erected a 100-meter-high stone wall along the edge of the flat land, wrapping the entire flat land.

The only entrance and exit on the ground is the avenue that crosses the mountains.

No way, with Jiang Bai's current strength, he still has no ability to move the mountains directly.

Otherwise, he can just move a few mountains over, and there is no need for a stone wall.

Then, he created a Yin lake in the center of the flat land.

And open up the groundwater vein at the bottom of the lake to make it flow out continuously.

Then, with the lake as the starting point, a series of meandering rivers were opened up and spread to the entire flat land.

After doing this, Jiang Bai saw that the lake was filling too slowly, so he condensed a big river in the air and poured water into the lake.

This operation directly stunned Cao Wu and Zhuge Liang.

5.6 As the lake is filled with water, the water in it also flows along the rivers to the flat land.

After the river channel was also filled with water, Jiang Bai dispersed into the big river in the air.

Then he sat cross-legged on the spot, took out a bottle of Spirit Power Dan and ate it, and began to recover the depleted Spirit Power.

"Jiangye is worthy of being Jiangye, it's a big deal!"

Cao Wu couldn't help but wryly smiled, he already understood what Jiang Bai was doing.

This is to artificially create a land of life for the wind scaled horses!

Zhuge Liang on the side was shocked.

This kind of strength that can tear apart mountains with one hand, and pull down trees and destroy forests with one wave of one's hand, really impacts the soul!

Even though Zhuge Liang has the strength of the third level, he still can't help being shocked in his heart.

If this method is used to attack the city, who can stop it?

If it is used to kill the enemy, no amount of soldiers will be enough to kill it!.

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