Jiang Bai took out two Jade Slips, and threw them to Cao Wu casually: "One of the Jade Slips records the Breath Containment Technique, and the other Jade Slip records the Supernatural Power of Bullying Heaven. Both methods here are created by me.

Among them, the breath holding technique is a skill, and it can be practiced without the seventh-level strength, but the bullying supernatural power is a supernatural power technique, and it needs to enter the seventh level to practice. "

After a pause, he glanced at everyone sharply, "These two methods will be the top secret of the Yanhuang collar. Anyone who cultivates must swear by the Hearts Demon and will not disclose any information to others, let alone pass it on to others! Violators ,cut!"

"Yes, Lord Jiang!" Everyone sat up straight, respectfully.

Jiang Bai nodded, got up and said: "You guys can discuss the details by yourself, I won't interfere."

After the words fell, he walked out.

"Master Jiang, wait!"

Cao Wu called Jiang Bai to a halt, and walked up to Jiang Bai in a few steps, "Master Jiang, can I hand over a copy of the Breath Containment Technique and the Supernatural Power of Bullying Heaven to the Elder?"

"Yes, but not now." Jiang Bai nodded first, then shook his head.

Cao Wu smiled wryly: "Master Jiang, don't play charades, just tell me the time!"

"There is no specific time." Jiang Bai shook his head; "Whenever, after the Heaven Designated in the original area 168 and 169 have all reached the eighth level, you can start using the Breath Containment Technique and Ou Tianshen."

Speaking of this, he patted Cao Wu on the shoulder, and said earnestly, "Old Cao, you have to remember one thing, you can become the honorary speaker of the China Alliance, relying on the strength of the Yanhuang collar, not the China Alliance, understand ?”

Cao Wu was shocked, as if he had realized something.

Seeing this, Jiang Bai turned and left without saying a word.

Xi Zhicai got up and came to Cao Wu's side, cupped hands said: "My lord, didn't you ask me before how to deal with the relationship between the Yanhuang collar and the China Alliance? Now Master Jiang has given the best answer."

"Brother Xi is right!"

Zhuge Liang also stood up and said to Cao Wu's cupped hands, "My lord, Master Jiang is right, the Yanhuang collar is your foundation, and all the status and honors you have gained in the China Alliance come from the strength of the Yanhuang collar." ~!"

Cao Wu took a deep breath and bowed slightly to the two: "Thank you two gentlemen for your guidance, I have understood."

Seeing this, Xi Zhicai and Zhuge Liang stepped aside unanimously, not daring to accept this gift.

The two looked at each other, looked at each other and smiled.

Then he said to Cao Wu in unison:

"My lord, it's not us that you should thank, but Lord Jiang!"

Cao Wu:

Jiang Fu.

As soon as Jiang Bai got home, he was surrounded by one, one, and two beauties.

The older one is naturally Yuejiao.

The smaller one is the transformed golden eagle.

After entering the sixth level, the golden eagle has the ability to transform into a human form.

Just because of strength, the human form of the golden eagle looks like a little Loli of twelve or thirteen years old, quite cute.

Today, Jiang Bai already regards Jin Ti as his family.

Especially after the golden eagle can transform into form, he asked the golden eagle to call him big brother in the future.

To be honest, it's nice to have such a lively and lovely Little Sister!

Of course, Jiang Bai did the same to Yuejiao.

He could feel that Yuejiao had special feelings for him.

But he didn't think that way about Yuejiao.

And his inner thirst for strength has already overwhelmed everything else.

So falling in love or something is not in his plan for the time being.


In the medicine garden.

Thanks to the low-grade spiritual vein buried by Jiang Bai and the gathering spirit array he arranged.

The concentration of Spiritual Qi in the medicine garden has already been nebulized.

In such a rich world of Spiritual Qi, the growth of Heavenly and Mortal Treasures is also very gratifying.

No, as soon as Jiang Bai walked into the medicine garden, he saw a group of pocket-sized dolls playing and laughing in the field.

They are the embodiment of Spiritual herbs and elixir of Baijin level (corresponding to the sixth level).

These Heavenly and Mortal Treasures in the medicine garden range from black iron level (corresponding to the first level) to Legendary level (corresponding to the eighth level).

how come?

Naturally, through the infinite Enhancement Talent, Enhancement step by step.

Under normal circumstances, when Heavenly and Mortal Treasures reach the Baijin level, they have the ability to transform into avatars.

"Ah, the master is here!"

When the group of little dolls saw Jiang Bai, they immediately ran forward with short legs.

They surrounded Jiang Bai, and they kept climbing on Jiang Bai.

"Be careful, don't fall!"

Jiang Bai slowed down, still hanging on them.

When he is not around, the medicine garden is taken care of by these little guys.

All the way to the deepest part of the medicine garden.

There is a pool here, which is full of Gold Lotus flowers.

This Lotus flower is called Transcend Tribulation Golden Lotus, and it comes from a secret realm of the seventh-order exploration class.

When Jiang Bai got it, it was almost withered, and even its grade was about to drop out of the black iron grade.

It was he who rescued the Transcend Tribulation golden lotus through the talent of God's Restoration.

After that, he transplanted the Transcend Tribulation golden lotus to the medicine garden, and gradually restored the grade of the Transcend Tribulation golden lotus to the current Legendary grade through the infinite Enhancement Talent.

And in the records of "Yao Huang Ji Ji", Transcend Tribulation golden lotus is a mythical elixir!

At this moment, a golden light flashed.

A woman wearing a Gold dress appeared in front of Jiang Bai.

"Golden lotus pays homage to the master!"

The woman greeted Jiang Bai respectfully, she is the incarnation of Transcend Tribulation golden lotus.

«No need to be polite. " Jiang Bai waved his hand, flicked his fingers, and a ray of light flew into Jinlian's eyebrows.

"This is the bullying Supernatural Power and breath-holding technique I created. You have to practice hard, especially the bullying Supernatural Power."

"As far as I know, Transcend Tribulation golden lotus needs to go through the baptism of Heavenly Tribulation before it can reach a higher level."

"The bullying supernatural power I gave you is just a simplified version. If you can cultivate it to the extreme, then I will pass you the full version of the bullying supernatural power."

"The full version of Supernatural Power may help you bypass Heavenly Tribulation and advance directly!"

Jin Lian was overjoyed: "Thank you, master, for giving me the Dharma. I will definitely use my Insight to deceive the sky with Supernatural Power!"

"From now on, for all seventh-level Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, you will be responsible for teaching them the simplified version of the Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, the Supernatural Power and the Breath Containment Technique.

"Yes, master."

Afterwards, Jiang Bai opened the infinite Enhancement Talent and began to upgrade the Heavenly and Mortal Treasures in the medicine garden.

With his current strength, he can already enhance Heavenly and Mortal Treasures to Epic level.

Of course, the premise is that the Enhanced Heavenly and Mortal Treasures have the potential to grow to Epic level (Nuo Qian Zhao)!

Jiang Bai was busy until the evening before leaving the medicine garden.

After dinner, he came to the quiet room and began to organize Talent.

He can now Talent Enhancement to SSS level!

Of course, the same sentence——

The premise is that the Talent who is Enhanced has the potential to grow to SSS level!

For example, the God's Restoration Technique Talent mentioned earlier has this potential.

After Enhancement, it becomes Sacred Restoration Talent!

God's recovery technique Talent, in addition to its powerful healing effect, also has the mighty power to resurrect the dead.

But the premise is that the death time cannot exceed three days, and there are ornaments in both the soul and body.

And it can only be used nine times in a lifetime.

But the Sacred recovery technique is different, not only the healing effect has been strengthened at the heaven-defying level, even the restrictions on resurrection have been relaxed a lot.

Most importantly, this Talent brought Jiang Bai nine passive resurrection opportunities.

To put it bluntly, it gave Jiang Bai nine more lives!.

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