All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 165 If You Dare To Threat, I Dare To Exterminate You!

Cao Wu's mansion.

In the front hall.

Jiang Bai and Cao Wu appeared out of nowhere, startling both Guo Jia and the elder Elder.

After the two saw that it was Jiang Bai and Cao Wu, they breathed a sigh of relief.

Jiang Bai sat down, winked at the Elder and asked, "How is it? Even the country should apologize to you?"

The big Elder nodded with a wry smile.

He also didn't expect that what Jiang Bai said would be handled in such a way!

Simple and crude, but effective!

And, it's inspiring too!

Today's China Alliance is no longer the Dragon Kingdom on Blue Star, nor is it an existence that anyone can threaten.

If you dare to threaten, I will kill you!

This is the China Alliance today!

Thinking of this, the big Elder said: "However, apologies belong to them, they still hope that we can send troops to help.

"Hope?" Jiang Bai shook his head, and "047" laughed coldly, "It seems that they still haven't put their own position right! Even now, they don't even want to bow their heads and beg

That being the case, let them come up with an apology that satisfies me, first extinguish my anger, otherwise, I will kill them myself without the army of strange monsters!"

Big Elder frowned and said, "Xiao Jiang, will this anger those countries?"

"No problem.

Jiang Bai shook his head with a nonchalant expression, "Don't be fooled by their appearance, after all, they are a group of guys who are afraid of death. They threaten the China Alliance because they don't want to die.

After I made a move, they immediately chose to apologize, and they also didn't want to die! So, as long as there is a chance of survival, they will desperately seize it!

What's more, it's their fault in this matter first! How can there be any reason for doing something wrong and just apologizing? If they don't let them bleed, they won't know the pain, and they won't be able to remember the lesson

Guo Jia interjected: "I agree with Lord Jiang's statement, if those countries were not afraid of death, they would not have come up with the stupid trick of threatening with mushroom eggs.

"Master Jiang is right, they should really learn the lesson!" Cao Wu also nodded in agreement.

The elder Elder pondered for a moment, then sighed softly: "All right, I'll try to reply."

Immediately, the big Elder opened the evolution panel and recovered.

In a moment, his face became extremely weird.

for a while.

Only then did the elder Elder speak: "They agreed to pay compensation, and also said that as long as the China Alliance is willing to send troops, they can give one-tenth of their resources as a reward.

"Not enough, at least half." Jiang Bai said without raising his head while drinking tea.

The big Elder didn't answer the call, and contacted those countries again.

In less than ten seconds, the big Elder nodded and said: "They agreed, as long as we can destroy the weird army, they are willing to spend half of the resources."

"Tell them, I will personally take action to destroy the strange army tonight."

Jiang Bai put down his teacup, and said in an unquestionable tone, "Also, let them prepare the compensation and reward, which must be sent to China City by noon tomorrow at the latest. Besides, warn them not to pay less on purpose, otherwise, I don’t mind picking it up in person!”

The Elder did not say much, and directly relayed Jiang Bai's words to other countries.

The replies from other countries were also extremely humble, and Elder shook his head.

Compared with the previous attitude, this attitude is like heaven and earth!

And after doing this, the big Elder also understood.

These countries are the ones who bully the weak and fear the hard. If you talk to them with modesty and courtesy, they will think you are weak and can be bullied.

Only by going straight to the door to show their absolute strength like Jiang Bai did can they turn into kneeling dog legs.

"Why, those countries still have objections?"

Seeing the elder shake his head, Jiang Bai couldn't help asking.

"That's not true, they all agreed, I'm just feeling a little bit emotional.

The elder Elder waved his hand and stood up, "Alright, I'll leave the rest to you, I'll go back first."

As night fell, Jiang Bai quietly left Yanhuangling.

He flies in the air, fits the heaven and the earth, and the Divine Sense (transformed from the Spiritual Sense) covers the entire Eastern Territory.

In an instant, he locked on to the positions of the ten strange kings, then activated the Talent of the Void Lord, and moved there directly.

"Is this......a paradoxical domain?"

Jiang Bai looked down at the valley with thick black air below, and frowned.

The strange domain is a special ability that can only be mastered after the strange strength reaches a certain level.

Being in the Realm, the strength of the strange monster will be greatly increased, similar to Realm.

And the strange domain in the valley was established jointly by ten strange kings.

The purpose should be to block the sun so that other weirdos can have a resting place during the day.

No, Jiang Bai's eyes easily pierced through the barrier of the strange domain, and saw the densely packed army of strange beings gathering within it...

"Which Talent should I use?"

After thinking for three seconds, Jiang Bai turned on the Master of Mind Talent.

Using the great elementalist Talent to summon Thunder Sea can also kill these monsters, but for monsters with higher strength, the effect of thunder and lightning will be weakened.

But the Master of Mind Talent is different, it can directly attack the soul!

And the biggest weakness of Weird is actually the soul!

Jiang Bai mobilized the Sea of ​​Divine Sense in the Purple Mansion (the sea of ​​divine sense transformed into the sea of ​​Spiritual Sense, and then transformed into the sea of ​​Divine Sense.), and cooperated with the Talent of the Lord of Mind to burst out a Divine Sense storm attack.

The invisible, but real Divine Sense attack easily tore through the barrier of the tricky domain and rushed into the valley.

Where the Divine Sense attack swept across, the weird monsters in the valley fell in pieces, and the speed was extremely fast.

A kill notification sounded in Jiang Bai's ears.

Some powerful monsters immediately sensed the crisis of life and death, and frantically fled out of the valley.

Among them, the top ten strange kings ran the fastest.

They even put away the ghost domain and protected themselves.

"I can't let you run away!"

Jiang Bai chuckled and pointed to the sky.

The five thunders are in full swing.


Rough and thick thunderbolts descended from the sky, striking those fleeing monsters accurately.

Not to mention the other monsters, even the ten kings of the weirdest monsters were knocked out of their wits by a thunderbolt.

At the same time, the weird army in the valley was also cleaned up by the attack of the soul storm.

Just like that, Jiang Bai wiped out the weird army that defeated other countries steadily.

This is also his willingness to be more and more reluctant to make a move.

In this world imprisoned by Heavenly Dao, he has long been an invincible existence.

My hands are itching to be idle, but it's okay to take a shot occasionally.

But it's really boring to abuse food frequently.

Jiang Bai doesn't need to abuse food to show his own strength.

On the contrary, he is more willing to challenge the existence stronger than himself.

That's what makes it interesting.

Uh, the garden is over.

Jiang Bai dispersed the thunder and calmed the sea of ​​Divine Sense.

He scanned it several times with Spiritual Sense, and after confirming that there were no missing monsters, he turned on the Void Lord Talent, and moved directly back to the mansion to sleep. .

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