East Territory.

China City.

"What is Yanhuang Kingdom trying to do? Rebellion?!"

"It's too much! Without saying hello, I moved to the central region without permission. Is there any alliance in Cao Wu's eyes?"

"This kind of unorganized and undisciplined behavior should be severely criticized!"

"What's the use of criticizing? In my opinion, Cao Wu should be dismissed, and the alliance to take over the Yanhuang Kingdom is the most correct!"

"Yes, I agree!"


Looking at the noisy Elders, the big Elder sitting at the top suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment.

He somewhat understood why Jiang Bai would say such words!

Yanhuang Kingdom has always been consistent with the alliance, but these Elders in the alliance have completely changed without knowing it.

No, not only these Elders, but also himself....

Thinking of this, the Elder smiled bitterly.

It's your own fault!

At this moment, Yin Chang made a decision in his heart.

"Okay, be quiet!"

The big Elder knocked on the table, and waited for the elders to calm down before continuing, "Let's put aside the matter of Yanhuang Kingdom for now, let's talk about another thing first! I formally submitted my resignation letter to the Elder Association today, and I want to resign as a big Elder." For the position, you guys discuss who will take over! Three days later, come and hand over to me!"

After the words fell, the Elder got up and left.

After the Elders froze for a few seconds, their eyes became hot.

Today, the position of the Great Elder of the China Alliance represents the supreme pinnacle of power.

Everyone here, is there anyone who doesn't want to go out?

No, a dignified atmosphere began to spread among the Elders.

There is only one position, but there are not a few people who are qualified to compete!

three days later.

Jiang Bai's mansion, in the hall of the front yard.

Jiang Bai was drinking tea leisurely, while Cao Wu was sitting blankly, as if he had suffered a major blow.

According to the news that just came, the eldest Elder suddenly resigned, and his position was taken over by the third Elder of the Elder Association.

The first thing the three Elders did after they took office was to send a notice to Cao Wu, criticizing Cao Wu for being unorganized and undisciplined, and at the same time ordering Cao Wu to abdicate and make way for the worthy!

So, Cao Wu became like this.

for a while.

Jiang Bai put down his teacup: "Okay, don't look dead, it's just something that was expected, is it necessary for you to do this?"

"Master Jiang, can't you comfort me?"

Cao Wu had a resentful expression on his face.

Jiang Bai said solemnly: "It's my sister-in-law's business to comfort you, it has nothing to do with me!"

Regarding this, Cao Wu rolled his eyes and fell silent again.

For a long time.

Cao Wu said: "Master Jiang, I'm tired and want to rest for a while, can you manage Yanhuang Kingdom for me?"

Hearing this, Jiang Bai's daughter-in-law refused.

But when he saw the deep sadness in Cao Wu's eyes, he couldn't help but sighed.

"Okay, I promise."

"You just took this opportunity to take your sister-in-law and children on a trip to relax.

Hearing Jiang Bai's words, Cao Wu grinned: "Master Jiang, thank you!"

"Okay, there is no need for this between us."

Jiang Bai waved his hand and started chasing people away. If you want to leave, you should leave as soon as possible, lest I change my mind! By the way, remember to bring more guards, it's not peaceful outside!"

"okay, I get it."

Cao Wu smiled, got up and walked out of the hall, but his steps were a little heavy.

the next day.

Yanhuang Hall.

The courtiers are all in place, just waiting for Cao Wu to arrive.

It's just that they waited for a while, but Jiang Bai came.

"Everyone, I'm sorry!"

"I didn't get used to it for a while, so I got up late!"

Jiang Bai first apologized, and then he said that Cao Wu went on a trip and he was responsible for it.

"...It's also my first time hosting a court meeting, everyone, don't be cautious, just follow the usual rhythm!"

"Okay, everyone, take your seats first!"

After the courtiers were seated, Jiang Bai stood on the steps and looked around, "If anyone has anything to do, go directly to the performance!"

After the words fell, Zhuge Liang was the first to stand up and play.

After Jiang Bai listened to it, he asked about the specific situation and gave a solution on the spot.

Then, Guo Jia was the second to stand up.

In this way, led by Zhuge Liang and Guo Jia, the court meeting was also carried out smoothly.

In less than two hours, Jiang Bai finished handling the matter.

"Since everyone is fine, let me say it!"

Speaking of this, Jiang Bai looked at Zhuge Liang, "Mr. Zhuge, you are in charge of all matters related to the connection between Yanhuang and the alliance, right?"

"Yes, Lord Jiang."

Jiang Bai nodded and looked around the crowd: "I know that you have long been dissatisfied with the alliance. I have already done the ideological work on Lao Cao's side. I will handle the alliance with full authority.

So I declare that starting today, the Yanhuang Kingdom will cut off all supplies to the Alliance, and the strongholds set up in China City will also be withdrawn immediately and announced to the public, Yanhuang Kingdom will withdraw from the China Alliance from now on!"

After the words fell, everyone froze for a moment.

It was Zhuge Liang who was the first to react, stood up immediately, and shouted loudly to Jiang Bai cupped hands: "Master Jiang is wise!"

The others reacted and stood up one after another: "Master Jiang is wise!"

"Okay, stop flattering."

Jiang Bai waved his hand and sighed softly, "Everyone, you also need to understand Lao Cao, it doesn't feel good for him to be caught in the middle, so please don't blame him.

"I will follow Lord Jiang's order." All the courtiers responded in unison.

Jiang Bai looked at Guo Jia: "Mr. Guo, all spies from the alliance in the country must be cleaned up in the shortest possible time."

"Yes, Lord Jiang!"

Jiang Bai looked at Bai Qi again: "General Bai, temporarily block the Azure Dragon Pass and the Azure Dragon city's teleportation array, no one is allowed to use it without my order.

"Yes, Lord Jiang!"

Jiang Bai turned his gaze to Xun Yu: "Mr. Xun, starting from today, you will conduct a major internal review. In terms of intelligence, you should consult Mr. Guo for coordination. I only have one request: no matter how big or small the official position, get rid of all the villains!"

"Yes, Master Jiang! (Nuoma Zhao)"

After pondering for a while, Jiang Bai looked at Xi Zhicai: "Mr. Xi, your task is relatively heavy. I need you to establish diplomatic relations with the outside world. Well... let's start with the human race in the human realm. I am familiar with them!"

"Yes, Lord Jiang!"

As Jiang Bai's orders were passed down, basically all courtiers were assigned tasks.

When the court was about to disperse, Jiang Bai adjusted the rules of the court meeting.

"In the future, if there is no important or important event, the court meeting will be changed to once every ten days, and the meeting time will be set at 8 o'clock in the morning.

"If there is an emergency, you can contact me at any time, or you can go directly to Jiangfu to find me.

"Okay, let's end the meeting!"

After announcing the new rules of the court meeting, Jiang Bai slipped away.

After the courtiers went down to court, there were also discussions.

They all felt that, compared to Cao Wu, Jiang Bai was more qualified to be an emperor.

Because Jiang Bai handles things more decisively, domineeringly, and has a long-term vision, and he is meticulous about every detail.

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