All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 54 Promotion To The Second Rank

After a long time, the baptism of Heavenly Dao was finally completed.

Jiang Bai opened his eyes, and while silently adapting to the soaring physical strength, he opened his personal information page to check the four-dimensional attributes.

[Attributes: Strength: 11000; Agility: 11000; Constitution: 11000; Spirit: 11000. 】

Looking at the five-digit four-dimensional attribute, Jiang Bai smiled with satisfaction.

After more than a month of hard work, it finally paid off!

"The next step is to advance to the second rank!"

Jiang Bai closed the personal information page, got up and jumped off the boulder.

He greeted everyone in the distance, and then went straight to the depths of the grassland.

All the way to the area where the beasts inhabit.

With a casual punch, Jiang Bai directly blasted a level 1 and level 2 beast——

He didn't control his strength well.

[Reminder: You have met the promotion requirements, are you promoted to the second rank? 】


As Jiang Bai made his choice, the inner strength in his body was pulled by the mysterious force, and all of them converged towards Qi Sea.


With a single blow from all the internal energy, the tightly closed Qi Sea was blown away easily.

At the same time, Jiang Bai also sensed a vast and wonderful space.

This is the Qi Sea space.

At the next moment, Spiritual Qi in the outside world began to riot, and quickly gathered above Jiang Bai's head.

Soon, a Spiritual Qi vortex that was visible to the naked eye and covered the entire Grand Canyon formed above Jiang Bai's head.

The Heaven Designated in No. 6 novice village looked at the Spiritual Qi vortex above their heads with shocking expressions.

They are no longer cultivators.

It has long been known that when promoted to the second level, the size of the Spiritual Qi vortex will reflect the background of Heaven Designated to a certain extent.

The larger the scope of the vortex, the thicker the background will naturally be.

But among the crowd, the one with the deepest background is naturally Cao Wu.

But even for Cao Wu, the Spiritual Qi vortex formed when he was promoted to the second rank was only about ten miles away from Fang Yuan!

But Jiang Bai's Spiritual Qi vortex directly covered the entire Grand Canyon!

This background...

It can only be described as scary and terrifying!

at this time.

The Spiritual Qi gathered in the sky began to pour down, pouring in from the top of Jiang Bai's head and washing his whole body, and finally merged into Qi Sea.

And in Jiang Bai's Qi Sea, there is also a transparent and illusory vortex——

This is the Spirit Power vortex!

The Spirit Power vortex completes the process from imaginary to real at an extremely fast speed.

Then, the terrifying suction force began to erupt, pulling the external Spiritual Qi into Jiang Bai's body at a faster speed.

The infused Spiritual Qi becomes the nutrient of the Spirit Power vortex, making it grow at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Soon, the Spirit Power vortex was kilometers high.

Then it stopped growing, but began to shrink and change its shape.

From the initial gaseous state, it gradually changes to a liquid state.

It then transforms into a mist containing tiny crystals, and finally into a semi-solid state similar to magma.

At this point, the Spirit Power vortex, which was originally a thousand meters high, has shrunk to one meter high.

But the suction force that erupted was extremely terrifying, and it began to rapidly absorb the external Spiritual Qi in a swallowing manner.

When the semi-solid Spirit Power vortex returns to the state of a thousand meters high again.

Colorless translucent semi-solid Spirit Power began to overflow from the bottom of the vortex.

Over time, the spilled semi-solid Spirit Power gradually increased.

Until the entire Qi Sea space is covered, forming a colorless and translucent Spirit Power sea.

The spinning speed of the Spirit Power vortex gradually slowed down.

But it didn't stop, but rotated automatically at a slow speed, and absorbed the external Spiritual Qi at a slow speed all the time, refining the semi-solid Spirit Power.

[Record: Your strength has been raised to 'Level 2 and Level 1', and the current Spirit Power form is: semi-solid. 】

[Record: You get rewards: attribute points +20, potential points +40. 】

[Record: Your Strength, Agility, Constitution, and Spirit all increased by 40 points. 】

[Record: Your internal strength has been transformed into Spirit Power, and the personal information page has been updated, please check it yourself. 】

[Record: The personal information page has been adjusted, please check it yourself. 】

[Reminder: According to the different foundations of each Heaven Designated, the Spirit Power condensed when promoted to the second level can be divided into five forms from weak to strong: virtual state, gaseous state, liquid state, mist state, and semi-solid state. Remarks: The more backward the form, the more pure the Spirit Power and the stronger the power. On the contrary, the more complicated the Spirit Power is and the weaker the power is. 】

Looking at the last reminder, although Jiang Bai was surprised, he thought it was normal.

In terms of foundation, which Heaven Designated can compare to him?

Then, he opened the personal information page to check the changes.

[Strength: Level 2 and Level 1]

[Attributes: Strength: 11,0040; Agility: 11,0040; Constitution: 11,0040; Spirit: 11,0040. 】

[Spirit Power: 100,000/100,000 (Form: semi-solid)]

[Evolution Point: 0] (Remarks: The evolution points obtained in the future will be automatically stored, and Heaven Designated can independently choose whether to use it to improve strength or convert it into potential points.)

[attribute points: 20]

[Potential points: 260]

"I'm going, it's actually increased tenfold?!"

Jiang Bai saw the change of the four-dimensional attributes at a glance, and couldn't help but be surprised.

Before being promoted to the second level, his four-dimensional attributes were all 11,000 points.

And when promoted to the second level, one will be infused with the Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth, thereby improving the four-dimensional attributes.

But with a tenfold increase, Jiang Bai is probably the only one!

Of course, the contribution of the balanced growth Talent must be indispensable.

Then came the evolution point change.

Judging from the remarks below, this change is obviously a good thing for Heaven Designated.

After reviewing the changes.

Jiang Bai added all 20 attributes to strength.

Under the influence of Balanced Growth Talent, his four-dimensional attribute also increased to 11,0060.


When he returned to the gate of the Yanhuang Tribe, Jiang Bai was also basically familiar with the strength of the skyrocketing.

The people gathered here have long since dispersed.

However, Jiang Bai saw that Cao Wu was still waiting here.

He stepped forward: "Why, what do you want me to do?"

"Yes, let's chat at my residence!" Cao Wu nodded, turned and walked to the tribe.

Jiang Bai steps to keep up.

All the way to Cao Wu's residence.

Jiang Bai saw that Lin Guodong, Luo Feng, Tang Ling, and Yang Jiaojiao were all there.

After taking a seat.

Jiang Bai glanced at the five people, and jokingly said: "Looking at your posture, could something serious happen?"

Never thought that what he said casually really hit the mark.

Cao Wu nodded with a serious face: "Something really happened. According to our investigation during this period, we found that some alien tribes in the Mirkwood have been sending Extraordinary Warriors from their respective tribes to the depths of the Mirkwood.

After our comprehensive analysis, we all think that these are the three large alien tribes who are planning to launch another surprise attack on the Fengyue tribe and plan to wipe out the Fengyue tribe in one fell swoop! "

Hearing this, Jiang Bai's face also became serious.

As the Dinghaishenzhen of the human tribes in District 168, the importance of the Fengyue tribe is self-evident.

And it's not just for Terran Horde, it's for Heaven Designated as well.

Because once the Fengyue tribe is destroyed, the human tribes in District 168 and the various Heaven Designated novice villages will not be spared.

Even, those alien tribes are likely to give priority to shooting various novice villages because of Heavenly Dao's rewards!

With the current strength of each novice village, I am afraid that they will not be able to stop the attack of foreign tribes.

Thinking of this, Jiang Bai asked: "During this time, have you found out who is the strongest among the aborigines, and how strong is it?"

"Level 3, level 10." Lin Guodong replied.

Jiang Bai was taken aback; "Only level three? Are you sure?"

He originally thought that among the aborigines, there would be powerhouses of the fourth and fifth ranks!

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