After playing for a while.

Jiang Bai threw the Spirit Stones back into the storage space and checked the other two items.

[Rejuvenation Pill: The lower grade of gold. It can treat internal and external injuries, it can also detoxify, and it can be used to remove putrefaction and regenerate muscles, connect broken limbs, etc. 】

[Spirit Power Dan: Bronze low grade. Can be used to quickly restore Spirit Power. 】

"What a powerful recovery effect!"

Seeing the description of Huichun Pill, Jiang Bai was a little surprised.

He guessed the effect of Spirit Power Dan.

After collecting the two panaceas.

Jiang Bai waved out six Heavenly Dao treasure chests.

Next, is the main event.

As usual, please pray to the Celestial Immortals Buddha in your heart for blessing.

Then open the six Heavenly Dao chests one by one.

[Record: Open the Heavenly Dao treasure chest x6, get: "Infinite Jue" x1, "Thousand Silk Secret Technique" x1, "Thousand Pile of Snow" x1, "Golden Light Curse" x1, "Fire Control Technique" x1, "Formation Basics Detailed Explanation" x1, soul-returning pill (diamond low-grade) x1 bottle, relocation order x1, tribal order x4. 】

Looking at the last four tribal orders, Jiang Bai was speechless.

Fortunately, the first eight items gave him some comfort.

Check it out——

Huihun Pill, similar to Huichun Pill, is also a panacea for healing, but the effect of Huichun Pill is overwhelmed.

Relocation orders can be used to relocate tribes and change residences.

"Infinite Jue", "Golden Light Curse", and "Fire Control Technique" are second-order Cultivation Techniques.

"Thousands of Secret Art" and "Thousand Pile of Snow" are second-level techniques.

The rest of "Formation Basics Detailed Explanation" are knowledge books.

Jiang Bai first learned the three Cultivation Techniques, and received information one by one.

Then I opened the personal information page to view the information of the three new Cultivation Techniques.

【Infinite formula

Category: Cultivation Technique

Grade: special

Hierarchy: No Initiation

Restriction: The strength reaches the second level.

Remarks: It is said that this Cultivation Technique is the first part of a supreme technique, which has mysterious and unpredictable power, but it cannot be improved with potential points. 】


【Golden Curse

Category: Cultivation Technique

Grade: special

Hierarchy: No Initiation

Restriction: The strength reaches the second level.

Features: Covered with golden light, it can be used for offense and defense, and has endless magical uses.

Remarks: As one of the most fundamental Cultivation Techniques in Taoism, it has infinite magical effects, but it cannot be improved with potential points. 】


【Fire Control

Category: Cultivation Technique

Grade: special

Hierarchy: No Initiation

Restrictions: 1. The strength reaches the second level. 2. The nature of life is fire or chaos.

Remarks: The foundation of all fire spells, it can control all fires in the world if it is cultivated to the extreme, but it cannot be improved with potential points. 】

Looking at the grades of the three Cultivation Techniques, Jiang Bai's mouth twitched.

He has already experienced the function and effect of the special Cultivation Technique in the Innate channeling technique.

So he didn't reject it, on the contrary, he was very happy.

But not being able to improve this with Potential Points is still annoying!


"Natural affinity?"

Looking at the second practice restriction of fire control, Jiang Bai frowned.

After flipping through the knowledge in the Daquan of Cultivation Common Sense in his mind, he finally understood.

The so-called natal compatibility refers to the innate life characteristics of every living being.

Such as gold, wood, water, fire, earth and so on.

The natal phase will be activated when being infused with the Spiritual Qi of heaven and earth at the second level of breakthrough.

Specifically, it will be reflected in the color of the respective Spirit Power.

for example--

If the natal aspect is gold, Spirit Power will appear as Gold.

If the natal phase is water, Spirit Power will appear as Blue...

"So, my natal phase is chaos?"

Looking at the colorless and translucent Spirit Power sea in the Qi Sea space, Jiang Bai was stunned.

In the encyclopedia of common sense for cultivation, the phase property of chaos is one of the special phase properties.

This kind of affinity can ignore the restrictions, and practice all Cultivation Techniques or techniques that have the limitation of natal affinity.

Such as fire control.

And since it is a special phase, relatively speaking, it is naturally extremely rare.

Jiang Bai also didn't expect that own natal phase is actually chaos.

However, this is a good thing for him.

In the future, when practicing Cultivation Technique and techniques, there will be fewer restrictions.

After checking the Cultivation Technique, Jiang Bai didn't rush to check the technique, but opened the survival store.

His survival points have accumulated to nearly 850,000 points.

It has been saved and not used, just waiting for now!

Jiang Bai clicked on the Cultivation Technique option, and saw that there were eleven grades in it.

Starting from Black Iron, and then to Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Baijin, Diamond, Legendary, Epic, Legendary, Mythical.

After clicking on the first few grades, Jiang Bai found that the Cultivation Techniques listed in these grades are all first-order and second-order.

None of the third-order or above.

Out of curiosity, Jiang Bai clicked on the mythical level.

Not surprisingly, there is no Cultivation Technique in it...

This is normal.

The higher the grade of Cultivation Technique, the higher the requirement for strength.

Of course, in addition to this, there is a Cultivation Technique that has no strength limit.

That is the special Cultivation Technique - such as Innate Guiding Technique, Infinite Jue and so on.

Although this type of Cultivation Technique is not high-grade, its power is not inferior to the high-grade Cultivation Technique.

Apart from not being able to use potential points to improve, there are basically no disadvantages.


"Just the Cultivation Technique of the low-grade gold, the minimum survival point is 1,000,000 points?!"

Jiang Bai was dumbfounded, how many Heaven Designated can be exchanged for this?

With his few survival points, he still slaughtered a novice village, three goblin tribes, and an Extraordinary force of a thousand people alone.

Coupled with the bonus of doubling the points of the blood feud relationship, this is accumulated!

Then, Jiang Bai clicked on other categories of products.

He found that the price of the gold-level technique is not much different from the Cultivation Technique of the same level.

However, the exchange price of products such as panacea, equipment, blueprints, etc. is much cheaper.

"Yes, Cultivation Technique and techniques are still more cost-effective to open the box!"

Jiang Bai understood.

He closed the survival store and took out the two newly acquired techniques.

Learn, and receive pertinent indoctrination.

Then view the information.

【Thousands of Mysteries

Category: Techniques

Grade: Special/Gold (Extreme)

Tier: No Initiation (0/20)

Restrictions: 1. The strength reaches the second level. 2. The form of Spirit Power reaches at least a 'liquid state'.

Features: Turn Spirit Power into threads to manipulate everything.

Remarks: Special techniques cannot be Enhanced. 】


【Thousand piles of snow (Enhancement available)

Category: Techniques

Grade: Gold (Need)

Tier: No Initiation (0/20)

Restriction: strength reaches the second level

Features: The light of the knife is like a turbulent wave hitting the shore, rolling up thousands of piles of snow. 】

Can Enhancement?

Seeing the standard behind Qianduixue, Jiang Bai couldn't help being taken aback.

"According to past experience, with my second-level strength, the best gold is the limit of the infinite Enhancement Talent!"

"Why does the skill of Qianduixue show as Enhancement?"

Jiang Bai was full of doubts and threw the question to the Talent system.

According to the explanation of the Talent system, it was actually the reason for consuming the object!

Spirit Power is one of the most fundamental powers between heaven and earth, using it to supply unlimited Enhancement Talent consumption can make the Enhancement effect to a higher level.

In other words, Jiang Bai's use of infinite Enhancement Talent in the future will only consume Spirit Power, and will not consume stamina or blood.

And the improvement of the Enhancement effect will be slightly different depending on the goal of the Enhancement.

For example, when using Enhancement equipment, Cultivation Technique, etc., the upper limit of Enhancement will be increased.

But in Enhancement Talent, it will not increase the upper limit of Enhancement, but will greatly increase the probability of a good Talent from Enhancement.

The Talent system also said that it is not just an unlimited Enhancement Talent.

The role of other Talents will also be greatly improved due to the emergence of Spirit Power!

However, the Talent system also states that this situation is useless for Enhancement Talent.

After figuring out the reason, Jiang Bai was very happy.

However, he didn't have the technique of Enhancement Thousand Piles of Snow.

Cultivation Technique, techniques and equipment are different, and cultivation will have strength limitations.

According to Jiang Bai's deduction, it is estimated that the cultivation techniques or techniques above the gold level can only be cultivated with a third-level strength.

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