All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 58: The Bullheads Blocking The Way

two days later.

Standing on the top floor of the five-story villa, Jiang Bai watched as Cao Wu took the masters from the No. 6 novice village and set off to support the Fengyue tribe.

He had already learned that Luo Feng and Yang Jiaojiao were also there this time.

Lin Guodong and Tang Ling were guarding the Yanhuang Tribe.

After watching the big troops go away.

Jiang Bai turned and went downstairs to the next door to the bird's nest.

The golden eagle is still sleeping, but the aura on its body is getting stronger and stronger, and it is infinitely close to the second level.

"Golden Eagle, if you don't wake up, I will leave."

Jiang Bai caressed the golden eagle's head and said to himself.

The affairs of the Fengyue tribe cannot be delayed, at most he can wait one more day.

If the golden eagle doesn't wake up tomorrow, he will set off into the dark forest in the morning of the day after tomorrow.

I stood silently for a while.

Jiang Bai turned around and left the bird's nest, heading for the tribe's market.

He auctioned off four tribal orders one after another the day before yesterday, in exchange for nearly 60 billion evolution coins.

So in the past two days, I have been buying materials to make arc arrows, shock arrows, armor-piercing arrows, Ming Dy arrows, Mother-Child arrows, these five special arrows.

At the same time, they are constantly stockpiling wind feather arrows.

Jiang Bai intends to use the Wind Feather Arrow after Enhancement as a standing arrow.

As a consumable, if you use higher-grade arrows, no matter how rich you are, you can't stand it!

And five special arrows, such as arc arrows, can be used as killers.

Of course, Jiang Bai is also looking for alternatives to arrows.

And he already has some ideas.

Like Spirit Power!

Using Spirit Power to condense arrows, as long as the Spirit Power recovers fast enough, it is equivalent to having an unlimited amount of arrows that can be used.

Moreover, Spirit Power arrows are changeable, and their power will also increase as their strength increases.


the next day.

Jiang Bai, who had just finished his morning exercise, suddenly felt a burst of powerful aura.

With joy on his face, his figure moved, and he shot towards the bird's nest.

At the next moment, a high-pitched cry sounded, shaking the entire Yanhuang tribe.

When Jiang Bai came outside the bird's nest, he saw the golden eagle soaring into the sky and heading straight to Nine Heavens.

After a while, the golden eagle fell from the sky.

Then, something magical happened.

I saw the golden eagle's size shrinking rapidly.

Soon it became like a common sparrow, lightly falling into Jiang Bai's palm.

Jiang Bai was pleasantly surprised: "Jin Diao, can you control your body shape now?!"

"Coo coo." The golden eagle cried out twice, proudly raising its head.

"Okay, now you can go out with me!"

Jiang Bai was very happy, he finally had a companion on his solo journey.

Hearing this, the golden eagle flapped its wings and flew to Jiang Bai's shoulder, rubbing its head against him.

As if to say again: Don't worry, I will always be with you!

Jiang Bai smiled knowingly, and walked towards the villa with the golden eagle.

Since the golden eagle woke up early, he can also leave early.

After breakfast, clean up a little.

Jiang Bai took the golden eagle and left the Yanhuang tribe all the way to the dark forest.


Hurry all the way.

In just ten minutes, Jiang Bai crossed the Grand Canyon and stepped into the Mirkwood for the second time.

The trees in Mirkwood are taller than those in the pre-novice village.

Not to mention hundreds of meters, even hundreds of meters, thousands of meters of trees can be found everywhere.

These trees should not be called 'big trees', but 'giant trees'!

Giant trees stand tall in the forest, and their huge crowns are connected into one piece, almost blocking all the sunlight.

This also caused the light in the dense forest to be slightly dim, and the environment became extremely damp. Looking into the distance, you could even see mist.

On the ground in the forest, except for patches of moss, there are basically no other plants to be seen.

For this kind of environment, Jiang Bai, who has been here once, is naturally not surprised.

He tapped his toes lightly on the ground, and his whole body was like a feather flying in the wind, flying forward at an extremely fast speed, looking extremely chic.

This is a carefree and unfettered step derived from Enhancement, which is similar to Qinggong.

As long as there is a point of leverage, it can continue to fly in the air.

The most important thing is that Spirit Power consumes less!

And this is just a carefree step at the proficiency level.

If you reach the level of Great Completion, then you are truly walking through the air, and you don't even need a little help.


About ten minutes later.

Jiang Bai came to a bright open area.

This is the settlement of a tribe of goblins.

The surrounding giant trees have long been cut down, making this area open and bright.

However, the tribe has been destroyed, and now only ruins remain.

Jiang Bai glanced around, and saw many traces of beasts.

Although he came all the way and didn't encounter any beasts, it didn't mean that there were no beasts in the forest.

On the contrary, there are many beasts in the dense forest, and they are powerful.

When Jiang Bai came here for the first time, he already experienced it.

He hasn't met him now, probably because Heaven Designated often visits during this period of time.

Without staying too long, he continued to rush deep into the dense forest.

The deeper you go, the taller and older the trees in the dense forest become.

This also greatly reduced the density of trees in the forest, causing the forest to gradually become brighter.

With light, the environment in the dense forest is also improved, and various plants are also enriched.

Go ahead and go deeper.

Undulating mountains appeared in Jiang Bai's sight.

These mountains are like dormant earth dragons, there are a lot of them, but they are not big.

And the height is only about a thousand meters, not as good as some tall giant trees.

To be honest, this kind of scene where the tree is taller than the mountain is very strange.

Suddenly, Jiang Bai's body suddenly stopped, and his whole body instantly switched from moving to static.

at the same time.

A javelin as thick as an adult's arm pierced through the air from the front and pierced into the ground in front of Jiang Bai.

It is clear.

If Jiang Bai hadn't stopped in time just now, the javelin would have pierced right through his body!

It's so malicious!

Jiang Bai's face was calm, and he raised his head and looked forward.

I saw a few tall creatures with bull heads, wearing animal leather armor, carrying javelins, and holding big axes, coming aggressively.


Jiang Bai recognized it immediately.

He had learned a lot of information about the dark forest from Cao Wuna.

For example, one of the three foreign tribes that raided the Fengyue tribe was the Tauren tribe!

It is said that the tauren of the tauren tribe are all born warriors, and even children possess brute force.

"Humans are not allowed to pass here, get out!"

The tauren at the front stood three meters away from Jiang Bai and spoke.

Hearing this, Jiang Bai chuckled and said, "Why, you found out that I'm not weak, so you dare not make a move?"

Judging from the javelin just now, these tauren didn't intend to let him go.

Having been punctured, the tauren had a look of embarrassment on his face.

He waved the big ax in his hand, and said angrily, "Go away or die, you choose!"

"I choose the third one - kill you!"

After Jiang Bai finished speaking with a smile, his figure flickered and he came to the tauren.

At some point in his hand, he had already grasped the Qinghong Saber.

With a flash of the knife, the tauren's throat was cut open.

Before the tauren fell to the ground, Jiang Bai rushed towards the other tauren with great speed.

As the sword flashed, several other tauren were also beheaded.

"This Tauren Warrior team should be used to prevent other human tribes from supporting the Fengyue tribe."

"It seems that the situation of the Fengyue tribe is not optimistic!"

"I don't know if Cao Wu and the others have arrived..."

Jiang Bai gradually moved away, and the voice of talking to himself quickly became inaudible.

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