All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 65: The Decisive Battle (Part 2)

Seeing that the Warriors of the Trolls suffered heavy losses, the strongest of the Trolls couldn't help it.

He lifted a mace polished from a huge animal bone, and rushed into the battlefield first.

Seeing this, Jiang Bai curled his lips in disdain.

He understood it.

These alien races really don't know how to fight!

Especially the trolls!

It is suitable for attacking cities and territories, but it only grows in stature and strength, but it does not grow brains!

Since the close attack is not good, don't you know how to use the long attack?

So many big boulders on the ground, and boulders thrown down by Heaven Designated.

Can't all of this be used for throwing?

It's not like you have to rush to the front to destroy the defensive wall...


Are the trolls the enemy?

That's fine.

Therefore, Jiang Bai accelerated the shooting speed.

By the time the strongest of the troll tribe entered the optimal range, Jiang Bai had already shot and killed all the troll tribe warriors with the strength of the second level or below.

Even the low-level third-tier troll warriors were shot and killed several times by Jiang Bai in a sneak attack.

"Little bug of the human race, you die for me!"

The strongest of the troll clan was furious.

With a roar, he threw out the mace in his hand, and smashed it at Jiang Bai with a sharp whistling sound.

Regarding this, Jiang Bai didn't even look at it, and seized the opportunity to shoot and kill a third-tier troll warrior again.

At this moment, a figure soared into the sky and sent the mace flying with a single slap.


The mace smashed directly into the alien army, killing a group of alien warriors.

After seeing that figure, the strongest of the troll race said in human language with a shocked face:

"Wind and sky?"

"Are you really not dead?!"

Feng Tianxing landed beside Jiang Bai, looked down at the strongest troll clan below, and sneered, "You are not dead yet, how could I die?"

"So what if you don't die? It's a big deal to kill again!"

It was the strongest man of the Tauren who answered, and he also spoke the language of the human race.

There is no way, the aborigines don't have an evolution panel, and if they want to communicate, they can only learn other languages.

At this time, the alien army had stopped attacking.

The other two strongest members of the three major alien tribes, as well as all their third-tier combat power, have come to the forefront of the battlefield.

Seeing this, Feng Xingyu immediately pulled Cao Wu to the back.

Feng Xingyu knew that the next step was the real tough battle!

As the top combat force of the Fengyue tribe, he will naturally participate in the next battle.

So the follow-up command will be handed over to Cao Wu.

While the human race was rapidly adjusting its deployment, the alien army was also making adjustments.

The next battle will be based on the third-tier battle strength of both sides, supplemented by other battle strengths of other ranks.

Seeing this, Jiang Bai also planned to retreat to the rear.

But as soon as he turned around, the strongest of the trolls shouted in the language of the human race:

"Hey, that little human bug with a bow!"

"Aren't you amazing?"

"If you have the guts, try to kill me!"

Hearing this, Jiang Bai turned around and raised two middle fingers to express his 'respect' to the strongest of the troll clan, before jumping off the wall.

He is not a fool, how could he fall for such a simple aggressive method?

"Jujiu (the name of the strongest troll clan), I think you are going back as you live!"

"As a senior master of level 3 and level 10, you can actually pull down your face and invite a young man of level 2 and level 1 to fight. How shameless you are?"

Feng Tianxing laughed unceremoniously, and his voice was loud.

No, even the strongest of the Tauren Clan and the strongest of the Goblin Yi Clan heard this and subconsciously took a few steps away from the giant mortar.

What a shame!

Jujiu suddenly became angry from embarrassment, and immediately rushed to the third defensive wall.

Seeing this, Feng Tianxing jumped off the wall and stood in front of the giant mortar.

Within a few strokes, Feng Tianxing hit the huge mortar and kept retreating.

Seeing this, the strongest member of the Tauren race rushed forward and joined hands with Jujiu to fight against Feng Tianxing.

The strongest member of the Gob Lin Yi clan immediately waved his hand: "Come on!"

Immediately, the Tier 3 combat power of the three major alien tribes rushed towards the defensive wall.

The third-tier combat power of the Fengyue tribe also jumped off the defensive wall, blocking in front of the third-tier combat power of the three major alien tribes.

Without any nonsense, the two sides directly fought together.

Seeing this scene, the strongest member of the Gob Lin Yi clan laughed.

The situation was as he expected!

Victory will eventually belong to the three major alien tribes!

With this in mind, the strongest Goblin Yi clan is about to make a move.

Suddenly, a singing voice full of spirit came.

Immediately afterwards, the strongest of the Gobu Lin Yi clan saw that the strength of all the third-tier masters of the Fengyue tribe began to skyrocket.

Even a master of level 3 and level 1 can be upgraded to level 3 and level 5.

The most frightening thing is that there are more than a dozen breaths that are infinitely close to the fourth level!

The strongest of the Gob Lin Yi clan was stunned.

The strongest and Jujiao of the Tauren tribe were also stunned.

The third-tier masters of the three major alien tribes were also stunned.

But the masters of the Fengyue tribe were not shocked!

Taking advantage of the skyrocketing strength, they immediately began to attack frantically.

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen third-order members of the three major alien tribes were beheaded.

Jujiu and the strongest of the Tauren tribe were also beaten by Feng Tianxing until he vomited blood.

Of course, the strongest of the Gob Lin Yi clan was not left out.

Feng Xingyu personally led two masters whose aura was infinitely close to the fourth level, and joined forces to besiege the strongest of the Gob Lin Yi clan.

The war broke out again.

But this time, the tide of battle has completely turned!

"It's about the singing!"

The strongest member of the Gob Lin Yi clan reacted quickly.

While resisting the crazy attacks of the three masters, he quickly searched for the source of the singing.

Soon, he saw Jiang Bai standing on the top of the mountain, singing loudly.

Was it the human boy who shot and killed a large number of troll warriors with a bow and arrow? !

The strongest Gob Lin Yi clan recognized Jiang Bai at a glance.

He was frightened and angry, and ordered loudly at the same time.

Make Archer, the Javeliner, kill Jiang Bai who is singing on the top of the mountain at all costs.

At the same time, let the other Warriors be responsible for assisting all the third-tier masters to deal with the third-tier masters of the Fengyue tribe whose strength has skyrocketed.

The order was passed down quickly, and the alien army moved quickly.

At the same time, the Fengyue tribe also responded immediately.

The hanging door of the third defensive wall crashed to the ground, and dense crowds of human warriors swarmed out of the city gate and rushed into the battlefield.

And the strength of these human warriors has also been improved!

All the second-tier masters are all promoted to the point where they are infinitely close to the third-tier!

All the masters of the first level will be promoted to the point where they are infinitely close to the second level!

Seeing this, the strongest member of the Goblin Yi clan felt cold in his heart.

The enemies are all fired up, how can we fight?

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