All People Evolution: Start Double Sss Talent

Chapter 67: The Snake King In The Lake

Three hours later.

Jiang Bai rode the golden eagle back to the Grand Canyon on the 6th novice village boundary.

On the way back, he had contacted Cao Wu and learned that everything was normal.

So he didn't rush back to the Yanhuang tribe, but let the golden eagle fly to the center of the Grand Canyon.

Soon, the golden eagle came over the lake in the center.

Standing on the golden eagle's back, Jiang Bai stretched out his hand and took out the soul-killing bow from Qi Sea's space.

He didn't use the arrow, and directly pulled the bowstring with his right hand.

Then I saw an energy arrow quickly take shape on the bowstring from virtual to real.

But Jiang Bai didn't let go of the bowstring, but let the energy arrow continue to absorb Spiritual Qi.

Ten seconds later.

The energy arrow is completely solidified, the size of an adult's thumb.

Jiang Bai aimed at the lake and let go of the bowstring.

In an instant, the energy arrow shot into the lake.

Waited for a while, nothing happened.

Jiang Bai didn't care, and continued to shoot energy arrows into the lake, and kept changing positions.

About half an hour later.

Jiang Bai saw a black shadow rising rapidly from the bottom of the lake.


The water of the lake soared into the sky, and a huge and ferocious Black snake head emerged from the lake.

[Snake King (Silver BOSS)

Category: Demonic Beast

Strength: Tier 2 Tier 2

Bloodline: Dragon Bloodline (30%)

Talent: call the wind and rain, stir up the wind and waves. 】

Two talents?

Jiang Bai looked surprised, should he be said to be the Snake King who owns the Jiaolong Bloodline?


"Demonized ferocious beast?"

Looking at the description in the category column, Jiang Bai thought about it.

He could sense that there was an aura about the Snake King that he instinctively hated.

This breath gives people an evil feeling, which makes people very uncomfortable.

And this also reminded Jiang Bai of the mysterious power that caused the beast disaster.

In that case, his original inference was correct——

Both the snake king and the snake group are related to animal disasters!

Thinking of this, killing intent appeared in Jiang Bai's eyes.

At the beginning of the beast disaster, the Snake King already had the strength of level 2 and level 2.

If it is allowed to grow, it may pose a great threat to the Yanhuang tribe!

It has to be fixed!

"Golden Eagle, fly to the shore!"

After Jiang Bai informed the golden eagle, he raised his hand and shot a shocking arrow at the python king.


The shock arrow exploded in front of the King Snake's eyes, and the strong shock force impacted on the King Snake's eyes, causing it to let out a painful roar.

After one arrow.

Jiang Bai no longer shoots arrows, but releases his own breath.

Before he slaughtered the snake group, the snake king had sensed his breath.

He believes that the Snake King must still remember!

No, as soon as he released his breath, he sensed the killing intent emanating from the Snake King, and it instantly became extremely intense.

There was even an angry roar similar to a dragon's chant.

When Jiang Bai heard the sound, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly.

After the golden eagle flew to the shore, he immediately returned to the ground.

"Golden Eagle, fly into the air, I won't tell you, don't come down!"

After Jiang Bai finished speaking, he looked back at the Snake King and found that it was chasing after it with a murderous look.

So he turned around and ran away.

Until it is a thousand meters away from the shore.

Only then did Jiang Bai stop, waiting for the Snake King to arrive.

When the Snake King got within a hundred meters, he immediately started attacking.

Instead of using the rain of arrows, they used Ming Dy arrows and armor-piercing arrows.

Ming Dy arrows capture the mind, and armor-piercing arrows break through defenses.

However, Jiang Bai underestimated the Snake King.

To be exact, it was the Talent who underestimated the Snake King!

I saw a gust of wind rising from the ground, surrounding the Snake King's body, blowing all the arrows away.

This is the Talent that the Snake King calls the wind and the rain!

"Well, the bow and arrow seem to be useless!"

Jiang Bai sighed softly, retracted the Soul Slayer Bow to the Qi Sea space for nourishment, and then took out the Snow Song Knife.

If you can't attack from a distance, then fight in close combat!

With the blessing of the floating light step, Jiang Bai rushed to the Snake King in the blink of an eye.

Raising his hand, the Thousand Killing Saber Technique was unleashed.


Why not take carefree steps and thousands of piles of snow?

Because these two skills are only proficient level, just using one of them is not very smooth.

Not to mention the combination of the two techniques!

But in a fight, this kind of unsmoothness will be fatal!

On the contrary, Jiang Bai has long mastered the form and spirit of Qiansha Daoshu and Floating Shadow Step.

These two techniques can be used together, and you can do whatever you want.

However, the Snake King is not a vegetarian either.

After it called the strong wind, it also called the dark clouds.

But in a moment, the torrential rain poured down.

At this time, the Talent that made waves began to show its power.

The wind turned into a squall, and the rain turned into a big wave, sweeping towards Jiang Bai from all directions.


Jiang Bai gave a heartfelt admiration.

Looking at this scene alone, it is bigger than the aboriginal masters of level 3 and level 10!

Unfortunately, they are all paper tigers!

Jiang Bai injected Spirit Power into the Snow Song Knife, and waved it casually.

A huge saber slashed out, and all the waves that swept in were cut off at the waist.

"Any other means, let's use them together!"

Jiang Bai shouted to the Snake King, he believed that the Snake King could understand.

He was also interested.

In the previous decisive battle of the Fengyue tribe, he was in charge of using the war song Talent to improve everyone's strength, but he failed to participate in the battle.

It made him very sorry.

Now it's time to make up for it!

The Snake King responded with a roar, his killing intent became even more frightening, and his aura became extremely violent.

Accompanied by strong winds and big waves, it rushed towards Jiang Bai extremely swiftly.

Jiang Bai was not afraid at all, and went forward with a knife.


the other side.

The central area of ​​the Grand Canyon is full of strong winds and heavy rain.

Such movement naturally attracted the attention of Heaven Designated.

When they saw the golden eagle hovering in the air, they immediately realized something and hurriedly informed Cao Wu.

After Cao Wu got the news, he immediately organized his manpower and rushed to the central area.

When they arrived, they saw Jiang Bai fighting a huge snake alone in the storm.

That scene shocked everyone.

Compared to the giant snake that can control the wind and rain, Jiang Bai is really too small.

But he was holding a knife in the wind and rain, cutting the giant snake's scales flying and blood flowing into rivers.

Luo Feng sighed: "Jiang Ye is Jiang Ye, with the same strength as Tier 2 and Tier 1, but the combat power that Jiang Ye has displayed far exceeds me!"

"Who gave you the guts to compete with Master Jiang?"

Tang Ling was not polite, and looked at Luo Feng with disdain.

Yang Jiaojiao on the side nodded repeatedly, expressing her approval.

Luo Feng's face darkened, he was stupefied and speechless.

Seeing this, Cao Wu and Lin Guodong decisively swallowed the words that came to their lips.

Other Heaven Designated are talking about it.

"I didn't expect that besides his superb archery skills, Master Jiang also has such superb sword skills?"

"Normal, as the saying goes: A long-range that can't melee is not a good long-range!"

"I also practice swords, why can't I be like Jiang Ye, who can't cut without a sword?"

"As soon as I heard what you said, I knew that I didn't listen to Master Jiang well!"

"That's right! Master Jiang said long ago that techniques are divided into form and spirit. Look at this sword technique performed by Master Jiang. The moves are like the horns of antelopes. There is no trace to be found. Every move and style can be done at will. This is obviously a I have mastered this saber technique to the level of unity of body and spirit, so I can easily cut out the light of the saber!"

"So that's the case! Thank you two big brothers for your guidance!"

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