【Innate guidance technique

Category: Cultivation Technique

Grade: special

Level: You need to enter the first level before you can practice

Remarks: This Cultivation Technique is mysterious, and the specific effect needs to be realized by oneself, and this Cultivation Technique cannot be improved with potential points, and can only be practiced hard by oneself. 】

Looking at the note at the bottom, Jiang Bai almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

The reason why Heaven Designated is called Heaven Designated is because it can rely on the evolution panel to cheat!

But now, the plug-in is useless!

"Am I supposed to be cheated?!"

The more Jiang Bai thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

His luck in past and present lives has always been mediocre.

How could two such precious things be opened in one go today?

But it's not right!

The mysterious treasure chest comes from Heavenly Dao, so it can’t be Heavenly Dao who is behind the scenes, right?

Jiang Bai doesn't think that he is qualified to be noticed by the aloof Heavenly Dao.

At least not now!

"Forget it, I've already learned it all!"

"Then let's see!"

Jiang Bai suppressed the random thoughts in his heart, and sorted out the practice method of Innate Daoyin in his mind.

After sorting out, he discovered that Innate Guiding Technique is a Cultivation Technique dedicated to tempering the flesh body.

And this Cultivation Technique is divided into skin refining chapter, tendon refining chapter, meat refining chapter, bone refining chapter, blood refining chapter, marrow refining chapter, viscera refining chapter, orifice refining chapter, body refining chapter, a total of nine chapters.

Each chapter has a corresponding set of cultivation methods.

According to it, as long as all the nine chapters are practiced, the acquired body can be reversed into the Innate body.

Whether it's serious or not, Jiang Bai, a novice in cultivation, naturally couldn't tell.

But he had a feeling of ignorance.


Put Innate channeling aside for now.

Jiang Bai opens the personal information page.

【Jiang Bai】

[Race: Human Race]

【Luck: 1000】

[Strength: Level 7 (Evolution Point: 15/700.)]

[Attributes: Strength: 169; Agility: 169; Constitution: 169; Spirit: 169. 】

[Talent: Unlimited Enhancement (SSS level), Balanced Growth (SSS level), Swiftness (E level)]

[Cultivation Technique: Innate Daoyin Technique (temporarily unable to practice), Guiyuan Stake (Basic Level, Initiation), Flying Bird Stake (Basic Level, Great Completion), Wild Bear Stake (Basic Level, Returned to Origin). 】

[Techniques: Basic Movement Technique (Basic level, not Initiation), Basic sword technique (Basic level, Xiaocheng), Basic archery (Basic level, Returned to Origin)]

[Evolution Token: 70029]

[attribute points: 0]

[Potential points: 22]

Jiang Bai first spent 20 potential points to upgrade both the return to origin pile and the bird pile to Returned to Origin.

Perhaps his four-dimensional attribute is too high.

After these two skills were upgraded to Returned to Origin, it only increased his four-dimensional attributes to 170 points.

Then, Jiang Bai spent 1 potential point to upgrade the basic Movement Technique to Initiation.

【Basic Movement Technique

Category: Techniques

Grade: Basic

Level: Initiation (0/2)

Effect: Response +5%, Sensitivity +5%. 】

Movement Technique is exactly the technique that Jiang Bai lacks.

Not only that, he felt that he still lacked a defensive technique.

It's a pity that among the basic skills, there is no defense type for sale.

Next, Jiang Bai turned his gaze back to the column of Cultivation Technique.

All the three pillars have been Returned to Origin, and cannot continue to improve the four-dimensional attribute.

They can now be evolved.

The first thing Jiang Bai evolved was the Brutal Bear Pile.

[Record: Your Cultivation Technique—Brutal Bear Pile (Basic) has been upgraded to——Brutal Bear Skill (Black Iron Low Grade). 】

At the same time, all the detailed cultivation methods of the Barbarian Kung Fu flooded into Jiang Bai's mind.

After receiving the information.

Jiang Bai subconsciously compared the Man Xiong Gong with the Innate Daoyin Technique.


The Barbaric Bear Technique was completely exploded!

No, it should be said that the Barbarian Art and the Innate Daoyin Technique are not in the same dimension at all!

The Wild Bear Technique is also a way to temper the body.

But compared to the Innate Daoyin Technique, the Barbarian Art is extremely rough!

If the Innate Daoyin technique is compared to the world's top sculptor, a peerless work carved with painstaking efforts.

That Man Xiong Gong is just a guy who just came into contact with carving, and he made a few random carvings!

"From this point of view, there is no need to evolve the other two pile skills!"

Jiang Bai is not stupid, with such a profound method as Innate Daoyin in hand, it is naturally impossible not to practice.

"Forget it, let's do this for now!"

Shaking his head, Jiang Bai glanced at the attributes, and found that the four-dimensional attributes have not been reduced due to the evolution of the barbarian pile.

He felt relieved, closed the personal information page, and took out the half tree pig left at noon from his backpack.

While eating, enter the chat room.

Not surprisingly, the speeches in the chat room were either asking for help, flattering each other, or complaining and venting.

After watching for a while, Jiang Bai withdrew.


After filling his stomach, Jiang Bai began to Enhance the newly replenished ironwood arrows.

After his physical strength was exhausted, he rested directly.


Today is the last day of the novice protection period and the third day of Heaven Designated.

Jiang Bai left the village when the sky was dark and headed all the way to the Grand Canyon.

His goal today is level 10!

According to the urine nature of online games, after level 10, you will be out of the ranks of novices.

Jiang Bai is looking forward to what changes will happen after his strength reaches level 10!

Hurry all the way.

Half an hour later, Jiang Bai passed through the narrow and long mountain road and entered the Grand Canyon.

At this time, the rising sun is born, and all things are revived.

Jiang Bai did not rush to the depths of the grassland, but faced the rising sun and began to practice the skin refining chapter of Innate Daoyin.

The practice of Innate Daoyin has different time requirements in different stages of the same rank——

Before Initiation, one must practice at the dawn of Chaoyang!

Because this time period is the time when the vitality in the world is the most vigorous, and there will be fleeting Innate purple energy emerging.

The Innate Daoyin Technique is to capture the wisp of Innate Purple Qi, as well as the vitality of the world, so as to nourish the physical body.

According to the training method in the chapter on refining skin, Jiang Bai practiced three times in a row before accepting the practice.

At the same time, he seemed to hear roars coming from his body, which seemed to resonate with heaven and earth.

He closed his eyes and stood there, silently comprehending the changes in his body.

Qi and blood are rushing everywhere in the body, constantly nourishing all parts of the body.

After a long time, the mysterious roar subsided.

Jiang Bai opened his eyes and subconsciously opened his mouth to exhale.

A gray air flow flew out of his mouth and dissipated in the air.

This is the exhaust gas accumulated in the body!

After exhaling the exhaust gas, Jiang Bai suddenly felt refreshed, and his whole body became happy.

"No wonder so many people in ancient times pursued the way of cultivation!"

"Should I say it or not, it's really cool to practice!"

Jiang Bai is just practicing for the first time, so he is a little obsessed with this feeling.

After a while, he took out his iron and wooden bow and ran to the depths of the grassland.

The hunt begins!

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