Under Ye Chen's deliberate arrangement, the elite Flame Wolf army made way for them.


Gulag rushed to him smoothly.

""You lowly human mage, go to hell!"

With unparalleled killing intent,

Gulag spun the two-meter-long blood-red battle blade in his hand.

He used all his strength to slash Ye Chen in the waist.

Skill: Whirlwind Chop!

This attack was so powerful that even a five-meter-thick piece of fine steel would be split in two in an instant. If an ordinary mage apprentice was hit by this, ten lives would not be enough to die.

But Ye Chen seemed to be frightened and stood there in a daze.

He had no intention of resisting or dodging.

Just when Gulag thought he could succeed in one strike and turn the tide and reverse the situation, the final result surprised him and he stood there in a daze.


Withstanding this attack,

Ye Chen's entire body was intact.

The health bar on his head did not move at all.

It was as if the attack just now was just a breeze blowing across his face.

"This... is impossible!!"

Gulag rubbed his eyes, repeatedly checking whether he was hallucinating.

You know, the whirlwind attack just now was definitely the best attack in his warrior career.

But the result was so bad?

Not only did he fail to kill a fragile mage in seconds, but he didn't even hurt the opponent's fur?

This was really unacceptable to him.

"Nothing is impossible"

"Who says that a mage must be weak?"

Ye Chen showed a sneer on his face.

Then, taking advantage of Gulag's distraction , he mobilized his magic power and launched the strongest single-target attack magic he currently possessed, the Explosive Fireball.

In the blink of an eye, a dark red fireball with a diameter of more than one meter and explosive energy inside condensed into shape.

Then, at lightning speed, it hit Gulag's face fiercely.


The fireball exploded!

The extremely hot explosion roared out.

Instantly, Gulag's skin was torn and blood was blurred.

The powerful impact even blew him and his mount several meters away.


Suffering from such a horrible attack,

Gulag could not help but roar in pain.

However, the intense pain also completely aroused his ferocity.

""Human, I want you dead!"

With a roar,

Gulag activated the blood rage skill.

At the cost of overdrawing the future, he awakened the rage blood flowing in his body, doubling his strength and physical attributes.

Then, he charged at Ye Chen again.

He didn't believe that this human mage really had such a strong defense.

This was definitely the result of some kind of spell.

And the effect of the spell must have a limit.

Therefore, he firmly believed that as long as he chopped a few more times, he would be able to expose the true form of this damn human mage.

However, the truth was extremely cruel.

Even if Gulag used all his strength and brought all the combat skills he had learned to the extreme, it was difficult to shake Ye Chen's extremely outrageous immune defense.

On the contrary, he himself was seriously injured under the bombardment of Ye Chen's explosive fireballs.

Even escaping became a luxury.

In the end, he could only die with infinite reluctance and died on the spot.

The nearly three-meter-tall huge body fell heavily to the ground, raising a cloud of dust.

Orc General Gulag, dead!

"General Gulag is dead!"

"This human mage is too powerful. There is no way we can defeat him."

"Everyone run away!"


Seeing that their generals were killed by Ye Chen, the orc warriors, who were already demoralized, collapsed instantly.

They fled in all directions, trying to save their lives.

But Ye Chen obviously couldn't watch the experience packs he got and run away.

He immediately launched the Frost Nova magic to cover the entire field.

At this time, the orc general Gulag was dead.

The War Roar skill he released also became invalid.

These orcs naturally couldn't ignore the low temperature brought by the Frost Nova magic.

In a blink of an eye, these orcs who tried to escape became slow-moving popsicles.

Then they were harvested and slaughtered by the elite Flame Wolf army that followed.

Five minutes later, all the orc warriors died.

Ye Chen, who won the war, took stock of his gains at the first time.

The first was the experience points.

At this time, his experience points had reached 359,425 points.

Excluding the 35,147 experience points left from the previous upgrade of meditation.

In other words, the experience points he gained in this wave of war were as high as 324,278 points.

In addition.

This orc army also dropped a lot of equipment and skill books for him.

A rough count.

Equipment: 32 pieces of black iron quality, 3 pieces of bronze quality, and even one piece of silver-level equipment.

Skill books: 15 pieces of ordinary quality, and one piece of rare quality.

The silver equipment and rare quality skill books were dropped by the orc general.

""A wave of fat, so happy!"

Such a huge harvest made Ye Chen extremely happy.

The only drawback was that most of those equipment and skills were physical.

And the properties and effects were average.

They were not very useful to him.

The only use was to sell them in exchange for law coins after returning to the main world to enrich his small treasury.


"With so many things, my storage space seems to be insufficient!"

Looking at the pile of spoils in front of him, Ye Chen touched his head, feeling a little distressed.

Each professional has ten storage spaces.

Each storage space has only one cubic meter.

The skill book is small in size.

That's not a problem.

But with dozens of equipment, it definitely can't fit.

There's no way.

Ye Chen can only make a choice.

Filter out some black iron equipment with garbage attributes and low value and discard them.

To save storage space.

After putting away all the spoils.

Ye Chen turned his attention back to the experience value.

Open the panel and click upgrade.

Experience value -90,000!

Level +1

Experience value -110,000!

Level +1

Experience value -130,000!

Level +1


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