It must be said that the rewards for the exclusive world quests are generous.

The experience points alone are worth millions.

In addition, they also give skill quality sublimation scrolls, level-free dark gold equipment · Healing Heart, and an outstanding title · Orc Slayer.

It is no exaggeration to say that the value of these rewards combined is almost equivalent to the reward output of five ordinary world quests.

"It's time to go back to sleep!"

Put all the rewards away.

Ye Chen yawned and rode Androny to leave Giant Lion City and return to Black Mountain Town.

After running and fighting for 29 hours, he felt that his body was about to be hollowed out.

If he didn't take a break, he really couldn't stand it.

When Ye Chen returned to Black Mountain Town, it was already dawn.

At this time,

Black Mountain Town was very lively.

Mayor Dane was organizing people to clean up the battlefield and dig holes to bury the bodies.

To prevent a large number of bodies from rotting and causing terrible plagues.

Under the gaze of everyone,

Ye Chen rode the red dragon Androny and landed on the open space outside Black Mountain Town.

"Lord Ye Chen! Thank you for your help!"


"Our Black Mountain Town is completely finished!"

Mayor Dane immediately came over and said with gratitude on his face.

He looked at Ye Chen with infinite admiration.

As if he was looking at a god.

There was no other way.

The strength that Ye Chen had shown before was too powerful.

He destroyed the orc chieftain and a group of high-ranking officials of the Giant Lion Clan alone.

Riding a giant dragon.

He was invincible on the battlefield, just like chopping melons and vegetables.

He killed more than 7,000 elite orcs.

He was just like the god of death.

In the face of the mayor's countless thanks.

Ye Chen waved his hand indifferently and said:"It's a small matter, you're welcome."

"Mayor, I want to take a break now."

"I wonder where the hotel room you prepared for me is?"

"It's near my house! I'll take you there right away."

Hearing this,

Dane immediately led the way in front very attentively.

The two walked into Black Mountain Town one after the other.

Seeing Ye Chen's figure, the townspeople immediately surrounded him and expressed their gratitude enthusiastically.

Their faces were full of admiration.

There were even some beautiful girls with pretty faces who boldly invited Ye Chen to visit their homes.

As long as Ye Chen nodded, they could spend an extremely wonderful night.

Obviously, Ye Chen's behavior of turning the tide and saving Black Mountain Town has made him a hero in the hearts of all the townspeople.

Faced with the girls' enthusiasm, Ye Chen didn't want to easily explain his innocence here.

He immediately found an excuse to get rid of them.

Then, he walked into the hotel room arranged by Mayor Dane and fell asleep


The next day.

At noon,

Ye Chen woke up from his sleep.

While eating the breakfast provided by the hotel, he checked his gains.

First, the rewards for the exclusive world mission.

The one million experience points are needless to say.

The other three rewards are the focus.

【Skill Quality Upgrade Scroll (Special Item)】

【Quality: Epic

【Effect: After use, the quality of the specified skill can be improved by one level, the maximum limit: epic


【Healing Heart (Necklace)】

【Quality: Dark Gold

【Equipment Level]: None

【[Attributes]: All attributes +50, health recovery +100, health limit +10000


Constant Healing (This skill is automatically activated every ten minutes to restore 1,000 health points to the wearer.)

Healing Fountain (Summons the life fountain to nourish itself, restoring 500 health points per second, lasts for one minute, and can be released at most once per hour.)

Rapid Regeneration (Can regenerate limbs, remove disabled and seriously injured states, and restore to peak state, can be activated once every ten days)

【[Equipment Description]: Mobile fountain, infinite healing!


【Orc Slayer (Excellent Title)】

【Effect: After wearing it, your physique will be permanently increased by 50, and your damage to orcs will be increased by 20%. At the same time, you will be hated by the orcs, and your reputation will be constant: hatred


The skill quality sublimation scroll can sublimate any excellent skill into an epic skill.

Its value is unquestionable.

Use it to sublimate the excellent passive skill with permanent attribute addition.

You can directly get an epic passive skill whose value is almost comparable to that of ordinary legendary skills.

Not to mention the levelless dark gold equipment.

The fact that there is no equipment requirement alone is enough to make its value comparable to that of top-quality epic equipment.

After all, this means that even professionals who have just completed the awakening of their talents can wear it.

And a high-level equipment that can be equipped at will.

It will undoubtedly allow any professional to have the attributes and skills to easily crush other professionals and monsters of the same level at the beginning.

Win at the starting line.

Such a powerful plug-in artifact is naturally very popular among professionals.

Especially those professional families.

They use it as a heritage equipment passed down from generation to generation for the core children of the family to use, accelerating their strength growth.

Not to mention.

This levelless dark gold necklace is also a very rare healing equipment.

Not only can it continuously restore health points, but it also comes with advanced healing spells such as regeneration of broken limbs.

It is the best life insurance for exploring different worlds and fighting adventures.

If it is put up for auction on the magic network, it will be sold for tens of millions of rule gold coins, which is too easy.

Of course, such a good thing.

Ye Chen must keep it for himself.

Only a fool would sell it.

It is easy to sell it, but it is difficult to buy it back.

As for the title of Orc Slayer, it permanently increases the physical attribute by 50 points and increases the output damage to orcs by 20%.

It is equivalent to a special equipment that does not occupy an equipment slot.

Although there is a side effect of being hated by the orcs, it is obviously not a big problem considering his strength.

"They are all good stuff!"

Ye Chen nodded with satisfaction.

He decisively put on the Healing Heart and the Orc Slayer title.

Then he opened the skill quality sublimation scroll and selected the passive skill of Mental Strengthening to sublimate it.

As a strange colorful light enveloped him, the Mental Strengthening skill disappeared from Ye Chen's skill panel.

Instead, it was replaced by an epic passive skill called Soul Light.

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