As the black curtain dissipated, the messy scene outside was revealed. The large area of ​​land nearby was as jagged as broken biscuits scattered on the ground.

It must have been caused by the force released by the black screen transfer attack. By the way, even the collapsed building in front was shaken away.

The ruins of the fallen floating city should have been nearby, but now they have been cleared. At least they cannot be seen within the gray fog.

Several other armored vehicles have also disappeared, and the nearby ruins have been razed to the ground!

Such fluctuations will occur when the stronger the strength, the more suppressed it will be by the power of the world, which shows the combat power of both parties participating in the war.

This is an existence that can destroy cities in the aftermath of a battle even in this world where the world suppresses it!

This may also be the reason why the major families in the Floating City will not directly quarrel with each other in the Floating City, which is equivalent to each having its own nuclear deterrent.

No matter how strong a family is, the gathering of will power must be accumulated slowly by countless ordinary pioneers and aboriginal people of the world fragments. If there are serious casualties, the mature system that was originally operating may collapse immediately. This loss It's more than they can bear.

Sun Guangyao, who had removed the shady curtain, turned into a black shadow again and condensed in place.

Tao Yu felt that the other party must have some special bloodline.

"Huh? I didn't realize it before. You use the power of shadow well. You have a good sense."

As soon as Sun Guangyao came back, he glanced at Tao Yu and seemed to feel the residual shadow aura on his body after the demonization and transfer.

"How's the situation?"

Sun Guanghui asked his third brother.

"The second brother is the third oldest member of the Guandi family. He has some tricks up his sleeve when it comes to running away."

Sun Guangyao spat.

"Old Mu? Haha, he has been expelled from the family for decades. He is colluding with the followers of the evil god and is a shady thing."

Sun Guanghui seemed to know who Sun Guangyao was talking about.

Although Tao Yu only heard some of it casually, he could guess a rough idea. Maybe this old guy had colluded with the followers of the evil god before and was expelled from the Guandi family.

It's just that 80% of them are still working for the Guandi family.

After Pavas took the teleportation device over, although Tao Yu didn't know what had changed in the floating city, the conflict between the Sun family and the Guandi family was almost made clear, and Pavas was also included in this. The Engel family of Wass.

The Sun family's strength must be completely dominant, and they may have already dealt a blow to them.

But the same opponent will also use their own methods, and the Sun family has to consider other forces secretly.

Similar to bringing in non-direct allies like the Pavas family, it is actually a means for the Sun family to win over other families.

Only by dividing interests into groups and forming a bundle of interests can we more easily deal with various problems and risks.

It's just that some families are greedy and are not satisfied with the status quo.

In fact, sometimes the confrontation between these forces is so plain and simple.

"Let's do this for now. Go back and pull off some of their black gloves. Since we have said that it has nothing to do with their family, don't blame us for breaking the tacit understanding."


The gray mist giant summoned by the other party never appeared, and I don't know if it did but was solved by Sun Guangyao.

And now there is only this deformed armored vehicle left that was dented by Tao Yu's collision, but fortunately the overall structure is still there and it can still be driven.

The deformed armor was carefully pulled back by the little rich woman using telekinesis, but obvious marks on it could still be seen.

In the car, Sun Shiqing clicked her tongue and said into Tao Yu's ear.

"It's incredible. I said before that you would catch up with me soon, but you have already surpassed me. It's a bit exaggerated."

Tao Yu felt a little embarrassed when she heard this. What this kid said was too exaggerated.

Just talking about some special attacks, Tao Yu actually thought that he was very superior, and his single-point damage exceeded them.

But if you want to face Sun Shiyu and Sun Shiqing, you still have to lose more. The all-round coverage of telekinesis can restrain yourself to a certain extent, but the ultimate output of the opponent is inferior to yourself.

To cause large-scale destruction of the little rich woman, you can directly rely on her weapons to shoot, but when facing the evil god believers like before, you need to fuse and kill them.

If Sun Shiqing could control it for a longer time, they might be able to solve this problem together, but in actual combat, the slightest difference can make a huge difference.

"It's similar to Shattered Void's application, and it's more powerful against points."

The little rich woman has already practiced Cihang Sword Code. Although Sun Shiqing is lazy, she is relatively familiar with the internal strength and is now transforming towards Cihang Sword Code.

It’s just that without the help of Tao Yu’s immortal essence, I haven’t gotten started yet.

It was surprising to hurt the enemy this time, but after they knew something about Shattered Void, they didn't feel incomprehensible.

Tao Yu's point attack is strong, and she relies on the combination of inherent time control and the sword of the soul to achieve such an effect.

At least for now, except for Sun Guanghui at the scene, others seemed to only notice the destructive power of the Yin Yang Five Elements Divine Thunder.

"Even so, it's already quite remarkable."

Sun Shiqing patted Tao Yu's shoulder and said with some emotion

"You don't have the support of your family."

Tao Yu didn't answer. There was support from the rich woman...

And Treya next to her couldn't hide the shocked expression on Tao Yu's face at this moment. It was too strong!

I thought it was exaggerated that the opponent defeated Qian Hao, who had transformed the Qi into crystal, with a single blow from his domain, but I never thought he would be so strong.

The powerful enemy that the young lady failed to defeat was beaten half to death by him!

Even if this does not prove that his strength is greater than that of the young lady and the young master, it is enough to show that his extreme destructive power at a certain point has an incredible strength.

The moment the colorful light appeared, Treya's spiritual sense disappeared out of thin air, and she could only feel a sense of beauty...

As for the other freighters in the car who were protected by Treya, they had no opinion.

The gap in strength was too big, and what else was there to know if the aftermath was blown away, it was right to be strong...

The next journey was undoubtedly much smoother, but the road conditions were bad and the speed was very slow. It took five or six hours to travel more than 200 kilometers.

I left early in the morning and arrived in the afternoon...


"Is this the provincial capital? This..., are they directly on the verge of gray fog?"

After getting off the armored vehicle to accept the inspection before entering the city, Tao Yu also saw the scene in front of him.

There is no city wall, and a wide river blocked in front of him. The water does not seem to be turbulent. Just looking at the river water brings a faint sense of security, as if it has a blocking effect on the gray fog.

The gray fog near the river and behind the increasingly thick fog have completely different manifestations.

And on this moat, which is about 40 meters wide, there are suspension bridges raised high on both sides, as if the bridge deck will not be lowered if it does not pass the inspection.

Looking over, there are some old buildings on the other side of the river, which look quite old, just like those old and dilapidated small houses in the urban village.

But compared with the patchwork buildings and shanties in the outer city of Xingyao City, it is much more standardized.

According to the structure of Xingyao City, the opposite side of the river just across the river should also belong to the outer city area.

However, the White Star City, the capital of the White Star State, has a moat that can resist the gray fog monsters, which makes their outer city relatively stable and peaceful.

There are two other convoys outside the bridge into the city.

It may be other neighboring cities, because they don’t want to spend the night in the gray fog, so it is normal to arrive at this time in the afternoon.

But the two convoys did not have such heavy armored vehicles. On one side, there were three military jeeps similar to Hummers with machine guns on them, and on the other side, there were several pickup trucks.

All the cars have some welding marks and steel plates on the surface, which look a bit heavy and have some smelly blood stains.

Although the people in the convoys on both sides look fierce and fierce, they all huddled aside when facing Tao Yu and his team. Obviously, Tao Yu and his team came later, and they also made way for Tao Yu and his team to be inspected first.

Maybe they don’t know the Sun family, but at least they can still tell the difference between the vehicles on both sides.

Many people looked at the armored vehicle that was dented and repaired by Tao Yu, and their faces were also filled with doubts. They didn't know what Tao Yu and his team had encountered.

"Our Baixingzhou's urban network is relatively complete. Usually, we can reach the next city within a day's journey. However, the only close connection between us and other states is Tiannanzhou. It takes one day to reach the northern city of Tiannanzhou through Xingnan City. Other states have to spend the night in the gray fog, which greatly increases the risk factor."

Sun Shiqing whispered to Tao Yu about some situations.

"Now, the main thing is to wait for them to come and check the evil god believers. It will be very quick."

"Are the evil god believers easy to check?"

"It's easy for deep pollution, but it's hard to say for the surface, but this is the only way to do it."

Sun Shiqing's words also made Tao Yu nod his head. The outer city area of ​​Xingyao is almost undefended, and Baixing City is much more formal.

And the inspection method is also very simple. They have a searchlight that will turn blue when shining on the blood of the armored vehicle. The evil god believers should be similar in principle.

Some people in other convoys nearby were stained with blood and were asked to take off or rinse off.

Tao Yu also had some impression of this kind of lights. There were actually quite a few at the gate of Xingyao Inner City.

They checked very carefully. After checking the people, they mainly checked the inside of the car, including the bottom of the car, the engine box and even the fuel tank.

Behind every weird behavior, there must be some corresponding reasons. It is possible that evil god believers have sneaked in the fuel tank before.

"Welcome to White Star City. This is your temporary pass. You must go to the office to renew it within one day before it expires, otherwise there will be trouble."

After the inspection, the security team members handed each of them a card.

It was a piece of hard paper with a stamp and a date. It should be something with a unified stamp. The time you can stay is one month.

But there are also some ways to obtain long-term residence qualifications in White Star City.

Tao Yu scanned it and found that the residence qualification was actually very simple.

After all, in this world, people themselves are a kind of resource.

For those who can cross the gray fog, it is relatively easy to stay.

It's easy to just stay, but it's still difficult for most outsiders to survive in this place where they have no relatives, at least it's more difficult than in their hometown.

Click, click~

The bridge decks on both sides slowly lowered, and finally made a duang sound of embedding.

Continue to get in the car and drive towards the city. Tao Yu also opened the shooting window to look outside.

Although the ground is not very good, it is also a cement road. It is worse than the inner city of Xingyao, but much better than the outer city.

However, it can be seen that there should be cars coming and going here occasionally. Although many stalls are set up on the road, they still leave a middle road.

Many stall owners with pale faces nearby, after seeing the appearance of the heavy armored vehicles from a distance, hurriedly closed their stalls a little further away, as if they were afraid of offending.

At least from the situation of these people, although the living environment is much better, their status should not be much different from that of the people in the outer city of Xingyao.

If you want to get ahead, you have to work hard to have children. Those with high talents can change their fate.

After crossing the bridge, they did not drive far. At the corner of the third street after entering the city, they turned and walked in. They came to a small warehouse like a factory, which was probably only a few hundred square meters.

"We are going to pick up things. You can go to the place where you live first."

After stopping the car and getting out, Sun Shiyu said to Tao Yu and Treya.

"No problem."

Tao Yu nodded, and then watched the armored vehicle go towards the city, bringing up black exhaust.

On the way, Tao Yu knew that this was the Sun family's office in White Star City.

Although it looked simple and a bit inconsistent with the status of the Sun family, it was also a bit helpless.

Because this also shows that this is just an "office" and has no intention of extending its tentacles.

The company wanted to settle in White Star City several times, but suffered various losses due to various "inexplicable" reasons.

Now that it has been simplified and turned into offices of various families, a lot of trouble has been reduced relatively.

The twelve Xingyao families and even a few inner city families will arrange a few people here for a long time.

"Miss Treya, Master Tao, you two come with me, I will take you to your residence."

A man who looked to be in his thirties came to Tao Yu and Treya attentively.

At that time, those porters will act as office staff to fill the loss of people here and maintain long-term contact with the new development area.

But Tao Yu and Treya obviously have completely different statuses, and Treya will directly become the highest manager of the office.

However, after experiencing the attack on the road, Treya's attitude towards Tao Yu changed significantly.

After being asked here, she looked at Tao Yu first, and when she saw that he had no objection, she nodded and asked him to lead the way.

"I am Chu Fa, a young man, and I have been here for three years. If you have any questions, you can ask me."

Chu Fa led the way in front. There was a three-story building next to the factory, which was also rented by the office.

Both of them had rooms on the third floor. They were relatively spacious single rooms with complete washrooms and toilets. They should be the best rooms in the office, similar to a two-bedroom and one-living room suite. Each person had a room and shared the living room, kitchen and bathroom.

For others, they had to live in a multi-person dormitory or even a large bunk bed downstairs.

After taking a look at the room, Tao Yu felt very satisfied. The only difference was that the room was larger than the one he rented in the inner city.

Tao Yu, who was used to a hard life, naturally didn't mind.

Treya next to him frowned slightly, but after looking at Tao Yu, she didn't say much.

"Are there any precautions in White Star City? Has anything major happened recently?"

Tao Yu immediately asked some questions about relevant intelligence. He had just arrived and couldn't just break some taboos.

"There aren't many things to pay attention to in the place where we live..."

Chu Fa smiled and began to explain to the two of them in detail...


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