At three o'clock in the afternoon, Tao Yu entered the gray mist space with his spiritual elevation. When he came back to the ancient palace, he found that there were a few more people in the palace this time.

The sporadic number of people made him stunned for a moment.

Less than expected.

Including Mr. Fool and myself, there are only five.

However, people are more valuable in their essence than in their abundance.

Just the thighs.

Tao Yu observed everyone silently.

They should have also noticed their new arrival.

"Good afternoon~ Everyone, are we welcoming a new member?"

Miss Justice spoke in a brisk voice while looking at Tao Yu, seemingly very happy.

Audrey has a sense of ownership in the growth of the Tarot Club.

"This is the new member 'Destiny'."

The Fool introduced it casually, and Miss Justice filled in the rest like a secretary.

"Hello, Mr. Destiny, I am Justice, this is Mr. Hanged Man, and this is Mr. Sun."

Miss Justice's cheerful voice made Tao Yu feel a little relaxed.

Because I was a newbie, I just nodded and said


And Audrey was also using her 'audience' ability to observe Tao Yu, thinking in her mind.

"A very calm member, not at all embarrassed. He is very adaptable to this magical environment and gives people a very reliable feeling."

‘The Hanged Man’ Alger also looked at Tao Yu with a scrutinizing gaze.

Originally, he had not thought that the number of members in the Tarot Society would increase so quickly.

However, because of the entrustment to Qilinges, he also discovered that more members would bring greater energy, which was actually very convenient sometimes, at least it would provide one more channel.

I just don’t know what level this newcomer is in the extraordinary world, and whether his role will overlap with his own.

As for the 'Sun', he is a new guy who just entered last time. He feels that he doesn't understand anything, but he also knows a lot of secrets. He comes from another place that is completely different from the current world.

Miss Justice Audrey, after introducing the group of people, said to the first ‘Fool’

"Dear Mr. Fool, has your beloved received the compensation of 300 gold pounds?"

Tao Yu, who originally wanted to talk less and watch more, was a little shocked when she heard the news at the beginning.

Can Mr. Fool be troubled about 300 gold pounds?

What's going on?

Tao Yu, holding a million pounds in his hand, felt a little unreal for a moment. Does Mr. Fool have a favored one? He is indeed a big shot, but 300 gold pounds...

Fortunately, the Fool's words later dispelled Tao Yu's original thoughts.

"I didn't pay attention to such a trivial matter, but I didn't ask for help again. I should have received it."

It should be something a loved one prays for or makes a wish for, which is normal.

The wish of 300 gold pounds will also come true. This Mr. Fool is very down-to-earth, or in other words, Mr. Fool’s subordinates are actually not very strong now.

Tao Yu thought in his mind that he could make a certain judgment from the fact that there were only a few people on site. Maybe he joined relatively early.

"That would be great."

Miss Justice seemed to be very happy. Her cheerful look made Tao Yu feel a little affected, and she felt much better.

Later, I saw her saying to the 'Hanged Man'

"Mr. Hanged Man, we have found the clue to Qilingos."

Um? Zillinges?

Tao Yu was a little stunned, wasn't he the one who just hit him?

"Where is he?"

‘The Hanged Man’ also seems to be a bit of a surprise.

"Unfortunately, he noticed our investigation and killed the investigator. His previous location was Backlund East District..."

Audrey's next words immediately made Tao Yu suddenly realize, no wonder he felt familiar, it turned out to be her!

The noble lady who attended Mr. A’s party last time.

Audience approach?

No wonder she bought an extra formula, which might be the 'audience' potion she got here, so she had to go over it.

It turns out it’s only sequence nine.

Tao Yu didn't know what he was feeling in his heart. It would be more harmonious to interact with them if they were all low-sequence, but they would be missing thighs.

But then he looked at Mr. Fool again, and fortunately there was a big thick leg here. Maybe he had specially separated several parties, a table for high-class people and a table for high-class people, and a table for children and children...

While Tao Yu was thinking, Mr. 'The Hanged Man' prayed that he could report the progress to Mr. 'The Fool' at the critical moment.

After he finished speaking and Mr. Fool agreed, Tao Yu raised his hand slightly and said

"Well, if the Qilingos you are talking about is the 'Lieutenant General Hurricane', I may also have a little information."

Tao Yu's words shocked both Audrey the Justice and Alger the Hanged Man.

Didn't expect this new member to have information?

Just in Backlund?

"Just today, I was attacked by him and he was slightly injured. I have some of his blood on my hands, but I'm not good at divination."

Tao Yu's words directly shocked the entire audience.

Except for Mr. Fool’s lack of any expression, ‘Justice’, ‘Sun’ and ‘The Hanged Man’ were all quite surprised.

As mentioned before, Qilingos is a Sequence 6, and it is extremely difficult to cooperate with the 'Creeping Hunger'.

How powerful it is to be able to directly hurt such a strong person and leave blood stains!

"Here, how can I ask for your help? I'm about to arrive in Backlund."

‘The Hanged Man’ Alger told him his itinerary.

"My own abilities are still limited. I can only hurt the opponent with limited items, and I can only provide a small amount of assistance. If you can tell me some information about the 'Gnosis Society' and the 'Witch Church', I will be happy to send him The blood will be provided to you if you are about to arrive in Backlund..."

Tao Yu took the opportunity to express her request.

The Sequence Seven magic potion formula can be obtained by the instigator after he has digested it.

There is no rush for formulas of sequence six and above, and Tao Yu doesn't think anyone else except Mr. Fool is capable of obtaining them.

At least for now, they are all weaklings like children.

But some relevant information should be able to provide some help, right?

At least the two wild low-sequence Extraordinaries, Befors and Xio, are more capable.

"I know some of the information, maybe not in depth, but I can provide some reference."

‘The Hanged Man’ Alger spoke quickly.

"The more common paths of the Gnosis Society are 'apprentice' and 'assassin', which were born in this era. Based on their paths, it can be inferred that they may be related to the Abraham family of the Tudor Dynasty in the Fourth Age, or the Witch Sect."

He understood it more clearly than Tao Yu, and after hearing the name Abraham, Tao Yu couldn't help but be stunned. Isn't this Mr. Men's surname?


And he is indeed an apprentice!

Judging from his abilities, his status is probably very high, but he is just contaminated.

"The Witch Sect believes in the 'Original Witch'. Because they want to obtain the gift of the 'Original Witch', the top leaders are all women. It is said that in the fourth era, they were called the Witch Family. They would kill the father of the child and abandon the baby boy."

Tao Yu was stunned for a moment when she heard this. Are all the senior officials women?

Then I couldn't help but think of my own beautiful woman online. Could it be that it is very difficult for men to take this route? That's why she had the attitude she had before.

It turns out that I care about myself.

But it shouldn't be as extreme as what the other party said, otherwise he wouldn't be recruiting himself.

This made Tao Yu sigh in relief. He had [Mental Immunity], so he didn't mind.

"Furthermore, the Witch Sect's mission is to spread disaster, which is not pleasing to all major churches."

Tao Yu also nodded when he heard this. In fact, spreading disasters is consistent with his [Innate Demonic Body], as well as the Dao Heart Demon Planting Technique. Once it is integrated and mastered, there will definitely be an extremely obvious improvement.

I don’t know if that ‘original witch’ is Sequence 1 or Sequence 2 of this path. There is a high probability that it won’t be much worse than the True God.

While Tao Yu was thinking, Mr. Fool chuckled softly.

"Maybe it's not that the baby boy is abandoned, but that the male member becomes a witch."

He seemed to be just joking, but no one would take it as a joke.

Tao Yu, who was originally in the presence of the old god, suddenly felt a sensation in his scalp.


Is there any mistake?

Is there such a thing from the underworld?

And then the introductory potion is named Assassin?

Isn’t this a scam?

"Don't panic, I have [divine nature], so it shouldn't be a big problem. If it doesn't work, just peel it off by force. It won't be a big problem, it shouldn't be big..."

Tao Yu is still very confident in her [divine] status and constantly comforts herself.

But he thought for a moment about Eve, who was gentle with him.

This is crazy...

"But she looks pretty and tastes good..."

It's not marriage, so don't dwell on each other's past, right?

Tao Yu could only comfort herself. After all, the changes were only a few, and most were still the original ones. It must be like this...

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