Rivendell is on the other side of the Misty Mountains, and it can be said to be extremely far away from Gondor.

This is true whether it is a straight line or the environment on the road.

If you want to set off from Gondor to Rivendell, even if you have a mount, it will not be possible in a short time.

Gondor and the Dark Land of Mordor are adjacent to each other. It can be said that the original route to the destruction of the Lord of the Rings was already halfway through when it reached Gondor.

Because of this, if you want to set off, you must be well prepared...

Milas Tirith, the gate to the capital of Gondor known as the White City.

Denethor II, the twenty-sixth regent of Gondor, personally came to see off his most valued eldest son, Boromir.

"Don't worry, father. I can go faster by myself without arranging any guards to get in the way."

Boromir was very imposing and seemed very proud.

However, his own combat power is indeed quite outstanding in Gondor. He can directly fight against groups of orcs and even fight against the Nazgul.

"I know your abilities. I won't arrange ordinary guards. The Jonin in Hidden Cloud Village here is stronger than you."

Denethor II was quite satisfied with his eldest son, who was the perfect candidate to inherit his position.

He has the right to be so proud!

When he heard his father talking about the jounin of Kumogakure, Boromir's expression softened slightly. He still recognized the strength of these ninjas.

"All right……"

But at this moment, with the roar of the dragon in the sky, everyone at the city gate looked up.

I saw a black shadow breaking through the clouds and flying towards this side.

The Gondor soldiers next to him immediately raised their bows, arrows and spears, assuming a guarding posture.

Denethor II, on the other hand, turned his head and looked at the figure next to him wearing a ninja forehead protector.

This person said respectfully

"It should be what Lord Raikage mentioned in his previous reply. It is the same as the flying dragon that flew before."

Tao Yu also didn't like trouble. He would not directly control the alien flying dragon to rush into the formation, but chose to land in the outer area.

Then the Third Raikage Ai jumped down.

"Master Prime Minister."

"It turns out to be Mr. Raikage. Sir, I came here in person. I wonder if you have any advice?"

Denethor II also attached great importance to the Third Raikage and said with a smile.

Is it because I didn't choose the Ninja Eagle Communication because it's not as fast as this flying dragon?

Seeing the other party coming, Denethor II actually had some guesses in his mind.

Tao Yu, who was above the flying dragon, also glanced at the regent. He was dressed in black and elegant, and his appearance could be said to be excellent.

However, according to the original world line, after his eldest son joined the Fellowship of the Ring, he fell into despair and became confused.

Finally, when the orc army of Mordor besieged the city, he fell from the city wall and died.

"The thing is like this. I happened to learn that Lord Elrond convened to discuss important matters. We in the Cloud Hidden Village also want to meet with representatives from all parties in Middle-earth."

Raikage's words were reasonable.

Now Yunyin Village has an alliance with Gondor, and can even be regarded as a vassal.

But a country like Gondor also has a high level of tolerance for its vassals.

The current Rohan Kingdom was actually a vassal of Gondor in the past. It gained complete independence because of its meritorious service in the rescue.

In terms of his own thoughts, Denethor II definitely does not want Yunyin Village to come into contact with other forces. It is best to only contact Gondor.

But this is obviously unrealistic. The ninjas in Hidden Cloud Village are not machines, and they are very powerful.

Sooner or later they will have contact with the outside world.

Instead of waiting to be passive at that time, it’s better to be more cheerful

"Of course it's no problem. Originally, I was worried that Boromir would have trouble traveling alone. It would be great if Mr. Raikage is accompanying him."

Denethor II said happily.

"Haha, Master Boromir is really not weak. If he trains his powerful body well, his strength can reach another level."

"But I don't have what you call chakra."

Boromir also said with a sigh.

He is also a descendant of the Númenóreans. His own strength and lifespan exceed that of ordinary humans, and he is still among the elite.

In terms of physical fitness alone, he is not even worse than the average jounin, but without chakra, there is still a gap between him and the jounin.

"This time we are also headed by the fourth generation Ai, the successor of Ninja Village. They are all young people, so we can have more exchanges. We are also traveling with Mr. Tao. Mr. Tao is very knowledgeable and may be able to provide some effective information."

Lei Ying gave some explanations according to Tao Yu's reminder.

Denethor II also looked back at Tao Yu, a little surprised by Tao Yu's youth and beauty.

"Is Mr. Tao an elf?"

"No, your Excellency the Prime Minister can regard me as a traveling wizard."

Denethor II also nodded after hearing this. Of course, they were no strangers to wizards.

He also knew Gandalf, who had friends all over the world.

Gandalf had come to the library here before to search for information for many years.

"It's just a little different from the wizards I know, but elves can also master powerful spells."

After saying this, he paused again and saw the alien flying dragon under Tao Yu's body.

"Is this the pet you surrendered? Did you ride one in the past?"

"It's a long way to go, I think it should be much faster from the sky, right?"

"Haha, that's true. I had to travel for a long time."

While Denethor II was still asking, Boromir was the first to answer. He also wanted to try the feeling of flying.

"The elves' concept of time is so different from ours. I didn't expect how long such a trip would take. Now it saves a lot of trouble..."

Gandalf could research for more than ten years just to check some information. The elves who also have no worries about their life span have always been the same.

The Abyss Falls event has been happening for some time, but is now being slowly called out.

For them, it doesn’t matter how long the convening takes, as long as they can achieve their goal...


The howling wind from high altitude was blocked by the magic shield formed on the surface of the alien flying dragon. The streamlined shield also enhanced the aerodynamics of the flying dragon.

"It can also block strong winds, which is really good."

Boromir said with some amazement.

"The eldest son has met other wizards before?"

Tao Yu started talking.

"Gandalf, if you are also a wizard, you should be familiar with him. He has been in our library in the past few years, looking at some materials left by the royal family."

Hearing this, Tao Yu was also happy.

The ancestor of the Gondor royal family was the one who cut off Sauron's ring, so Gandalf may have come here to check information about the Lord of the Rings, and this time it may be to discuss the matter of the Lord of the Rings.

Maybe we will also discuss some abyssal issues together.

If this is the case, with the knowledge of the abyss in hand, the time to break in is just right.

While Tao Yu thought of this, he also completed another divination.

Just looking at the coin spinning at high speed on his fingertips, Tao Yu couldn't help but frown.

Divination interference?

Is it because of the contamination and interference of the Supreme Lord of the Rings, or is it because the ‘Priest’ has taken action again...

"Sure enough, destruction is always easier, just muddy the water..."

Tao Yu, who also has a very high anti-divination ability, is also quite familiar with this. He turned the thread that was already difficult to smooth out into a ball of wool...

But if they also go, that would be just in time, a double happiness!


The alien flying dragon galloped past, and a vast expanse of misty mountains appeared in front of them, which was also the biggest obstacle on the way.

However, facing the alien flying dragon that can fly directly over, it is a direct straight-line leap, which is nothing at all.

But underneath the Gondor side of the Misty Mountains, there is a golden forest, which is quite dazzling even under the cover of clouds in the sky.

Tao Yu even felt a vague sense of threat coming from there.

"The holder of the Water Ring? He's stronger than expected..."

This is the first time Tao Yu has felt truly strong in this world!

The vague sense of crisis really surprised him.

If the mistress of the golden forest has this kind of intensity, then we need to re-examine Saruman and Sauron.

Even if it is restricted, I am afraid that it can still exert considerable power...

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