The sky full of frost rushed toward Tao Yu, and the air condensed into ice crystals that kept falling downwards!

The blue world directly collided with the rolling mirror behind Tao Yu, and then merged into one without any feeling of contact.

The frost world freezes hers, the mirror world folds mine.

However, even if he had successfully completed the deployment of the inherent barrier, the sense of oppression Tao Yu felt was indeed somewhat unexpected.

The confrontation with Sauron in the spiritual world was completed directly, and there was no physical collision.

But Esdeath is actually stronger than Saruman, the Maiar!

"Sure enough, a guy like you who doesn't care about human life is very suitable for hanging out in the abyss."

The Supreme Lord of the Rings shines brightly in Tao Yu's hand.

The power of the Supreme Lord of the Rings, coupled with the power that Tao Yu is now more and more familiar with, entered the inherent barrier and blasted towards the spreading frost world ahead with a terrifying brute force.

Behind Tao Yu, it was like a deep abyss turned into a deep abyss. The endless black mud in the mirror world spurted out like tentacles, rolling towards the frost world ahead.

Even large areas of black mud that came into contact were frozen, then shattered and withered.

But the feeling of pressure falling from the sky in turn suppressed the speed of the ice spread and began to push back.

If we were fighting against Saruman and encountered this guy, it would be really troublesome.

But now, even if it is just pure brute force, I can handle it with ease after having the Supreme Lord of the Rings!

A suitable opponent just made Tao Yu realize the wantonness of overwhelming others with force.

"I used to play with various techniques, and most of them were weak in terms of absolute size. Now this feels really good..."

And Esdeath, whose blue hair was flying, also heard Tao Yu's words. As ice cones began to condense around her body, a playful arc appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"You sound like you know me very well, but it's very good. I've taken a liking to you, so I'll take you back to be my husband."

The unexpected words made Tao Yu feel speechless.

But then I imagined that this guy seemed to have this kind of personality. It seemed that he hadn't met Tazmi yet.

Esdeath has a character that respects the strong. She believes in taking everything by her own strength. She has never been in love. After having an idea on a whim, she has tried to catch someone she likes. people try the idea.

Tao Yu is still very confident in her appearance. Now with the charm bonus of the witch path, it is definitely a pass kill.

With such a display of strength, it was natural to elicit her speech.

But when facing the enemy, Tao Yu would not be swayed by her words.

"Oh, I don't have the habit of keeping alive people who have seen my full strength, but for the sake of your words, I can consider retaining your will after slavery."

As soon as Tao Yu finished speaking, the opponent's tricky ice picks came through the air.

Obviously, Esdeath has no intention of holding back!

She has always believed in power first!


The ice cone that broke through the sky has a colder temperature. In the area near the ice cone, even the microscopic particles have begun to slow down, and all kinds of materials have become extremely fragile.

It seemed like an ordinary and inconspicuous thing, but after it surged over, it easily penetrated the rolling black mud in front of it!

But the next moment, Tao Yu swiped a flaming sword in his hand and wiped away all the ice picks.

Tao Yu, whose whole body was wrapped in monstrous dark red flames, wantonly squandered the control of the flames through the hunter and witch channels, as well as the power of the flame demon that he had absorbed.

The energy in the body circulates in the form of the Secret of Immortality, constantly completing transformation.

The magic power of the Supreme Lord of the Rings is continuously integrated into the body, and then digested and used!

The weapon in his hand is also a temporary Noble Phantasm directly shaped by the [Gift Craftsman].

Suspended in the sky filled with black ocean, it's like a god descending!

The images of various weapons began to be shaped around the pottery jade with black mud, frost, fire, thunder and even evil energy sources, with various images, various attributes, and various functions.

But overall, all the energy is still biased towards the underworld style.

A whole armory of eighteen layers of hell.

As Tao Yu waved the flaming sword with one finger, all the weapons were controlled by Tao Yu's legion and swarmed towards Esdeath!

On the cores of some of the strongest weapons, you can also see the looming shadows of the Balrog, the Dread Lord, and Sauron!

Tao Yu took them as the core and condensed them directly into these weapons, turning them into the most intuitive weapons!

In addition, other weapons may have boundary breakers such as Yueyun and Teng Lianghong, or at least have the integration of shadow aliens.

Just like the spirit of a weapon, it complements the created precious phantom, adding spirituality and power!

Able to block the oppression of black mud, the ice world is only slightly compressed in front of the tsunami-like black mud ocean. Just like Esdeath's ice pick before, it is also unable to stop these weapons at all!

Compared to Tao Yu's understatement, Esdeath's beautiful face showed an increasingly excited and crazy expression, but her movements caused the scattered frost world to be quickly recovered.

With every point recovered, the frozen sluggishness becomes stronger!

It's just that Tao Yu's current power is here, blessed by the Supreme Lord of the Rings, and he has integrated the shadow soldiers such as the Balrog into the noble phantom.

Under the powerful energy infusion, the frozen world compressed by Esdeath has been unable to achieve the desired effect.

It just keeps reaching the degree of "slowing down"!

Absolute zero itself is an extreme value, similar to the speed of light, the marginal effect is extremely obvious, as long as there is a slight difference, the effect is very different.

Theoretically, the mass of an object at the speed of light can be infinite, but 99% of the speed of light only increases the mass by seven times, close to 99% of absolute zero, it is also a matter of a hair's breadth!

"The time stop on the physical side is indeed a shortcut, but the flaw is too obvious."

As Tao Yu's voice fell, the giant nail hammer incarnated by the fire demon, burning with flames, accompanied by a roar, shattered the freezing feeling next to it.

It hit the ice wall in front of Esdeath fiercely, instantly smashing the ice wall that compressed the power of ice, like an absolute defense, completely shattered.

But Esdeath also used this power to synchronously retreat instantly.

While flying backwards, she was constantly surrounded by micro-controlled ice cones, blasting at each treasure.

In terms of power, her ice cones were not as good as the weapons made by Tao Yu with the authority of Zoro's craftsmanship.

But she didn't have to deal with all the treasures, she just needed to concentrate her strength to deal with the most threatening ones, and counter them as they came!

After compressing the range, she could gain advantages in a local area.

If one ice cone didn't work, she would use two, and continuously attached them to those treasures, relying on her actively contracted power to conduct concentrated defense, although she was constantly dodging and evacuating.

But this was the result of her active strategic contraction.

Tao Yu, who thought she had already won, was a little surprised after a long period of attack.

In terms of combat wisdom and experience alone, this guy was stronger than herself, and this should be the best way she could choose to deal with it!

And even if she landed in this field, she had no intention of surrendering or giving in, but became more and more excited as she fought.

Scars continued to appear on her body, but her body seemed to have become much stronger. Although her white navy uniform was somewhat damaged, revealing many white areas, it had not caused any substantial damage...

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