Tao Yu, Carter and Gu Qiu disappeared almost at the same time.

The originally broken black cavity also shattered, revealing the sky covered by the floating city.

The sounds and lights that had disappeared all returned, and the noise outside and the chaotic sounds inside the Gan family began to reappear.


"What happened just now..."

"What's going on?"


For many ordinary members, they have no idea what just happened.

I only know that feeling of depression, as if I will die suddenly on the spot the next moment.

"Everyone be quiet. It's okay. Let's all disperse."

Although Gan Hao was also panicked, he still pretended to be calm and spoke loudly to comfort him.

After the clan leader spoke, ordinary members of the Gan family knew that this matter could no longer be discussed.

Even though many people are still frightened and panicked, they also know that this is not something they can interfere with.

There are several boundary breakers in the Gan family. The second elder, the strongest, even has the qualification to work as an inspector, but he just sits in the abyss for a long time.

But even the strongest second elder has never made such a move before...

After the scene was calmed down, Gan Kun looked at the place where the three disappeared, with a sneer on his face. He looked back at Gan Hao and Gant and his son and said:

"My good brother, being indecisive will harm the whole family! It's so easy to stand aside at this time, but you don't even dare!"

The Black Rat Gang and so on were just playthings he created at will. He didn't expect that he would achieve such a feat this time.

What a worthy death!

"Second brother! You have to be clear, even if we make it clear that the Zixing family is following the lead, what will be our final outcome? Any 'accident' may lead to our disappearance!"

"They dare!?"

Gan Kun didn't take it seriously at all, thinking it was his elder brother's cowardice.

Then continued

"Anyway, it's too late to say anything now. The strength of Guqiu is really amazing. In such a short period of time, he has almost equaled his second uncle. He has the title of the number one master in the inner city. This time he defeated them all in one fell swoop."

After saying that, he looked at Gan Hao sarcastically and said

"My dear brother, you don't think Mr. Carter would have any accidents when he was brought into the duel space by that eight-armed King Kong? If Guqiu hadn't died in exchange for some relief, he wouldn't even be able to pull people in."

Having said this, Gan Kun couldn't help but sneered.

"Hmph, Guqiu created a chance. If he really succeeds in leaving, it will be a bit troublesome. Now instead of surrendering, he is fighting back. Even if Mr. Carter kills him, no one can say no. !”

Having been suppressed in the family for many years, in order to make his eldest brother lose his guard, he pretended to be crazy and acted stupid all day long, indulged in pleasure, and endured hardship until now.

Secretly, I have been trying my best to actively contact the Floating City family until now, and it is finally time to reap the rewards.

After holding it in for so long, he just wanted to look up to the sky and scream!

"Brother, even though you have strength and talent, you are still not as good as my younger brother in terms of character..."

And at this moment, along with a burst of space fluctuations, two figures appeared on the scene again.

There were three when I left and two when I came back. This is normal. Let me take a look...

Gan Kun, who was high-spirited and relieved, glanced at the two people present and was about to start bragging about Carter, but he rubbed his eyes in a daze for a moment.

Why are the Eight-Armed Vajra and Guqiu here?

Who is missing?

Where is Lord Carter?

As his eyes dropped, Gan Kun, who was a little dazed, also saw the head held in Tao Yu's hand. Carter's dead expression seemed to be fixed here!

Lord Carter...


The bragging and rhetoric that Gan Kun had prepared all turned into confusion.

Am I using too much 'happiness'?


Or has Mr. Carter turned into one of them and wanted to do something?

"Tao, Tao, Master Tao..."

Even though Gan Hao has met many disaster-level bosses, he can still chat and laugh with those big shots.

When I met Carter before, I could have a normal conversation.

But now seeing Tao Yu holding Carter's head, he kept stammering.

The expression on his face was a little dull, and his eyes were filled with fear.

As for Gant, who was at the same time as Tao Yu, his eyes widened even more at this time.

My mind went blank, I had no idea what was going on, I felt like I was sleepwalking!

"Oh, our previous conversation was interrupted by the corpse. What were we talking about before? The Black Rat Gang..."

Tao Yu tilted her head and thought for a moment, seeming to recall the purpose of coming here this time.

Black Rat Gang?

Now you're telling me about the Black Rat Gang?

How can He De appear in the mouth of a catastrophic big shot for the gangs that cut off one piece after another like wheat ears in the outer city!

What an honor!

Almost as soon as Tao Yu finished speaking, Gan Hao's palm force from the air penetrated Gan Kun's entire chest in an instant, leaving a bloody hole.

The ribs were turned outwards from behind, and blood splattered everywhere.

Blood and minced meat spilled over the flower bed in the back.

As a senior partner, Gan Kun, even with his vitality beyond ordinary people, opened and closed his mouth, and a lot of blood foam came out as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he fell to the ground and lost his life breath.

"Gan Kun colluded with the gangs in the outer city to cause trouble for Lord Tao. Death is not a pity! Our Gan family will wipe out all of Gan Kun's lineage, leaving no one alive. Then everyone in the Black Rat Gang will inevitably be captured. If Tao The adults don’t want to waste any more energy, so I’ll kill the little one on the spot!”

Gan Hao lowered his head, cold sweat covering his forehead.

Hunting disaster level!

Isn't this really a strong man from the Sun family pretending to be him to fish?

Disaster level in less than three years, how is this possible...

Yes, it must be a strong person from the Sun family, or a strong person that the Sun family has good friends with, or some other strong person he knows outside who is fishing. This is the only possibility!

But no matter what the possibility is, a disaster-level person was killed on the spot in the Gan family. The other party's desire to exterminate the clan was just a thought!

At this time, Gan Hao had no so-called neutrality and promised everything first.

"Well, I'm too lazy to care. I just listened to them and came here to ask."

As Tao Yu finished speaking, he threw the head in his hand over, allowing Gan Hao to catch it in his hands hurriedly.

"Their family should have blood induction, and they may already know it. You can deal with it later and just tell the truth."

After saying that, Tao Yu pulled Guqiu next to him, and after a few steps, he completely disappeared from the eyes of Gan Hao and his son.

And Gan Hao felt bitter in his heart as he held Carter's specially left head.

Almost at the same time, a powerful aura appeared in the floating city above. For a moment, the air in the inner city seemed to condense, and there was a thunderous roar.

"Who! How dare you kill my nephew!"

This sudden and violent sound of thunder made many people in the outer city feel as if they had been struck by lightning.

People who are not strong-willed will kneel on the ground unconsciously. For a moment, a storm is coming...


Following Tao Yu's instructions, Tao Tong first called his parents and Tao Shi, who had just returned, and then came to Uncle Hu's office in person to invite them.

Tao Hu also smiled when he saw Tao Tong coming over.

"Just give me a call. You go and book a private room first, and you even come here specially. Isn't this just a visit..."

"Uncle Tiger used to be..."

But before Taotong could finish his pleasantries, the deafening sound pierced the sky.

Even though Tao Tong and Tao Hu had the strength of mid-level partners and were already masters, their heads felt blank at this time.

What's going on?

Inner city?

Tao Tong's heart skipped a beat. Lao Qi said he wanted to go to the inner city to have a theory!

He originally thought that if the Boundary Breakers came to visit, as long as they didn't start a fight, everyone should be relatively harmonious. They were just a black rat gang from an outer city. There was a high probability that the Gan family would actually apologize and even offer some compensation.

And my brother also relied on this to gain some new prestige.

However, the sudden roar now made him feel uneasy.

This strong man's nephew couldn't have been killed by Lao Qi, right?

Is the time just right?

After all, Tao Tong must have heard of Lao Qi's 'good reputation'.

Not only him, Tao Hu was also frowning at this time, his face was extremely solemn.

"This, this is probably not the strong man in the inner city, this kind of aura, this kind of range..."

As he spoke, Tao Hu couldn't help but swallow his saliva, and then said in a difficult voice.

"Maybe he's a big shot in the floating city..."

"Disaster level!?"

Tao Tong has also acquired a lot of knowledge now, and he already knows the meaning of this disaster level.

Then he eagerly took out a set of phones that he had never been willing to use and sent a message to them.

"Miss Sun, my seventh brother may be in trouble. He went to the Gan family..."

Tao Tong quickly and concisely explained the reason. This was the only way he could think of!

Even if there is a conflict between the Sun family and the Xing family, news has spread even in the mission hall. From time to time, there will be various after-dinner speculations from the people who want to eat, with various versions and reasons.

Be as exaggerated as you want, and without exception, the Sun family will definitely be at a disadvantage.

Taking action casually may make the situation worse.

But for Tao Tong, he only cares about his younger brother, whose safety has the highest priority. As for the situation of the Sun family, he is not considering it. Now he can only pray to God and pray to hope that the Sun family can take action.

And after he sent it, he didn't wait long for a reply.

"I see."

In the floating city, Sun Shiyu did not blame Tao Yu for not contacting him in advance when he returned to Xingyao. After getting the information, he was shocked and breathed a little faster, so he contacted his father backhand.

"Dad, Tao Yu is back. He may have caused the anger of the Guandi family ghost just now! He has already reached disaster level!"

Sun Shiyu knew part of Tao Yu's situation before, but she kept the news secret for the time being. After all, she could not ensure that no news would leak out within the Sun family.

The secret is the safest in your own hands. Anyway, the little puppy is going to Tianlong State, so there is no rush.

The previous roar had just passed, and Sun Shiyu didn't know which of Guandi's nephews made him so angry.

As a result, I got a tip from Taotong when I turned around, and I immediately knew the seriousness of the matter!

Han Yu had briefly reported on the situation in the state capital before, but because Tao Yu himself returned to Xingyao without telling Han Yu specifically, the time of his return was blurred.

So Sun Shiyu is not sure either.

And because there was news from the state capital about the destruction of the Yue family, based on Sun Shiyu's understanding of Tao Yu, there was a high probability that it was him who did it, and he thought it would take time for him to digest the benefits.

Unexpectedly, I turned around and arrived at Xingyao.

After returning home, Kuci ran to the Gan family, and ended up getting a disaster like the Guandi family?

She was also a little dizzy.

My men are too easy to cause trouble, and they cause chaos wherever they go...

While notifying her father to prepare for military support, she immediately contacted Tao Yu.

"Where are you now? Come to the Floating City immediately. We will pick you up. Be careful of the Starry Sky Ball of the Xing Family."

"Ah, it's okay. I know what's going on. I'll be here later. Don't worry."

When Tao Yu heard the little rich woman's words, her heart warmed, and then she comforted her.

The one next to me didn't interrupt. Sun Shiqing, who didn't speak until Sun Shiyu had finished all arrangements and Tao Yu had given her reply, opened her beautiful eyes wide and said with a strange look on her pretty face.

"Isn't that right? Is the old ghost from the Guandi family angry because of him?"

Then Sun Shiqing said with a worried look on her beautiful face.

"Sister, could something go wrong? In such a short period of time, it has been a disaster. Could it be that he was possessed by some monster in the abyss..."

"Don't worry, it's not wrong. He was already at disaster level last time. If my racial talent is confirmed, there will definitely be no problem, unless there was already a problem when we met."

Sun Shiyu is also a succubus after all. Although she is a succubus with a lost-dog love brain, she still has the blessing of racial talent.

"He was so weak when he met us. I could beat him to tears with just one hand."

Sun Shiqing stuck out her tongue. It was so scary in such a short time.

Then he asked with some curiosity

"Is he the favored one of the evil god?"

"Whatever, there's nothing you can do about it as a favored one. Anyway, as long as your spirit and soul are quite normal, aren't we also using the power of the abyss?"

Sun Shiyu didn't take it seriously, as her succubus talent was not something that could be seen in the light.

These are not the succubus in the abyss fragments, but the native abyss species.

"That's right..."

Sun Shiqing no longer worries about this. In fact, top families will more or less study the abyss and evil gods, but the degree is different.

Many strong men will most likely try to use the power of evil gods when their life span is about to expire.

If it weren't for the chaos of the Abyss Evil God, and if lifespan feedback was given every time, there would be countless powerful people who would defect.

All in all, although Tao Yu has been practicing for two and a half years at the disaster level, it is terrifying, but in the abyss where everything is possible, it seems that it is not incomprehensible...

"Disaster? Was there a mistake?!"

Sun Guanghui also felt his eyes round when he heard his daughter's urgent contact.

Sun Guangyao, who was next to him, also heard the content by the way, and his expression was similar to that of Sun Guanghui.

Disaster level is too exaggerated!

The two brothers were from the Sun family. They had limited resources since they were young. They were extremely talented and worked hard. This was how they achieved disaster.

They know all too well how difficult this is!

"Now is not the time to be surprised about this. The talent for poetry is here, and there is no mistaking the person. It's just that she has been hiding it from us. We will take action soon! We must protect him!"

"Guandi family, hum!"

The two brothers reacted equally and immediately left their residence and took to the air.

At the same time, relying on the catastrophic level of thinking speed, he continued to transmit sounds quickly, and threw the compressed information packets at high speed to the many catastrophic level people who were grouping together in the Sun family.

Even the Supreme Elder of the Sun family, who was recovering from his injuries, opened his eyes in the retreat.

"Two and a half years of disaster?! Haha, we still have a good eye for poetry!"

Although the Supreme Elder of the Sun family still had a breath of blood in his breath, his aura also seemed gloomy, and black mist drifted over from time to time.

But at the first opportunity, he held a blood-colored crystal ball with howling ghosts and wolves in one hand, and picked up a golden scepter with a vague hymn in the other hand, and walked out directly.

"I want to see if you dare to take action directly in Xingyao!"

Having said that, the latecomers arrived behind the Sun brothers, and an aura mixed with holy will was displayed unscrupulously, full of a sense of provocation.

I have been patient until now, I have been cowering for so long, and I still don’t want to let it go. In this case, there is no need to talk properly!

It can be said that the recent situation of the Sun family is indeed not good. There is suppression in all aspects. Even the Supreme Elder of the Sun family was attacked by "evil ghosts".

But now that the paper window has been punctured, there is no need to pretend!

I just want to try to break through to the holy position, so let’s talk about it!

Do you want to have a full-scale conflict in Xingyao City?


Originally, only the aura of the old ghost Guandi was blooming. Later, the disaster-level members of the Guandi family began to swarm out, seemingly preparing to leave the floating city and head to the inner city below.

But the strong men from the Sun family appeared one after another and directly blocked the door of Guandi's house, forcing the strong men from Guandi's family who had already gone out to quickly return to defense.

The Supreme Elder of the Sun family even opened his bow from left to right, holding both sacred objects in his hands.

Surrounded by holy spirit.

On one side, there was a gloomy atmosphere, burning with a blood-colored flame, and on the other side, the golden light was holy, like an immortal descending.

One of the holy objects has been integrated with the Supreme Elder and is completely controlled, and the other one can also be activated and used.

Even if the Supreme Elder of the Sun family has not recovered from his injuries, a quasi-saint is a quasi-saint!

In addition, the Sun family is obviously much stronger than the disaster-level final door, which really immediately suppressed all the people of the Guandi family.

The eyes of the previously furious Guandi old ghost immediately became much clearer.

At this time, not only the Sun and Guandi families, but also the disaster-level wills of other families are constantly intersecting in the sky, asking for the reason.

"What's going on? How did you meet?"

"Take it easy..."

"Why are all the holy objects taken out? It's not that bad!"

"Xingyao is our root, calm down."

"What's the matter? Guandi old ghost, which nephew of yours died? Could it be Carter?"


Various wills intersected, and the speed of disaster-level thinking, this kind of communication is much faster than speaking.

"Sun Sheng, why are you doing this? Did you kill Carter?!"

The angry voice from before came again, not using telepathy, as if to let everyone know and judge.

When you need to communicate with your spirit, communicate with your spirit, and when you need to rely on your voice, use it reasonably.

"I am not worthy of the title of Sun Sheng. Old Xing will eat people. Wait until he dies of old age before calling me that."

The Sun family's supreme elder sneered, and for a while he made Guan Di's old ghost feel bad.

In fact, he opened his mouth to call Sun Sheng in order to squeeze him, and at the same time reminded the other party what he was doing now!

Aren't you worried about the Xing family saint? You are still just a quasi-saint!

But now looking at the attitude and momentum of the Sun family's supreme elder, it is obvious that he is ready to fight to the death!

As for...

You didn't say anything when I was so pressured before, why did you bounce so high?

After all, the world still relies on fists to decide. The Xing family has been watching coldly and has not spoken yet. It seems that they are trying to understand the situation. It is really too much for the Guandi family to face the aggressive Sun family.

Otherwise, why would the Xing family suppress them instead of suppressing themselves?

The gap in strength is still quite obvious!

This made the angry voice at the beginning seem to slow down a little

"I don't know the specific situation. Carter is dead. A disaster-level person in our Xingyao City died in the city. Shouldn't we investigate it?"

"Dead? It's good that he died. Why don't you tell me what he did?"

Sun Guanghui also choked directly at this time.

Although I don't know what happened specifically, Carter left quietly and was directly cut by Tao Yu. That must be Carter's fault.

It's probably that he wanted to use cold means, but he didn't guard against Tao Yu's strength!

"No matter what he did, he died! Even if there was a conflict between us, how could it end up being a disaster? He must have been careful when he acted!"

Another strong man from the Guandi family also spoke directly at this time, avoiding the main point.

If the reasons are all clear, then if he really dies, then he dies.

For them, it is definitely better to be vague, and focus on the result! Not the process!

Are you not right if you put aside the process?

"No matter what he does? That's fine, today I will massacre the Guandi family, and you can't stop me!"

The Sun family's supreme elder, the scepter in his hand, knocked directly towards the Guandi family without any warning.

The ruby ​​on the top of the golden scepter suddenly bloomed, and a red beam with an illusory feeling broke through the air.

This looming red beam seemed to bring out a sense of beauty, without any murderous intent.

But the attack that was integrated with the holy will destroyed the barrier of the Guandi family's residence with a crushing force, and the protective barrier was easily penetrated without any resistance.

But the next moment, it was blocked by a round mirror that appeared out of thin air.

The powerful fluctuations of the holy will suppressed the aftermath of the surroundings.

The space nearby was twisted and ripples appeared.

The ancient gate of Guandi's house was turned into dust without any sign.

Within a radius of ten feet, all you could see was the constant fluctuations like high-temperature twisted air.

Lightning and thunder suddenly appeared in the sky, and red thunder began to wander in the gray fog.

Even though saints usually have higher authority, they still showed a suffocating pressure under the suppression of the world.

Other people nearby could also feel it.

This is a warning from the will of the world!

It was also a layer of protection that the Sun family's Grand Elder took the initiative to bring out...

Then another old voice came out from the round mirror

"That's enough. Let's first understand the cause and effect of this matter. The twelve Xingyao families are of the same blood. Don't hurt the harmony. Now Tianlongzhou is in chaos, and Baixing City has also experienced changes. We must unite to deal with various problems..."

There was a little bit of old age in the voice, and the tone was also very old.

But just by opening his mouth, the most fierce Sun family's Grand Elder at the scene was suppressed.

All disaster-level people had to land from the air to the ground of the floating city.

Even the Sun family's Grand Elder just floated for a while, and then snorted and landed himself.

"Xing Laogui, you know how I was injured, but as long as it is within the rules and as long as we don't tear our faces apart, I didn't say anything. I can't say anything if I'm not as good as others. Xingyao is our foundation!

"But the Guandi family is trying to arrange for the strong to bully the weak and sneak attack the younger generation. It's so blatant that we still don't say anything. Do you really think I'm dead?"

When the two families had problems before, the contradictions had never really come to light. There is still an essential difference between competitors and enemies.

This time, the Sun family directly made it clear, which really made the scene a little silent.

The twelve Xingyao families are of the same blood.

How ironic...

It's nothing more than twelve powerful families gathered for interests.

"You should investigate this matter first, and then we will hold a board meeting and vote together. How about it?"

The old voice with a sense of twilight slowly spoke, and what he said finally made everyone in the Sun family feel a little relieved.

When this voice appeared, many strong men in the Sun family felt great pressure.

A saint is a saint after all, and is qualitatively different from a disaster level!

If the other party forcibly suppresses this matter, then unless it is really a fight to the death, relying on the restrictions of the world's will and the threat of the other party's attention to Xingyao City, there is really no way.

Even if the Supreme Elder is already a quasi-saint and holds two holy objects, he still cannot fight against a true saint!

Now it is possible, the result is not bad, at least Tao Yu can be safely brought back and protected, without worrying about being attacked...

At this moment, a hearty voice came from below the floating city

"I am Tao Yu, a junior student, and I have long admired the two young ladies Shi Yu and Shi Qing of the Sun family. Today I would like to propose marriage..."

Xingyao City is gathering all the powerful people in the world, and all the focal figures of the contradictions suddenly speak, and everyone present is a witness!

For a while, even if the floating city is full of powerful people at this time, it has caused a wave of waves.

That voice, that spirit...

It won't be a disaster level? !

How did Carter die? Now very few people know the truth. Tao Yu stood up at this time and directly exposed this mystery.

Could it be...

That Carter was not killed by the Sun family?

But the eight-armed Vajra himself? !

He proposed marriage to two daughters of the first line at the same time, what a big face!

It's not marrying into the family, but proposing marriage!

But if Carter was really killed by him, then the case is solved!

They are all old foxes, and many people immediately understood the situation based on the current situation.

So this is the truth!

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