Inside the underground palace of the Death Sea, countless desert giants, wizards, and generals were washed away by the flood.

They wanted to stop the flood.

But under the high pressure, the water was so turbulent that it was out of control.

And they were made of yellow sand.

After encountering water, they became extremely heavy.

Gradually, they lost the ability to move and even suffered great damage. They were floating in the flood.

It was like a clay Buddha crossing the river, unable to save itself.

In just a few hours, the entire imperial city was submerged!

After 10 hours of natural amplification

【Increase multiple: 9999】

【Cloud thickness: 80 kilometers, cloud diameter: 1500 kilometers]

The entire Death Sand Sea was covered.

The increase stopped.

The heavy clouds did not continue to expand.

But the terrifying rainstorm was still falling.

In fact, the duration of such a rainstorm was very terrifying.


The rushing flood formed a terrifying tsunami, running in a fixed direction.

The center of the vortex, the entrance to a secret place, had become an abyss under the sea.

It was like a monster's mouth, constantly swallowing up the turbid flood.

In just half a day, this place became a vast ocean.


"You killed the nightmare-level dungeon monster: the level 299 legendary BOSS Desert Emperor, and gained experience: 10 million. Your level has reached the upper limit and you cannot gain more experience!"

Qin Xiu, level 199!

But this news still shocked Qin Xiu a little.

"Ah? Cleared it already?"

He looked up at the dark sky.

A terrifying rainstorm was falling.

It looked like it would continue to rain for three days and three nights.

In the end, the secret realm was cleared!

The most important thing was that he really didn't enter the secret realm!

"You have cleared the nightmare level dungeon!"

"Generating reviews"

"Your evaluation for this dungeon clearance is: SSS level!"

"You get a high reward: all attributes +50000, and get an additional exclusive reward for this profession. Do you want to draw it now?"

The nightmare-level copy of level 299 has more increased attributes.

But the color of the treasure chest is still diamond grade!

There is no one around.

Qin Xiu did not hide and directly opened the treasure chest this time.

I don't know what the exclusive reward will be this time.


Qin Xiu opened the diamond-level treasure chest.

The next moment, a skill book appeared in front of him.

The icon of this skill book was very strange. It was actually a dinosaur's mouth.

"You get: Top of the Food Chain (SSS)."

【Top of the Food Chain (SSS): You have become the top of the food chain in nature. In the world you know, you will have a stronger growth potential than the creatures at the top of the food chain.

Detecting the existence of the top of the food chain in the current world...

Detection completed, the current top of the food chain is: Endless Sea Dragon】

"The top of the food chain (SSS) is being activated, supplementing the current data: your total attributes increase by +2.2 million, physical defense +32.8 million, physical attack +11.28 million, spell attack +2.48 million."

Qin Xiu's attributes exploded instantly.

There is such a skill?

He has never heard of it.

But Qin Xiu found that he has become very strong now.

This kind of strength is not about how strong he is.

But his defense is amazing.

If he faces a fifth-level night watchman again, he can fight against him.

The only bad thing is that this physical attack power has no effect on him.

It would be great if it was all replaced with spell attack power!

Of course, that's just a thought.

Then, there was equipment that fell into Qin Xiu's package.

"You have obtained a legendary resource: (Gold) Heart of the Desert Emperor: Use to increase Strength by 2000"

"Automatically used, Strength +2000"

"You have obtained the legendary equipment: (Gold) Desert Royal Robe"

"You get the skill book: Desertification"

"You get legendary equipment……"

"You get……"

There was a series of equipment, but none of them could be used by Qin Xiu.

Even the Desert Emperor Robe was overshadowed by the World Destroying Robe.

"Your clearance record is SSS level, and a regional announcement will be made. Do you want to publish your name?"

"No!" Qin Xiu chose to hide without hesitation.

【Area Announcement: Death Sand Sea Notice: The nightmare-level copy that endangers the Death Sand Sea has been cleared, clearance rating: SSS!】

【Regional Announcement: Death Sand Sea Notice……】

【Regional Announcement……】

The three messages spread throughout the Death Desert.

But no one cared.

Because the Death Desert itself is an uninhabited area.

It did not attract much attention. Qin Xiu was still controlling the problem of rainwater accumulation after the rain. At this time, a new message appeared on the Internet hot search.

【Tianji Pavilion slaps face】

"I didn’t expect that the Tianji Pavilion would be slapped in the face on the first day of its establishment? There are heavy rains in Western Xinjiang, and even floods in some areas, but they say that there is a severe drought!"

"Really funny!"

"At least the place is right!"

"Drought and flood, the price of grain has increased."

At the same time.

In the suburbs of Longdu, on Tianji Mountain.

This is where the Nine-turn Great Power, Tianji Elder, lives.

The terrain here is high and the view is vast, which is most suitable for observing the stars and calculating the secrets of the sky.

At the same time, this place has temporarily become the headquarters of Tianji Pavilion.

Tianji Elder is playing chess.

And the person playing against him is naturally not an ordinary person.

It is the president of Jiuding Guild, who has just been promoted to the ninth-level guild: Yan Jiuding.

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