Qin Xiu has released five natural amplifications so far.

Except for the third mistake , each time, it caused a huge impact.

Whether it is a tsunami, a wildfire, or an infinite dark cloud, these are all natural disasters. They are all extremely dangerous.

Moreover, the location where they appear each time is not a location that others can detect.

This time, it is different!

There is no danger.

It is just weird.

People who have changed their jobs to become reporters began to spend huge sums of money to go to Kumuli and use aircraft to go to the Death Sand Sea.

"Hello everyone, I am Qiao Bingbing, a reporter from Longdu TV. I will now broadcast this shocking change to you in full."

"Five days ago, heavy rain fell inside the Death Sand Sea and it did not stop for five days and five nights. It is hard to imagine that there was no flood in the Death Sea under such extreme weather conditions. In addition, the situation was too bad and we could not go deeper. But now the weather is clear and we can clearly see from high altitude that the oasis in the distance is growing vigorously!"

"According to records, three hundred years ago, when everyone was changing jobs, the surrounding environment also changed, but not so horribly and quickly."

Qiao Bingbing zoomed in.

You can see that the place that was originally yellow sand soil will be covered with plants after a few seconds. In

1 minute, it covers thousands of meters.

In these places, only grass grew at first.

Then a sapling appeared.

The sapling grew very fast, and in a moment, it became a hundred-meter-high tree.

As time passed, the new generation of trees became taller and taller, and more and more terrifying.

The fifth hour of natural amplification

【Amplification multiple: 2105 times]

A 5 cm weed has grown to 105 meters tall.

Green mosses and algae have covered the ground, turning it into a terrifying 2-meter-tall grass.

As for the trees, they are even more terrifying.

A tree that could only grow to 7 or 8 meters has now grown to 2,000 meters tall, reaching into the sky.

"These plants are growing around the newly emerged inland lake. I wonder if some magical treasure has appeared in the inland lake."

"I'm really looking forward to it!"

""It's a great honor to see such a strange thing and record it!"

Qiao Bingbing was very excited.

In the live broadcast room, there were a million people watching this live broadcast.

"It’s horrible, I’m guilty!"

"I can't believe that such a huge creature can grow in such a short time. What is the energy? This is unreasonable."

"Wouldn't this become a new resource point?"

"I don’t know whether it will become a resource point, but with this oasis and environmental changes, this place is likely to become a tropical rainforest climate, which is very suitable for growing crops. Will the grain price still rise?"

"The brother above reminded me, I will sell my stocks now!"

"Run away!"

"It collapsed, the price has reached the limit!"

With the news, in just a few hours, the price of grain plummeted.

The Tianji Pavilion Guild.

The new member discussion area.

All kinds of astrologers, fortune tellers, and prophets were dejected.

"Damn it, that damn Song Yingjie, it’s all his fault, otherwise how could I have bought the price increase?"

"I cried, I was greedy, I didn't cash out, now I have lost everything"

"See you on the rooftop, brothers!"

"See you on the rooftop, brothers!"

"See you on the rooftop, brothers!"

This time, no matter whether they were buying high or short, they all lost money.

Qin Xiu relied on his own strength to bankrupt all the charlatans and prophets in the Tianji Pavilion!

The main reason was that these people were too greedy.

And they scolded Song Yingjie.

What did it have to do with him, Qin Xiu?

At the same time, as time went by, everything was still growing by the inland lake.

Under the camera, with the support of the amplification multiple, it became extremely terrifying.

Not only plants, but also animals.

Insects began to be born.

The first batch of reptiles appeared.

Lizards and geckos were particularly adapted to this environment.

Gradually, some fish in the lake also became huge.

Amphibians also appeared.

Under the continuous evolution, large creatures began to appear.


A terrifying creature that was thirty meters tall and eighty meters long poked its head out from the giant tree forest.

"Tyrannosaurus Rex, level: 150!"

In just half an hour, a creature that was more than one level was born.

Qiao Bingbing didn't dare to fly in the sky.

It was too dangerous, because at this time, the birds in the forest also began to evolve, and even pterosaurs appeared.

Even if Qiao Bingbing was already a fourth-level life profession, facing a level 150 pterosaur was a matter of one bite.

Of course, her professional equipment, the camera, was still very powerful.

The ultra-long-range camera recorded everything.

Gradually, the entire inland lake was surrounded by the forest.

These were all designed by Qin Xiu in advance.

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