"How could it be a person?"

"Who is this?"

"Are there such job-changers in our Dragon Country?"

If she wasn't in Dragon Country and the other party didn't have a red light in her eyes,

Jiang Long would have suspected that the other party was a ninth-level job-changer from Xian Country!

Unfortunately, everything that happened just now happened too fast!

She didn't even have time to cast an identification spell.

She missed the opportunity to meet such a fierce man.


On the other side,

Qin Xiu really reached the battlefield in one minute.

Because the tornado was too fast, Qin Xiu couldn't stop it. He even rushed into the territory of Kimchi Country.

The first time is unfamiliar, the second time is familiar.

Coming here is like going home.

Qin Xiu is not unfamiliar at all.

Ignoring the severe cold around him, Qin Xiu arrived at the border between the two countries.

"Hehe, I am not the same person now as I was before!"

Qin Xiu just acquired a new job skill.

Natural camouflage.

He can disguise himself as any creature or plant.

Isn't this like Sun Wukong who has acquired 72 transformations?

Qin Xiu said nothing and turned into a bird first, flew a little closer, and observed the situation.

Fortunately, the trees in Xian Country are still dense, and there is no ice and snow like in Kimchi Country.

Then, Qin Xiu turned into a stone on a hillside.

Here, you can see that Kimchi Country is building a job transfer tower.

Now the foundation has been built.

The job transferers who have changed their jobs to become architects are busy up and down.

The job transfer tower is being built very quickly.

According to this progress, it only takes half a day for the job transfer tower to be successfully built.

Qin Xiu looked at the sky.

It was about to enter night!

But it was obvious that the people of Kimchi Country had no intention of stopping.

Even if the Night Wanderer appeared, they would still have to build this job transfer tower.

"I don't know how many masters there are in this job transfer tower. The job transfer tower is too important for a country.

Qin Xiu thought.

Unfortunately, he got too little information.

If he acted rashly, he might be besieged by the opponent's high-level masters.

With Qin Xiu's current strength, he can kill the job transferers below the sixth level at will. The job transferers above the seventh level should be careful!

After all, the job transfer coefficient of the job transferer may be 10,000-30,000 when it reaches the seventh level.

This job coefficient is the attribute points gained by the opponent for every level increase.

After the first level, the coefficient of the combat job transferer is 5-25. Qin Xiu's natural mage is 25 points, which is the strongest one. At the seventh level, the job coefficient is 10,000-30,000. At the moment of job transfer, the previously added attributes are cleared, and the new attribute points are calculated according to the job coefficient × level.

Assuming it is a mage, the job coefficient is 30,000. For every level increase, the mental attribute increases by 20,000, the physical increases by 5,000, the agility increases by 3,000, and the strength increases by 2,000.

A level 799 mage has 15.99 million spirits, plus equipment stacking, etc.

This is the strength that can threaten Qin Xiu now.

Of course, at his current level of 299, he has obtained attributes that exceed the seventh turn, which is also very terrifying.

At this time, he was entangled in whether the other party had the ninth turn.

Just as Qin Xiu was secretly observing.

There was a sound of footsteps behind him.

Qin Xiu was startled, but the person who came obviously did not notice him.

"Hmm? Isn't this the guy riding the red worm?"

Qin Xiu looked at the person coming and soon found Jiang Long.

He was not familiar with the top combat power in this world, so he could only guess that the other party was the powerful Nine-turn Dragon Nation.

""General Longxue, that's the job transfer tower of the Kimchi Country!"

One of the Korean job transferers said with a sad and angry face.

"Too much bullying, they are too much bullying"

"According to our observation, they currently have three ninth-level transformations staying in the transformation tower to guard it."

"They are the flaming mage Jin Haoxian, the shadowless thief Shen Yongjun, and the shapeshifting mage Luo Suyan."

"But we don't know if they have any hidden people!"

Qin Xiu listened to what these people said, and his heart was hanging.

There really is a nine-turn!

Fortunately, he didn't make a move.

"No matter they have it or not, we have to beat them until they have it. If they continue to do it, your Xian country’s territory may be moved!"

General Longxue took out weapons from the space backpack.

These were actually two claw-like weapons.

The weapons were more than one meter long, hanging straight down to the ground, and were put on the arms.

There was an axe-like existence from the wrist to the elbow, and as General Longxue walked, it released a cold light.


This equipment is what a man should have.

General Longxue looks like a real"man""

"Let's go!"

Jiang Long didn't hesitate and flew up several hundred meters.

"Continuous mad dash!"

Jiang Long sprinted forward madly in the air, his speed instantly exceeding the speed of sound, causing a terrifying sonic boom.


This sound seemed to have started the battle.

She swung her arms in the air, and a blood-red light emanated from her body. The light instantly expanded to 20 meters, making her look like a giant.

"Dragon Fist!"


A punch exploded, and a blood-red dragon appeared in Jiang Long's hand. The blood-red dragon roared out and rushed straight to the job transfer tower a thousand meters away.

"Enemy Attack!!!"

"Someone is attacking us!"


"Fire Shield Technique!"

A 100-meter-wide semicircular shield appeared outside the Job Transfer Tower.


The dragon fist and the fire shield technique collided with each other, and a huge firework burst out.

The terrifying energy wave blew out, and Qin Xiu, who was more than 2,000 meters away from the battlefield, felt the strong wind.

""So strong!"

It must be said that Jiu Zhuan was too strong.

The power of this explosion was shocking.

Then, Jiu Zhuan from Xian Kingdom also stepped forward to fight.

Four against three.

General Longxue had an absolute advantage.

"General Longxue, what does our establishment of a job transfer tower have to do with you?"

"I'm not happy with you!" Jiang Long punched Jin Haoxian without saying anything, knocking him a hundred meters away.

However, Jin Haoxian was also covered with a red fire shield, and Jiang Long's punch was blocked by the fire shield, so he was not hurt.

What's more, all the mages who have reached the ninth level will transform into elements, and Jin Haoxian, who has transformed into an element, is immune to spell damage.

Jiang Long can't kill them.

But he can repel them and prevent them from building a job transfer tower here.

At this moment, two figures suddenly appeared behind Jiang Long.

The shadowless assassin.

The other person was a man with shifty eyes.

The big thief, all stealthy.

He stretched out his hand and instantly touched Jiang Long's arm.

In an instant, Jiang Long's arm lost its very cool claws, and even the arm guard (warrior gloves) wrapped around her upper arm.

SSS-level theft technique


Qin Xiu was furious when he saw this.

The situation in front of him changed rapidly.

The five Kimchi Ninth Transformation began to suppress General Longxue.

General Longxue lost half of his weapons, but he still fought fiercely, fighting one against two.

However, the Xian Ninth Transformation fought one against one, but was actually at a disadvantage and retreated repeatedly.

It was obvious that the Kimchi Ninth Transformation wanted to force them away and leave the range of the Job Transfer Tower.

They were still after the Job Transfer Tower.

"Get to work!"

"Keep working!"

"Now that the job transfer tower has been built, there is still hope for our Korean country!"

"Ignore them, quick!"

"A new batch of supplies has arrived!"

These people shouted.

Looking at the 9 Nine Revolutions going farther and farther away,

Qin Xiu laughed.

"It's my turn to play!"

Qin Xiu's eyes fell on the job transfer tower with a diameter of nearly one kilometer, and he decided to give the opponent a big one!

He took out his staff and mobilized the true meaning of wood.

"Wood-type forbidden spell: Buddha on the top of the head!"

Different people use different names to release skills.

Before, when Qianshou Hongye released the Buddha on the top, it was called Immortal Law and Wood Release.

As a natural mage, Qin Xiu only needs to call the wood forbidden spell to summon skills!

As he activated it, the God of Nature, Wood Growth, was activated.

No chanting is required.

No huge price needs to be paid.

A terrifying huge wooden Buddha statue rose from the ground.

Thousands of arms extended infinitely, covering the sky and the sun.

Not only that.

The Buddha on the top released by Qianshou Hongye is only 1,000 meters high.

But the Buddha on the top released by Qin Xiu is 3,000 meters high.

It goes straight into the clouds.

It covers the sky and the sun.

It even covers the last ray of sunset.

The people of Kimchi Country who are still working hard, see this huge Buddha statue rising from the ground, their mouths wide open, completely unable to close, showing stupid expressions.

They have never seen such a terrifying Buddha.

When any object turns into an extremely huge existence, it will make people feel terrified in their hearts.

The biggest example is the Cthulhu monster.

Now, this Buddha on the top gives people such a feeling.


Qin Xiu waved his staff.

The big Buddha sitting on the ground suddenly moved its arms.

Each big hand was three to five meters long.

They broke away from the big Buddha and pointed their palms in the direction of the job transfer tower.

They rushed over fiercely.

It was like a missile.

In an instant, thousands of palms were shot out.

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

The job transfer tower that the Korean country had just built halfway was completely destroyed.

A large number of employees inside, life-related job transfers, all died.

Qin Xiu stared at his task list.

With a swish, the task list was refreshed!

""Three-transformation mission, second ring: completed!"

Qin Xiu was relieved when he saw these words.

Without hesitation, Qin Xiu summoned the undead warhorse and ran away.

After all, there was a nine-transformation.

And his current speed wind entered the cooling time, which was very dangerous for him.

Fortunately, no one paid attention to him.

As the Buddha on the top destroyed the job transfer tower.

Jin Haoxian and others roared

"who is it!"

"be cheated!"

"Back to defense!"

"It’s too late, it’s ruined, it’s already destroyed!"

"Ah! Dragon Country, Xian Country, I will make you pay the price!"

Jiang Long sneered and raised one arm to continue fighting:"If you continue to build job transfer towers here, I will continue to guard here and let every job transfer tower of yours be destroyed!"

In fact, Jiang Long didn't know who did this..........

But she really wants to say thank you!

Jin Haoxian and others returned to defend, Jiang Long chased Quan Tou desperately, and after a fierce beating, he recovered his equipment..........

Quan Toutou's stealing skills are very powerful, and are even called: forced disarmament!

Unless it is a divine weapon that cannot be stolen.

Otherwise, no item can escape his grasp.

But his fighting ability is very poor, as long as you chase him desperately, you can even kill the opponent.

In order to survive, Quan Toutou will naturally return the stolen items.

The two parties often deal with each other and are very familiar with each other!

This battle between the nine transfers was forced to stop because of the destruction of the transfer tower.

But for the Korean country, it is simply adding insult to injury.

On the Internet, it was even more bloody.

"The Korean country should build a job transfer tower on the border. I can hear the calculations in Sichuan."

"Ah Xi, you are really going too far. Why don’t you let us go? Now you are adding insult to injury. The people of Long country are really too mean!"

"Yes, the Dragon people are very bad."

"Sakura Country, you are also bad. Don't think we don't know. The one who destroyed the job transfer tower this time was the exclusive skill of Sakura Country's Thousand Hands Red Leaf, the Buddha on the top. Our transportation team saw it from a distance. You Sakura Country destroyed your own country, but you still don't let us go. You are so cruel."

"That’s right, you in the Sakura Country said that Senju Momiji was dead, but she was not dead at all!"

"It’s hidden too deeply. What is Senju Hongye doing recently?"

"Conspiracy, it must be a conspiracy!"

The life and death of a ninth-level player was involved, and netizens joined the discussion more fiercely.

As for the fact that Qianju Hongye did not die, even many people in Sakura Country thought it was true.

Because Qianju Hongye intercepted the tsunami and was finally washed away by the tsunami, they all thought he would not die.

As for the fact that he destroyed the job transfer tower of Kimchi Country.

So what if he destroyed it?

Would Kimchi Country dare to say anything?

Under such circumstances, the Internet was in chaos.

The ninth-level players in Sakura Country were also confused.

"Qianshou is not dead?"

"Impossible, I have calculated that he is dead"

"How could someone release the Buddha on top of the head and help Xian and Long to attack the Kimchi Job Transfer Tower?

This puzzled them.

Suddenly, one person showed a look of shock, as if he had thought of something terrible.

"Could it be the Impure World Reincarnation?"

"There is no way that Dragon Country can learn our Sakura Country’s exclusive ninjutsu!"

"It is true that they will not, but the Dragon Nation has corpse drivers and ghost masters!"

Instantly, a figure emerged in their minds.

Dragon Nation Nine Revolutions: Corpse Driver: Qu Fei.

Thinking of this, several Nine Revolutions personally came out and issued a statement:

"Our Sakura Country's Jiuzhuan Qianju Hongye has been confirmed to have died in the tsunami. He is also the only Jiuzhuan who died after several disasters. For this, the whole country of Sakura Country is extremely sad. Under such circumstances, how can there be news of his resurrection on the Internet?

The only possibility is that someone has used him, or his body and soul.

The corpse chasers of Long 2.1 Country, why don't you come out and respond? If you really got Qianju Hongye's body, please return it to us immediately, otherwise Sakura Country will make you pay the price!"When the netizens of Long Country saw this news, they never expected

"Oh my god, the corpse chaser got the body of Qianshou Hongye? So awesome, doesn't it mean that our Dragon Country has one more ninth transformation?"

"Qiang, you are the god who drives corpses"

"How could our Corpse Ancestor not be strong? But... Yesterday I was studying the effects of the eighth-level corpse explosion with Corpse Ancestor! It shouldn't be us!"

"Brothers, don’t be fooled by Xiaoyinghua, they must be the ones throwing dirty water on us!"

"Yes, it must be!"

"Sakura is so bad"

"You people from Long Country are bad!"

"Ah Xi, you are not good birds!"

The three parties fought in chaos.

Qin Xiu saw the rhythm he had set, and then he turned his spearhead to Yinghua, and then he felt relieved.

"I just hope that the Nine-turn corpse chaser from Dragon Country won't rush to deny it! Otherwise, I'll be slapped in the face."


Dragon Country, outside the Sichuan area, deep in the mountains.

In a place full of miasma and danger, lives Dragon Country's top fighter: the corpse driver, Qu Fei.

To be more precise, his entire family lives here.

Not all Nine Turns are ambitious, like Yan Jiuding, who owns a guild.

Qu Fei has only one family.

And, only when the descendants of the family can no longer marry close relatives, will they call in outsiders to join.

The entire family, regardless of men or women, has the surname Qu.

"Old Ancestor, there are rumors that you took away Qianshou Hongye's body. What should we do? Do you want to clarify?

�� Qu Fei's eyes condensed, then waved his hand.

"Don't pay attention!"

"Yes, ancestor!"

After the man left, he shook his head and sighed,"Ancestor just doesn't seek fame or fortune, and doesn't care about these rumors!"

Only Qu Fei was left, frowning slightly.

"Who leaked the news?".

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