In the audience of the arena, everyone was discussing today's game enthusiastically.

Because of the four instant kills, everyone was excited.

Every gambler wanted to find his own gold mine.

But only one person had mastered the truth.

After Mu Xianxian found Qin Xiu, she saw his ratio.

9900-10000 elimination multiples rate 0.09.

It dropped by 10 times again. However, if all the honor points are invested in it, 85.5 billion honor points can still be earned.

This is the benefit of a strong principal.

Money can make money.

However, Qin Xiu also said that he did not have that kind of large-scale lethal forbidden spell this time.

Therefore, Mu Xianxian directly invested all the honor points on the opponent's championship.

Odds: 0.025.

After winning, you can still earn 23.7 billion.

Adding the principal, a total of 970 billion.

This number is already shocking.

But while waiting, many people have already found something wrong!

"Why is the ratio of this slime so low, only 0.025"

"Through my calculations based on thirty years of betting in the Void Battlefield, he must have won four championships in a row to get the proportion down to this level!"

"How is it possible, a slime!"

"Haven't you heard yet? There are four battles today, which are directly washed by forbidden spells."

"Are you kidding me? Doesn't a forbidden spell require nine transformations to be released? Moreover, how many materials are needed to release a forbidden spell, and I can't bring them into the void battlefield. Don't tell me, this slime, can cast a forbidden spell!"

"Humph, believe it or not, the person who released the forbidden spell first transformed into 27 Panda 27, then became a frogman, then the Son of the Icefield, and then a Flame Eagle. He must have a hidden identity, so this time, he changed to a new one!"

"Is there a possibility that the panda job-changer cast the forbidden spell first, and then the others followed suit and cast the forbidden spell. These people are not the same person at all?"

"This brother's words make sense. Is it possible for one person to master four forbidden spells? Do you think he is a forbidden spell mage?"

"How could this be impossible?"

For a moment, all these gamblers hesitated!

And since they are gamblers, they must be crazy.


With such low odds, they must be sure to win. The Void Battlefield doesn't want them to make money, so it's like this.

Doesn't this just show the strength of this slime?

Buy it and you'll make money!

"I'll take a chance and turn the bicycle into a motorcycle. I'll bet on the highest one, betting that he can use the forbidden spell to sweep the ground and kill them all instantly."

"How much have you bet, brother? I bet 1 million. If successful, I can earn 90,000 honor points and fight 50 fewer battles!"

"If you want to gamble, bet big, 10 million!"

"Hmm? Did I listen to an extra ten thousand words? Why did I bet only 10,000 to join in the fun? You guys are betting too much, aren’t you?"

During their heated discussion, the game finally began.

Qin Xiu was pushed out of the cage.

He raised his staff.

""Water God's Protection!"

This is also a forbidden spell. It is also the only forbidden spell of protection that Qin Xiu obtained from the transaction with the Dragon Group.

He wanted to try the defense and effect of this forbidden spell, to learn more about it and know under what circumstances to use it.

And with Qin Xiu's summons.

Blue elves floated everywhere in the sky.

These elves danced, and streams of water elements turned into streams, reaching Qin Xiu and surrounding him.

The water flow seemed to have a soul, lifting Qin Xiu up, and finally formed a bubble that enveloped Qin Xiu.

Then, more and more water flowed and turned into a giant 100 meters high.

The giant's face could not be seen clearly, but he was majestic.

Not only that, Qin Xiu, the blue slime, and the giant were a perfect match. Those who didn't know would think that this was Qin Xiu's innate talent.

"So strong! Others’ skills are all shield-type, but Water God Guardian actually summons the Water God directly."

Qin Xiu could clearly see that the Water God summoned by this Water God Guardian actually had a defense value of 500 trillion.

You know, when Jiujiu was still the world boss, it only had 100 trillion.

This Water God Guardian actually has five times the health of the world boss.

It is definitely not a small amount.

It is simply like wearing a super tank jacket.

Qin Xiu was very satisfied with this Water God Guardian.

But if it was just like this,

Qin Xiu would not feel the power of the Water God Guardian.

Just after he used the Water God Guardian, the eyes of other job-changers naturally gathered on him.

After all, the entire arena is only this big.

Qin Xiu occupied so much space by himself, which was really eye-catching.

For the third-level job-changers, they have encountered many hundred-meter-high beasts and giants. They will not be afraid because of their huge size.

On the contrary, they will only think that Qin Xiu is looking for death.

"So fancy!"

"Where did this bumpkin come from? Why is he making such a big fuss? Does he want to be a sitting duck?"

"I'll kill you first, you're in the way!"

"A slime is trying to make trouble!"

A few job-changers took the lead in attacking under the disdainful gazes of everyone.

One of the archers raised the initial iron bow in his hand, and a burst of fire broke out.

"Explosive Arrow!"

A flaming arrow flew out and hit the huge statue guarding the water god.


The arrow exploded.

The water statue did not move at all, only the surface rippled a little, without any damage.

But the next moment, a big hand stretched out from that position.

This hand was completely condensed from the water element.

And as it stretched out, it grew bigger and bigger.

It was more than 20 meters long.

The archer's face changed at this time, and he jumped away immediately, trying to escape!

But it was too late!

The big hand of the water element slammed him to the ground


The huge damage appeared above the head of the archer.



The archer was killed instantly.

The big hand began to retract after killing the enemy.

But in other directions, big hands kept stretching out.

Qin Xiu observed.

Those who attacked him actively would be hunted down by the big hand.

This terrifying water god guardian not only has defensive power.

It also has a certain attack power!

Very good.

And this battle was declared dead as Qin Xiu controlled the water god guardian and kept hunting down other players.

Of course, although Qin Xiu tried very hard this time, he only eliminated 5,000 people.

Even so, he became a well-deserved winner and won the victory in the arena.

"Congratulations on becoming the Arena Champion"

"You gain 10% elimination attributes:

Constitution +13200

Agility +18300 (Exceeds the upper limit, no increase.)

Strength +21300 (Exceeds the upper limit, no increase.)

Spirit +12800

As the champion of the arena, the attributes of your eliminated opponents will be rewarded 100%:

Constitution +11w (Exceeds the upper limit, increase 50,000.)

Agility +14w (Exceeds the upper limit, no increase.)

Strength +16w (Exceeds the upper limit, no increase.)

Spirit +10w (Exceeds the upper limit, increase 90,000)

"Void Arena Tip: You have obtained the upper limit of all extra attributes in the third-turn arena. You can no longer join the Void Arena as a gladiator."You are not allowed to participate in the competition with full attributes!

There was no such prompt after the last time when the attributes were full.

In the Ten Thousand Races Arena, you can continue to earn military merits if the extra attributes are full.

However, this time the extra attributes are full, it will cause losses to the Void Arena, so the ban was announced.

Sure enough, there is no way to continue to take advantage of the loopholes.

However, the money has been earned.

At this time, Mu Xianxian also sent a message to Qin Xiu.

"Qin Xiu, is this the last game? What do you want to buy? Let me pay for you. We made a total of 970 billion. I don’t want your 10% anymore. Let’s make it 323. 90323 billion belongs to you and the rest belongs to me."

Mu Xianxian felt that without Qin Xiu, she really wouldn’t have the chance to get so many faction honors.

She even wanted to give up some more, but looking at the attribute points in the faction store, she couldn’t open her mouth.、

‘When I become strong, I will definitely repay you. This time will definitely not be too long!’

‘Hey! But how could such a powerful Qin Xiu let me repay him?’

‘I just hope my speed can catch up with him!

Qin Xiu saw Mu Xianxian's words and didn't hesitate.

He sent two payment messages.

"Job changer Qin Xiu wants you to help pay [4 million physical attribute points], the required payment price: 400 billion"

"The job-changer Qin Xiu wants you to help pay for [5 million agility attribute points], the payment price is: 500 billion."

900 billion, just spend it all.

Mu Xianxian was shocked when she saw this terrifying proportion of attribute points.

"Qin Xiu, why is this not in my mall?"

"Once you have bought all four attributes and spent the required amount, you can start watching!"

"Oh? OK, thank you!"

Mu Xianxian said politely. She really didn't know this before. She only increased her agility and strength attributes.

Now, she is rich and powerful. She spent the honor of the faction to buy all the attributes, and immediately refreshed the new store level.

It turned out to be here.

Mu Xianxian's eyes were full of brilliance.

With these extra attribute points, she can be ahead of other job changers, one step ahead, step by step ahead


On the other side, Qin Xiu finished his work in the Void Arena and got so many faction honors, feeling very comfortable.

Seeing that it was already late at night, Qin Xiu fell asleep quickly. He had something important to do tomorrow.

The next morning, Qin Xiu took the teleportation array in advance and went to Qincheng.

Just as he was about to take a taxi to the place given by Yan Jiuding, he stopped waving his hand again.


"Going this way is totally uncool!"

"I can't show that I am a big boss."

It should be like this…….

I love you: Lunar

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