Under the strong call of the Korean people,

Jin Haoxian posted a message on his social platform

"In view of the strong will of the people of Kimchi Country, all of us, the Nine Revolutions, unanimously agree with the people's call and decide to join the Lighthouse Country and leave this extremely cold place. In the Lighthouse Country, we will breathe sweet air, enjoy a freer atmosphere, obtain better resources, and appreciate a rounder moon. Let us cheer together for becoming citizens of the Lighthouse Country!"

Then, another system prompt appeared.

【World Announcement: Kimchi Country has given up on restoring its country. Kimchi Country has been destroyed. All citizens are stateless. They can join any country and apply for entry to the country according to the country's nine revolutions.】

【World Announcement: Kimchi Nation's Ninth Transformation, Flame Mage, and Jin Haoxian join the Lighthouse Nation, Lighthouse Nation's National Fortune +3】

【World Announcement: Kimchi Nation's Ninth Transformation Mage, Luo Suyan, joined the Lighthouse Nation, Lighthouse Nation's National Fortune +3】

【World Announcement: Kimchi Country Nine Revolutions、……】

Lighthouse Country's National Fortune: 311 points

【World Announcement: Lighthouse Nation's national fortune reaches 300 points, resources refresh × 3 within ten days, attack power permanently increased by 30%】

The people of the Lighthouse Country, as well as the newly joined Philippine, Kimchi, and Sakura countries, all cheered and were glad that they were Lighthouse people.

Not only that.

The next moment, a paid call appeared in the ears of the whole world.

One call required 1,000 purple crystal coins.

In other words: 100 billion

【World Shout][Lighthouse Nation, Nine Turns, Explosive Spring Warrior 27, Joseph 27】:"Welcome all the ninth-level masters to join the Lighthouse Nation. Tomorrow night, I will hold a grand banquet on the Diaoyu Island next to the new Sakura City, the original territory of the Sakura Nation. Friendly countries are welcome to attend!"When

Qin Xiu heard this world's call, his face suddenly changed and he was filled with murderous intent.

If it was said that the Lighthouse Nation's national fortune had reached 300 before, Qin Xiu would have only cursed it as bad luck.

Now, the Lighthouse Nation is coming to Diaoyu Island to hold a banquet, which is a naked provocation.

His words undoubtedly mean that Diaoyu Island belongs to the Sakura Nation.

In fact, this is the territory of the Dragon Nation and cannot be violated.

When the world announced it before, Qin Xiu and Yan Jiuding listened here motionlessly.

Now Yan Jiuding is simply furious.

"Too much bullying!"

Why does this sentence sound familiar?

Qin Xiu remembered that this seemed to be what the Xian Kingdom Jiuzhuan said.

They were bullied by the Kimchi Kingdom and built a job transfer tower on the border.

But they didn't dare to say a word.

They only dared to say that the other party was too bullying.

Since when did the Dragon Kingdom Jiuzhuan become so weak?

Qin Xiu lurked in the group and already knew that the Jiuzhuan of each country would go to the other world to fight monsters and level up, because the local resources were really not enough.

But this was not the reason why they didn't even dare to say a word.

Looking at the furious and aggrieved Yan Jiuding.

Qin Xiu suppressed his anger instead.

What's the use of incompetent rage?

Doing big things quietly is his Qin Xiu's character.

"It doesn't matter, I will take action!"Qin Xiu said coldly.

Then, he stepped into the teleportation array again.

"Teleport: Fishing Town!"

Fishing Town is the closest to Diaoyu Island.

When the time comes, give them a big shot.

【World Shout】【Longguo, Jiuzhuan, Suanshi, Xia Tianji】:"I just read your fortune, it's a bad omen, I advise you not to come, otherwise the team building may end up in ruins!"

This seemingly joking remark immediately eased the anger of the Dragon people.

Strategic threat: Old Man Tianji!

Old Man Tianji is a nine-turn fortune teller who can predict the future. Do you think what he said is true or false?

Although many Dragon people think it is false, at this time, when Old Man Tianji said this, they all hope that it is true.

【World Shout][Lighthouse Nation, Nine Turns, Exploding Spring Warrior, Joseph】:"It seems that some countries are very dissatisfied with our gathering. Why don’t we put aside our hatred and celebrate together? If the Nine-turn Dragon Country comes, I will definitely treat you to a drink!"

【World Shout】【Longguo, Jiuzhuan, Suanshi, Xia Tianji】:""It's hard to persuade a damned ghost with good words, believe it or not!"

After this, the two did not argue on the world channel.

But people from all countries became suspicious.

Should they believe Xia Tianji's words?

But if they don't believe it, why do they feel uneasy?

On Mount Fuji in the Sakura Country, all the Sakura Nine Turns set their eyes on Yuan Minghe.

"Or? You can also calculate it?"

"All right!" Yuan Minghe also became alert and summoned the shikigami.

The Great Tengu appeared again, and this time, it obviously spoke more

"At tomorrow's party, you will be attacked by forbidden spells!"

After saying that, the Great Tengu disappeared.

"Damn, the Dragon people are crazy. Just because we are going to a party, they actually want to attack us with forbidden spells?"

"Lawless, lawless!"

"It’s just a small forbidden spell. If we prepare in advance, we won’t be afraid of him!"

"That's right, it's just a forbidden spell, we can definitely withstand it"

"I have delayed my exploration of the other world since I came back this time. Let's send a representative to tomorrow's party."

"Me too!"

"I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

After a while, all the Sakura Nine Revolutions who joined the Lighthouse Nation were busy.

"Humph, you are as cowardly as a mouse. I, Ichiro Motoyama, will go for it!"

He must curry favor with the Nine Revolutions of the Lighthouse Country. It would be best if they could go to the dungeon together. After going to the Lighthouse Country, he can get acquainted with the local bigwigs, so that he can upgrade quickly.

His strength is really weak among the Nine Revolutions!

This is the inherent defect of some professions. Those who can reach the Nine Revolutions are all strong.

But the combat effectiveness between the Nine Revolutions is huge.

He is the one at the bottom.

"I won't go! I still need to be responsible for the base camp!"Yuan Minghe hurriedly ran away.

The only person present was the Nine-turn who was very supportive of the Lighthouse Nation. They decided to set off tomorrow.


Fishing Town.

Qin Xiu, who had just landed, naturally heard the message from Tianji Elder and the other party, and muttered in his heart

"Did this old man Tianji calculate that I would take action, or was he simply trying to scare them?"

"do not care!"

"Find a hotel to stay in first."

Fortunately, he had money this time. He went to the bank and exchanged a purple gold coin for 100 million credit points.

Qin Xiu lived in a seven-star villa by the sea.

He couldn't see Diaoyu Island from here.

But it was facing that direction.

He decided to start from here tomorrow.

After thinking about it, he opened the big boss chat group.

【[Dragon Girl]: The Lighthouse Country is going too far. If I hadn’t been injured, I would have stayed at Diaoyu Island and waited for them. I will kill them one by one if they come!

【[Corpse Driver]: Mr. Yang gave me three corpses. I haven't fully controlled them yet, but I can take a walk.

【Lanhua]: Do you really want to fight? Is what Tianji said true or false?

【Fortune teller]: The secret of heaven cannot be revealed

【Mr. Bai]: Again?

Qin Xiu smiled and didn't dwell on it any more.

He directly put the equipment he had obtained today on the trading platform.

【Sunny Happy Big Boy] uploaded the trading item [Armor of the Earth Ancestor (Colorful Mythology)], and the exchange requirements are: wind, fire, water, and earth forbidden spells.

The reason for stipulating these forbidden spells is that there will be a tough battle tomorrow.

In this case, it is natural to increase one's combat effectiveness.

As for why I didn't write the ice and thunder forbidden spells, it's because it's too obvious!

It matches the recent disaster.

I just don't write it.

Soon, Qin Xiu's chat 613 group transaction box 613 began to flash.

【Rich man] Use [Chaos Holy Lotus (SSS)] to trade [Earth Ancestor Armor (Colorful Myth)], do you want to trade!

It's very fast!

Qin Xiu checked the forbidden spell that the other party traded.

【[Chaos Holy Lotus (SSS)]: A mixture of fire and water forbidden spells. Two unfused forbidden spells mixed together, extremely unstable. After being released, it will cause a large range of spell damage.

This is actually a mixed forbidden spell.

However, this forbidden spell looks very rare.

Qin Xiu was still in the group, @ the other party

【Sunshine happy big boy】:@【Rich people] Are you at a disadvantage?

【Rich man: Mr. Yang, I am joking. I am not at a disadvantage. Yours is a tank-type artifact, which we are in urgent need of. Although my forbidden spell book is good, no one can learn it. If you need it, take it. It is worth about the same.

【Sunny and Happy Big Boy]: Okay, I’ll ask you in advance next time!

【[Rich man]: Hahaha, okay, okay, I remember this!

In fact, Wan Sicong had told Qin Xiu before that if there was a magic weapon, he could notify him.

But Qin Xiu obviously didn't care about this matter.

This time, after the transaction, Wan Sicong specially chatted with Qin Xiu privately and added a real friend.

Of course, it was only a friend that Wan Sicong considered.

Qin Xiu asked the other party to add, but it was just a fake identity of Yang Dan.

But in Wan Sicong's view, he was already very satisfied.

On the other hand.

Yan Jiuding was a little skeptical about his life!

This equipment was obviously dropped from the ancestor of the earth dragon.

Yan Jiuding didn't want to share this magic weapon, and he didn't deserve it.

After all, Qin Xiu played the dungeon.

But as someone who played the dungeon together, isn't he the priority to sell it?

"Did I not give enough? Why, why didn't Mr. Yang think of me first?".

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