"EDG has a big advantage at the beginning."

In the commentary booth, Miller glanced at Guan Zeyuan while commenting.

If he remembered correctly, Guan Zeyuan seemed to have predicted that RNG would win today's game.

The name of "poison milk" is really well-deserved.

Guan Zeyuan ignored Miller's eyes and said: "The advantage is more than a little big. RNG is blown through. With the opening of Qing Gangying, this player is basically gone in this game. I suspect that even Spicy Hotpot may not be able to beat the wild monsters."

Wawa nodded: "Qing Gangying is a hero who is really difficult to brush the jungle in the early stage. I have to say that Wave is a bit magical. It feels like he can always come up with something different on the field. The key is that he can succeed every time."

In the EDG lounge.

Seeing that the jungler got such a big advantage at the beginning of the game, Nofe and Abu were excited.

"Nice, that's how it should be played."

Nofe was more and more satisfied with Shen Lang: "He was born for EDG."

"If he can maintain this state, he can really beat RNG today."

Abu followed.

Facing RNG, he and Nofe were least confident in the bottom lane. Although iboy was not weak, he asked himself that there was still a gap compared to Uzi.

However, compared with other positions, ADC's power time should be later.

This game started very smoothly for the prince, and the factory manager was definitely good at targeting Uzi. As long as the factory manager could limit Uzi's development, this game could basically be won steadily.

The situation seemed very optimistic.

Back to the game.

After the Qinggang Shadow was resurrected, it was only level 2. At this time, its upper jungle was empty, and it was clear that the prince would definitely not leave the Swift Crab to it.

There was no way, Mala Xiangguo could only control Qinggang Shadow to go to the lower jungle to brush the Stone Beetle.

"The opposing jungler is useless now. You guys can play more aggressively on the line, so that I can do my job."

Zhangzhuang said confidently in the voice chat.

At this time, he has reached level 4. The money on him is not only enough to upgrade the jungle knife, but also enough to buy a pair of straw shoes.

After updating his equipment and coming out of the fountain, he couldn't wait to walk towards the bottom lane.

As an experienced old jungler, Zhangzhuang naturally knew that Qing Gangying could only swipe the stone beetle now.

When the prince walked back to the fountain, Qing Gangying had already entered the jungle, and there was a time difference of several seconds between the two.

To everyone's surprise, Spicy Hotpot did not eat the stone beetle to upgrade, but controlled Qing Gangying to walk straight towards the bottom lane.

He wants to gank!

This is the jungle style of Spicy Hotpot.

I can not swipe the jungle, but I can't not gank people. Qing Gangying, this hero, has the ability to gank at level 2.

The bottom lane soldiers are pushed towards RNG.

After getting the feedback from the factory manager, iboy and Meiko fought fiercely in the laning phase.

They knew very well that the bottom lane was the absolute core of RNG. As long as they could suppress the bottom lane, the whole game would be easy to win.

"A level 2 Qing Gangying, he wouldn't want to catch anyone, right?"

Seeing the movements of Mala Xiangguo, Guan Zeyuan's heart skipped a beat.

He just said that there was basically no Qing Gangying in this game, and in a blink of an eye, Mala Xiangguo was about to start working.

Could it be that I am really a poisonous healer?

Qing Gangying quickly entered the triangle grass in the bottom lane, and there was no vision of EDG inside.

At this time, Uzi began to consciously control Varus to press forward, showing an attitude of eagerly wanting to suppress the laning phase.

Meiko saw this and seized the opportunity when Varus came forward to attack Xia, and decisively released the E skill.

[Meat Bomb Impact] hit Varus and immediately stunned him on the spot.

The reason why Meiko dared to go up directly with E was very simple. The opponent's jungler was only level 2 and would not come to the bottom lane with a high probability. And his own jungler was on the way to the bottom lane, so it was absolutely no problem to go up and exchange blood.

However, it was this idea that gave Mala Xiangguo an opportunity.

Seeing the barrel E coming up, he almost shouted in surprise: "Kill the barrel, kill the opponent's support!"

Upon hearing this, Xiao Ming immediately released the W skill to come to Varus, and then put on the passive on the barrel.

iboy did not give in, activated the W skill and quickly attacked.

If there were no other interference factors, this wave of fighting against EDG's bottom lane combination would definitely be a big win, and it would be absolutely no problem to force Varus to flash.

But at this moment, the Qing Gangying in the triangle bush suddenly attacked.

Mala Xiangguo also knew that the prince was going to the bottom lane, so he did not dare to hold back at all. He flashed into the battlefield instantly with E, and connected with Braum's control to stun the barrel on the spot."Fuck, where is Qing Gangying?"

iboy was shocked.

At this time, the prince had just walked to the blue buff position, and was still some distance away from the bottom lane. It was obviously too late for him to come to support.

Veros had recovered from the stun of the barrel, and released the E skill to the barrel with his backhand, and Xiao Ming beside him hung up the ignite in time.

In this situation, the barrel was already in a dead situation.

iboy decisively sold his teammates and controlled Xia to retreat. With the joint efforts of the RNG team, the health of the barrel was quickly emptied, and the head was taken by Varus.


RNG everyone roared in the voice.

Seeing the Qing Gangying who was only at level 2, how could the factory manager not know that Spicy Pot didn't hit the stone beetle at all, but went directly to the bottom lane to gank.

"Is this the fasting jungler?"

Shen Lang was amazed.

It has to be said that Mala Xiang Guo is indeed a very attractive jungler. This kind of jungler at the beginning can make him play.

After this wave, although Qing Gangying is still at a disadvantage, he helped the bottom lane to successfully reward the advantage.

Varus got the head, which is the last thing EDG wants to see.

"Let's play it safe."

Zizi said a little embarrassed.

Guan Zeyuan on the commentary seat was also embarrassed.


"Normally speaking, Qing Gangying is really hard to do things. This wave is purely because Mala Xiang Guo has better awareness. He just caught the time difference when the prince went down but had not yet reached the bottom lane. The EDG bottom lane combination relaxed its vigilance, so it found an opportunity."

He tried his best to explain.

Miller smiled and nodded: "That's true, but there is another more important factor, that is, our teacher Guan Zeyuan just said that Qing Gangying is hard to do things. Sometimes you have to believe in metaphysics."


The audience burst into laughter.

In the following time, there was no more fighting between the two sides.

After the bottom lane suffered a loss, iboy and Meiko quickly became honest.

It was acceptable to let Varus get a kill, at least he could still fight in the laning phase, but if he continued to give up, it would be hard to say.

The factory manager did not help the line, he began to focus on invading the jungle to limit the development of Qing Gangying.

However, Mala Xiangguo's sense of smell was still very sharp. Although many wild monsters were killed by the prince, he was never caught by the factory manager.

Even Shen Lang in the top lane was silent.

Now is not the time for him to speak.

The suicide flow Sion can't just die, the real core is actually to destroy the tower.

However, the top lane defense tower has a protection mechanism in the early stage of the game, and giving up at this time will not take away much health.

And Sion's health is not very high at this time.

The damage of the small talent explosion is based on the hero's health, and the damage of the void worms summoned by the equipment Z'Rot's portal is also based on the hero's health, so it is best not to give up in the early stage, and wait until the health is slightly raised by using the passive skill of the W skill before giving up, so as to maximize the benefits.

The laning in the top lane is very easy. Letme's ability to withstand pressure is indeed very strong, but the suppression of the laning is not enough.

Coupled with the equipment advantage on Sion, it is easy to level the gap between the heroes.

Sion's last hits not only did not lag behind, but even led Ornn by a few hits.

The game time soon came to 6 minutes.

Sion's upgraded light lit up, Shen Lang upgraded his ultimate move, and inadvertently said in the voice: "It's time to go home!"

After that, he charged the Q skill and activated the W skill while charging.

The two skills hit the line of soldiers, and finally used the E skill to finish, and the line of soldiers was quickly cleared.

Hearing this, the factory manager thought he was going to push the line back home, so he reminded him in the voice: "Go home to replenish your equipment and you can teleport back to the line. The blue buff on the opposite side should have been refreshed. Invade the opposite jungle with me."

Shen Lang was silent after hearing this.

Letme also thought so. He was about to return to the city to replenish his status, so he let Sion push the line over.

What he didn't expect was that after Sion pushed the line into the defense tower, he didn't leave, but walked straight into the defense tower.

"What do you mean?"

At first, Letme didn't react until he saw the special effect of the talent explosion on his own defense tower.

"Brother, you are really greedy."

While speaking, he hurriedly released skills to Sion.

Q followed by W spewed flames, and then normal attack A produced a fragile effect, and waited until the breakthrough of the Q skill appeared before releasing the E skill...

Shen Lang didn't dodge at all, and Ornn's damage was full.

Ornn's base damage is not low, and Sion's health becomes dangerous when he takes damage from his skills.

NoHowever, Shen Lang didn't care at all. He activated the W skill to put a shield on himself, and then went forward to attack with a blast. RNG's top lane defense tower was immediately taken away a lot of health.

The W skill exploded and hit the soldier who just came over, and then charged the Q skill.

There is one point that Sion needs to pay attention to when playing the death-seeking flow, that is, he must eat the soldier line, and he can even attack the tower less twice in order to eat the soldier line.

The reason why many people can't play the death-seeking flow well is that they only think about destroying the tower and ignore the last hit. Only by eating the soldier line can Sion gain health growth, and only by eating the soldier line can Sion have money to buy equipment.

The damage from the top lane defense tower quickly took away Sion's remaining health, and the passive was triggered, and the corpse stood up.

Shen Lang controlled the corpse to quickly attack the remaining soldier line under the tower, and then took advantage of the last time to attack the defense tower twice more.

Looking at the 300 yuan falling from the sky, Letme was a little dumbfounded.

It's not you, buddy, Sion playing the death-seeking flow?

This routine has been seen in ranking or matching, but basically no player dares to play it this way in the arena.

The reason is simple, the risk is too great.

It's not just Letme who is dumbfounded, the factory manager is also very confused.

He was waiting for Sion to return to the city and teleport to the line to invade the jungle with him, but he didn't expect Sion to die directly.

"You return to the city like this?"

The factory manager turned his head and looked at Shen Lang next to him in surprise.

Shen Lang's expression was still calm: "Just tell me if it's fast or not."

Quickly buy equipment, and then walk out of the fountain directly.

The equipment Shen Lang bought when he returned to the city was Tiamat. Seeing this equipment, how can everyone not know that this is a suicide flow.

"Brother Weiwu, this is a game, not a ranking match."

Guan Zeyuan shouted: "I have to say this guy is really courageous. He played Sion in the game. It seems that no professional player has played like this in the game?"

"It shouldn't be. Is this the courage of young players? I have to say that the EDG coach is also very courageous. He dares to let the players play like this. Is this still the EDG we know?"

Miller praised loudly.

At this time, the director happened to switch the camera to the EDG lounge. Abu and Nofe were staring at the big screen in the room with dull faces, as if they couldn't believe what they saw.



They didn't know at all that Shen Lang had never discussed it with them.

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