Garen's teleportation landing position was not far from Kaisa. After turning on the acceleration, he flashed to Kaisa's side quickly.


Uzi was still immersed in the joy of killing Ashe and was thinking about how to harvest the health of other EDG players next. Garen's sudden appearance was like a wake-up call, instantly making him face reality.

With Black Cleaver and Phantom Flame in hand, Garen's damage was very explosive. Just the Q skill took away one-third of Kaisa's health.

The E skill was released, and the windmill started to turn.

Facing Garen's explosive speed, Kaisa had no way to distance herself and could only watch the opponent harvest her health.


A question mark suddenly appeared in the chat box.

It was sent by Shen Lang.

While releasing the skill combo, he even had the mind to taunt the opponent.

The combo with the question mark doubled the psychological damage.

Kaisa's health soon reached the kill line. Shen Lang pressed the R key, and the big sword fell from the sky, taking away the remaining health.

The venue, which was originally full of cheers, suddenly became silent, and then soon filled with cheers again, but the cheering people changed from RNG fans to EDG fans.

"Puppy fell~"

Wawa cried in a crying voice.

When Kaisa entered the field, he thought a famous scene was about to be born, but the fantasy was ruthlessly shattered by Garen. The big sword is good at dealing with fancy things.

"Counterattack, counterattack!"

Meiko shouted in the voice.

Qing Gangying and Kaisa cut the back row, causing RNG's formation to be divided. If Kaisa didn't die, then it and Qing Gangying would be able to cut off the retreat route of EDG, and no one else could run.

But now Kaisa was killed by Garen, and the situation was reversed instantly. EDG was able to seize the opportunity when RNG's formation was divided and break them one by one.

Zhu Mei turned around and released her ultimate skill, which accurately hit Qing Gangying and froze him in place.

Xiaodi quickly followed up with damage.

Although Syndra's development in this game was not very good, her equipment was better than Qing Gangying's.

Spicy Hotpot was targeted by Garen in the early stage, and the jungle was brushed by his own ADC in the mid-term. There was no room for development at all, and no extra money to synthesize meat equipment, and he could not withstand Syndra's damage at all.

[Energy Drain] ended, and Syndra quickly took away the remaining health of Qing Gangying.

At this time, Letme's Gnar also teleported down.

Although he has become bigger and has flash in his hand, with Gnar's current development, even if the ultimate skill can control multiple people, it is useless, and the damage is not enough.

The moment he landed, Meiko targeted Gnar.

Q skill [Winter's Bite] was released, the passive was accurately hung, and then the ultimate skill was connected, easily forcing Gnar's flash out.

Even if he gave up his flash, Gary couldn't quickly distance himself from the slowed down player. Sejuani turned around and used his Q skill to get close, then used his W skill to successfully stick to him.

Syndra and Garen quickly came to support him and made up for the damage. With their combined efforts, Gary's health was quickly emptied, and finally the kill was taken by Syndra.

Fortunately, Xiaohu was quick to react. When he saw Kaisa being killed, he realized that the team battle would definitely be lost. He directly released his ultimate skill behind him and distanced himself with Minotaur before EDG chased him. RNG was not wiped out.

The team battle ended, with one for three, and EDG won a great victory.

"Brother Weiwu has done a great job again this time!"

Guan Zeyuan explained excitedly: "Although Garen's outfit is very strange, the damage is really exaggerated. Brother Weiwu chose a very good teleport position. He can touch Kaisa by giving up the flash, and Garen happened to have a flash in this team battle..."

"I can only say that Garen is Garen. The big sword is good at dealing with fancy things. Kaisa has no room to operate when it gets close to him. Otherwise, if Uzi can operate this wave, EDG may even be wiped out."

Miller added.



After winning the team battle, everyone in EDG cheered in the voice chat.

"Garen is really awesome. The person who invented Garen's Phantom Dream is simply a genius."

The factory manager changed his face instantly and praised loudly in the voice chat.

"You didn't say that before."

Shen Lang reminded in a low voice.

"Oh, what are you talking about? You know me. I have always supported you unconditionally."

The factory manager instantly cut off from his previous self.

Hearing his words, the others burst into laughter.

As they talked and laughed, the dragon's wail soon sounded, and the remaining four EDG players easily took the dragon.

The situation was reversed again.

This dragon was very critical.

Before taking the dragon, the commentators thought that EDG would have a hard time in teamfights because the equipment gap was too large and it was difficult for them to deal with the equipment gap in teamfights.Kaisa is far ahead in terms of economy.

But now it is different. In the team battle, Syndra got two kills, and she can get a bounty by killing the dragon. In the subsequent advancement, she can also get a lot of economy. Kaisa's equipment lead is no longer so obvious. It is undoubtedly much easier to deal with Kaisa in the team battle.

After replenishing the equipment and status, the EDG team began to advance.

With the help of the dragon buff, RNG's outer tower was gradually destroyed, and the economic gap between the two sides was gradually widening.

However, EDG's advancement was not very resolute, and they did not even try to force RNG's high ground.

"Will there be any variables in this game? The economic gap between the two sides is not very large. Kaisa's equipment is even in the leading state. This is Uzi. There is still a possibility of creating miracles in the subsequent team battles."

Wawa said.

But after saying this, Guan Zeyuan next to him quickly expressed his objection: "It will be difficult for Kaisa to operate in subsequent team battles. The reason why EDG is not in a hurry to go to the high ground now is actually waiting for Garen's flash."

"Wait for Garen's flash to turn over, Syndra and Garen can both threaten Kaisa's output. Now RNG's economy is basically concentrated on Kaisa. As long as Kaisa is killed, there is no possibility of winning the team battle."

In fact, Guan Zeyuan's understanding of the game is really good.

The EDG team is indeed waiting for Garen's flash.

As soon as Garen's flash turned over, Sejuani came to the middle lane, and the QR skill did not explain the combo to force the team to start.

The skill hit Kaisa in the crowd and successfully forced out its mercury.

Ashe fired a big move, but was blocked by the Minotaur next to him. RNG decisively chose to counterattack. Spicy Pot also controlled the Blue Steel Shadow to come to the middle lane and quickly released the E skill to cut the back row. Uzi also controlled Kaisa to start harvesting the blood volume of the EDG front row.

Having learned from the previous lesson, he dared not release his ultimate to enter the field and cut the back row.

At this moment, Syndra and Garen both handed over their teleports, and the mid and top laners of RNG also came to support in time, and the team battle broke out instantly.

After landing, the junior brother pointed directly at Kaisa in the crowd.

Flashed to close the distance, handed over the ultimate directly, and released the QE skills quickly, not seeking to kill Kaisa directly, but only to reduce its health.

As for Garen, after landing, Shen Lang activated Youmeng, and then released the active effect of the newly synthesized Glory of Justice, and finally activated the Q skill, and came to Kaisa in the blink of an eye.

The other RNG people wanted to release skills to restrict Garen, but in a flash, Shen Lang had already handed over the flash.

After the Q skill, he directly connected the ultimate.

Kaisa's remaining health was instantly taken away, and it was not until this time that the Minotaur handed over the W skill to knock Garen away.

Kaisa was killed instantly, and the team battle instantly lost suspense.

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