In this game, the heroes used by Shen Lang and the factory manager did not change.

Shen Lang still played the jungle blind monk, and the factory manager still used the top lane Garen.

However, unlike the beginning of the ranking, after a night of losing, Shen Lang's blind monk proficiency has greatly improved.

This is where his confidence lies.

S+ level reaction speed and awareness, hero proficiency has also improved. Although he is not very familiar with the jungle ideas, he has no problem dealing with the current rank.

In comparison, the factory manager does not have a system, and even if there is an improvement, it will not be too much.

Shen Lang is not sure who was the problem in the previous game, but now...

It can only be the factory manager's problem!

The game was quickly loaded. In this game, Shen Lang was on the red side and still chose the red buff to start.

However, after killing the red buff, he did not control the blind monk to go to the lower half of the jungle area, but went straight to the top lane.

"There's a dog!!"

"I'm submissive to the enemy, but I'll hit hard against my teammates."

"You're not a human being."

"When I was duoing with Zweizhang, he was busy brushing the jungle, while Zweizhang was ganking the opponent at level 2. He really wanted to prove something."


The live broadcast room's barrage scrolled wildly.

The blind monk quickly entered the triangle bush. In this game, Zweizhang's Garen was laning against Ornn, so he upgraded his E skill at the beginning and directly released the skill forward to push the line.

In this case, Shen Lang could easily control the blind monk to go around.

When Zweizhang saw the blind monk appear in the field of vision, he was stunned for a moment. He never thought that Shen Lang, who only knew how to brush the jungle before, would actually gank at level 2 in this game.

"You are a dog!!"

Even in the training room, Shen Lang could hear the scolding from the dormitory.

He smiled and controlled the blind monk to walk straight towards Garen. His own top laner also cooperated very well and quickly released the Q skill.

Garen was slowed down, and seeing Lee Sin approaching, the factory manager could only use flash to distance himself.

But just as Garen moved out, Shen Lang hurriedly used W to close the distance.

He launched a normal attack, then connected with the Q skill [Sound Wave], and released the echo after Garen pulled away...

With the combined efforts of Ornn and Lee Sin, Garen's health quickly reached the bottom.


Shen Lang couldn't wait to type in the chat box.

The most extreme taunts are often presented in the simplest way, and the small question mark caused great damage to the factory manager.

"Come on, keep going."

He fought back in the chat box. No matter what, he must not lose in momentum.

Shen Lang smiled and said nothing, controlling Lee Sin to turn around and enter the jungle to continue farming.

He really didn't know what the top junglers were thinking, when to gank and when to farm.

However, he knew that it was always right to gank.

When Garen is there, gank the top lane, and when Garen is not there, clear the jungle.

After clearing the stone beetle and F6, go to the river to kill the swift crab, the blind monk reaches level 3, and Shen Lang continues to go to the top lane.

At this time, Garen had just teleported to the top lane. Although he was killed at the beginning, he did not lose too many soldiers, and there was no pressure against Ornn.

However, just when the factory manager was thinking about how to suppress Ornn, the figure of the blind monk appeared in the field of vision again.

"Is the top lane your father?"

The roar sounded again.

Fortunately, the soldiers in the top lane were not pushed forward too much. The moment the factory manager saw the blind monk, he released the Q skill to speed up and retreat.

But even so, Garen was still hit by the blind monk's Q skill.

Shen Lang released [Echo Shot] to come to Garen, and then connected the E skill, and attacked...

Although Garen returned to the defense tower safely, he was taken away by the blind monk. A lot of health. Its teleport was still on CD. It was definitely not possible to return to the city at this time. The next laning will be very uncomfortable.

"Hey, you all saw it. I didn't want to catch him. He asked for it. This is the first time I've seen such a strange request."

Shen Lang said to the audience in the live broadcast room with a smile.

Blind Monk appeared in the top lane twice. It's obvious that the opponent's jungler will definitely invade the lower jungle at this time.

But it doesn't matter.

The lower jungle can be left, but Garen must be restricted.

The game time is 6 minutes.

With the help of Blind Monk, Ornn developed very comfortably in the early stage, and his number of last hits was far ahead of Garen. After it reached level 6, Shen Lang controlled Blind Monk to come to the top lane again.

Garen's flash hasn't turned over yet, and Ornn directly released his ultimate skill to call the goat.

The goat knocked Garen into the air, and the blind monk appeared at the right time, and the Q skill accurately hit the knocked-up Garen.

The roar sounded again.

Garen's development was very poor. It was a bit difficult to take Ornn's damage. Now there was Blind Monk next to him.If he makes up for the damage, it will be even more unbearable.

With the cooperation of Ornn, Shen Lang got Garen's head again.

"Brother Tian Ye, please close the door."

After killing him, Shen Lang immediately said to Meiko at the door of the training room.

He was afraid that the factory manager could not win the battle online, so he ran to the training room to kill him offline.

This wave of killing, Garen exploded directly in the laning phase, died twice in 6 minutes, and was suppressed so much in the last hit. It was also thanks to Ornn that Shen Lang's top laner was on his side, otherwise he might not even be able to stay under the defense tower next time.

In the subsequent games, Shen Lang still focused on catching the top.

The factory manager felt more and more that something was wrong. Putting aside the point of blindly catching the top, this blind monk's operation seemed to have something.

Touching the eye, spinning kick, R flash, including skill combos and the accuracy of the Q skill, it is not an exaggeration to say that the blind monk is a master of skills.

If the ID was not the same, he would never believe that this blind monk was the same blind monk as Shen Lang's previous blind monk.

"You still say it's not his fault!"

In the dormitory, the factory manager cursed: "When he was duo-queuing with me, Lee Sin was really a blind man. Now he is opposite me, Lee Sin's eyes are not blind, his feet are not lame, he has become a god monk!"

He simply couldn't believe that Shen Lang would change so much in just a few hours. The only explanation was that Shen Lang was acting him.

How can you win with an actor?

Under Shen Lang's targeting, Garen kept dying.

Later, even if the jungler on the factory manager's side came to catch him, it would be useless. Lee Sin's development was very good, and it was not a problem to fight two. In addition, with the support of Ornn, being counter-camped did not affect killing Garen at all.

In the key big dragon team battle, Shen Lang's Lee Sin entered the field from the side, and the Q skill followed by the eye touch R flash successfully kicked out the opposite ADC, directly laying the foundation for victory.

This game lasted only 25 minutes, and Shen Lang's Lee Sin successfully won the MVP. In comparison, the factory manager's Garen was much more miserable.

Garen is still the same Garen, but Lee Sin is no longer the Lee Sin he once was.

"Speak, speak to me!"

"Whose problem is it?"

Shen Lang saw that Meiko had locked the door of the training room, and immediately became arrogant and called the factory manager directly.

However, just as he said this, Meiko's voice rang out: "Mingkai has the key to the training room."


Shen Lang instantly stopped talking and coughed twice to cover up his embarrassment.

"Whose problem is it?"

"You bastard, you deliberately acted when you played with me in a double row, right?"

"I went straight from King to Master, and you still took my points!"


The factory manager quickly returned to the training room and started to attack Shen Lang.

Shen Lang looked innocent: "I really didn't act, I was really bad before."

"But now I'm stronger. You probably won't understand the world of geniuses. We just didn't meet each other at the right time."


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