Almighty Coach

Chapter 532 - When the Dream Came True

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

In the previous Olympic Games, the Jamaican team won all three medals in the 200m dash. They had been under the leadership of the "first flying man in the world," which was really a shame for the American team.

Before that, the American team was dominant in this event. Even after the "first flying man in the world" became famous in Jamaica, the American team was still great at the dash. At that time, the American team had hoped to win a silver medal, and it would have been acceptable to win a bronze medal if they were not lucky enough. After all, something is better than nothing.

However, in the last Olympic Games, the American team didn't even get the bronze medal in the 200m dash. It really was a failure.

Now, Gittell had retired. For the American team, their biggest rival had left and they had a good chance in the final.

Shawn Ford stood at the starting line. What he saw made him feel both nostalgic and strange.

After so many years, the previous champion of the World Championship was in the finals once again.

Ford didn't know anyone other than himself, and the other competitors looked at Ford with a curious expression.

Ford, after all, used to be a world champion. Even though he hadn't run in those international competitions during the recent years, the other competitors still took him seriously.

In the coaching area beside the field, Fraser, the Jamaican head coach, was looking Shawn Ford over.

He has not shown up to a competition in years. The public has no information about him. I thought he had retired! When I got the roster for the U.S. team and I saw Shawn Ford, I thought it was some guy with the same name. I didn't expect it to be him. His performance at that World Championship was really impressive. However, I am wondering how good he is now after so many years.

Fraser looked relaxed. Three Jamaican players were in the final, while the American team only had Shawn Ford. Now, the Jamaican team had the advantage.

Besides, the Jamaican team got all three medals in this event last Olympic Games. Although Gittell retired, both the athletes who had come in second place and third place were qualified in this final. The champion had retired, so the next best naturally became the best.

It really depressed Fraser when he lost the gold medal in the men's 100m dash. Fortunately, the Jamaican team got two gold medals for the women's 100m dash and 200m dash. They helped the Jamaican team regain confidence. Fraser hoped he had found the faith needed to win once again.

Fraser couldn't help noticing Dai Li. He was looking at the field confidently with his hands on his waist.

You think you will win again! You are just a Chinese coach! Humph! Fraser couldn't help snorting, full of dissatisfaction for Dai Li.

In fact, Fraser was jealous of Dai Li, who had become the head coach of American track and field team. This American team was excellent, nearly perfect.

As a legendary coach, Fraser had taught several world champions. However, it was natural to feel jealous of the younger coach with the better team.

Downey, the team leader, secretly looked at Dai Li. He saw confidence on Dai Li's face under the reflection of the light, as if he knew Shawn Ford would win.

Downey was used to this confidence. Downey knew that Shawn Ford was one of the first American athletes to follow Dai Li, so Dai Li knew more about Ford.

"Coach Li, Ford can defeat those three Jamaican athletes, right?" Downey asked in a low voice. "The Jamaican team has the second and third place athletes from the last Olympics."

"That Macnee is an excellent athlete." Dai Li signaled with his eyes and continued, "Unfortunately, he didn't have me for a coach."

Macnee, the best Jamaican sprinter, lost to Alexander in the final of the 100m dash, and now he was running the men's 200m dash. He was still the one projected to win the gold medal. Besides, even Dai Li spoke highly of him, so Macnee must be a powerful force.

Downey answered, lightly. "Coach Li, I have known you for a long time and you seldom praise an opponent."

"Actually, it's a trick. If we praise our opponents but beat them anyways, doesn't that make us even stronger?" Dai Li said with a big smile.

As an American, Downey didn't understand Dai Li's Chinese humor. Dai Li realized that it was a bad joke, so he changed the topic. "In fact, I think Shawn Ford could be the best 200m sprinter in the world."

"Oh, I'm relieved to hear that," Downey said.

Although Ford's talent was only an A+, Ford had leg length discrepancy, which gave him a special advantage. Even players with S-level talent were not comparable to Ford in terms of bending speed. Such a physical advantage was not based on talent, but physique.

The straight was Ford's weakness, but with the help of an athlete's patch, Ford could perform like an athlete with A+ talent.

In this 200m dash, Ford was a little faster than those athletes with S-level talent in the bend, while he was as fast as an A+-level athlete in the straight. This meant that Ford could be regarded as an S-level athlete overall. Therefore, it was quite possible for him to win the gold medal in this Olympic Games.

The gunshot signaled the start of the final of the men's 200m dash.

Ford was slightly older than the other competitor and his start reaction time was 0.168s, which was the third slowest start among all the competitors.

Compared to the 100m dash, the start reaction time in the 200m dash was less important. 0.168s was not fast at all, but it was acceptable.

Besides, in the 200m dash, Ford was not expected to have a quick start, but to make up the difference in the bend. Because of his leg length discrepancy, he could accelerate more easily and run faster than other runners in the bend.

Although he was only a little faster than others, in sprinting such a tiny difference could determine the final winner.

Fraser started to feel uneasy three seconds into the race.

Ford is really fast! Staring at the track, Fraser could tell that Ford was better than all the other athletes.

Two seconds later, Ford was running faster than ever through the bend.

He is really fast. Even Gittell, at his peak, wasn't as fast in the bend! Fraser couldn't help but wonder at Ford's speed.

One second later, Fraser realized that, if Ford kept this up, he would win the gold medal for the American team.

Macnee, come on! You can't lose! Fraser started to pray.

Soon all runners were past the bend and entering the straight. Now that everyone was in the straight, it became clearer how the competitors compared to each other.

"Shawn Ford!" The commentator was shouting Ford's name. He was the first athlete in the straight.

He had a quite huge lead.

It's just a bend. Why is he so much faster than me? Looking at Ford's back, Macnee didn't even believe what he was witnessing.

Macnee attended many competitions and had a lot of experience. However, he had never seen anything like this before. Macnee had lost time due to the bend in the past, but this was the most he had ever fallen behind.

Even Gittell wasn't this much faster than me! How can I catch up with him? Macnee stared at Ford's back and was overcome with a sense of helplessness.

Will I lose to Shawn Ford?

At this moment, sadness and determination filled his heart.

Four days ago, I lost to Alexander in the 100m dash. Alexander was the second-best sprinter in the world, and his best performance was better than mine. I accepted that loss.

Shawn Ford has not appeared in an international race in years. Will I lose to him too?

Later, Macnee realized that Shawn Ford was not some nameless athlete. He had won at the World Championship in Athletics before.

Is this the strength of a world champion? He is so much faster than me in this first 100 meters! Macnee realized that he had looked down on Ford before.

In the last few years, Gittell dominated sprinting. With Gittell, the first flying man in the world, Macnee, along with the whole Jamaican team, had won all the time. With more victories, the team became increasingly confident, to the point of overconfidence. They began to look down on athletes from other countries. In their subconscious, they felt that Jamaica was the best in the world at sprinting.

Although they didn't have Gittell in this Olympic Games, Jamaican team was still so confident that they thought they'd win every sprinting event. They had taken it for granted. Even when they lost the men's 100m dash, the Jamaican team had still felt that they were still invincible.

Now, when Macnee fell so far behind Ford, he finally realized that the whole Jamaican team had made a big mistake in underestimating their opponent.

At last, Macnee realized that his opponent was incredibly powerful. The Jamaican team was not destined to win every sprinting event.

Ford was in the lead, and once again he felt both like he belonged and was out of place.

He had once had a similar experience when he was the first to cross the finish line and won at the World Championship.

It was so long ago that he also felt out of place. The memory had blurred in Ford's mind.

Over the years, Ford had dreamed about the scene when his win at the World Championship many times. Now, he seemed to return to that moment years ago.

Ford couldn't even recognize whether this was reality or a dream.

If this is a dream, I am in control. I'm the one in charge, so everything that happens here will go as I want it to!

Ford was getting closer and closer to the finish line.

If this is a dream, the result will be what I have dreamt of many times. I'll be the first to cross the finish line and I'll get the gold medal. I will stand at the top of the podium!

With this thought, Ford crossed the finish line.

Ford's final time was displayed on the side of the field: 19.78s.

"Shawn Ford crossed the finish line. He's first! The past champion has come back!" The commentator yelled passionately at the microphone.

The audience began cheering and the Americans waved their American flags. Countless cameras flashed at Shawn Ford…

Ford felt this was not real. It was like the World Championship years ago and nearly the same as the dream he'd had so often.

If this is a dream, I hope I don't wake up too quickly. I want to enjoy this as much as I can!

Ford closed his eyes and raised his head. He took a deep breath, as if he wanted to keep this feeling forever.

Ford hoped time would stop and so he could stay in this moment forever. He hoped that he wouldn't wake up from this "dream."

Several athletes came over to Ford to congratulate him, but Ford kept his eyes closed and took another deep breath with his head raised. He had no intention of responding to the others.

Many journalists came to him with all sorts of cameras. He could hear was sounded like dozens of people continuously tapping keyboards. However, Ford kept his position, taking deep breaths with his eyes closed and head raised. He didn't notice the journalists around him.

The other athletes walked away awkwardly when they saw Ford didn't respond to them.

The journalists stood there and continued to film him. They thought this was Ford's unique way of celebrating, so they didn't disturb him.


At last, someone hit Ford on his shoulder.

Ford woke up, opened his eyes, and turned to see Dai Li standing beside him.

"What are you thinking about? Get ready for the awards ceremony!" said Dai Li.

Ford nodded slowly and looked around. He saw the journalists, the audience, and the result on the screen.

Ford realized that this was not a dream. All of this was real!

It's real! I won…

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