Almighty Leveling System

Chapter 2319: Thief shouting to catch a thief

The crew disembarked naturally to meet their needs, either physically or from appetite.

Freighters sail at sea for as little as a month or two, as long as half a year or even a year or more. When the cargo ship is sailing on the ocean, the chefs on the ship are smart again, and they need to use ingredients that have been stored for too long to cook out Low grade dishes come.

Especially in the daily life of the crew, the essential tobacco and alcohol all need to be disembarked and replenished after arriving at a port.

From the Atlantic to the port of Linquan, there are about seven or eight stops in the middle, but these seven or eight times are not the best place for the crew.

The world's recognized gourmet country, except France, is Huaxia, and when the crew finally arrives in the gourmet country, they will definitely get off the boat crazy and enthusiastically.

Lu Shan saw the crew as if they were getting off the New Year, and happily shook his head with a sigh.

From now on, how many people will be mixed on this ship, it is impossible to find out!

You only need to forge a crew ID and a port dock worker ID to get on this cargo ship. Almost all the voyages in the world. The most assured port is any port in China. Here, whether it is a sailor or others, the vigilance will be greatly reduce.

The people in Gamlin will never miss this opportunity. They will use the washing machine to step into the major cabins on the second floor below the deck!

"Let's go and see!" Lu Shan suddenly said in a deep voice.

If Lu Shan did not guess wrong, there must be many workers in the second floor below the deck at this time.

These workers come from different countries and from different regions, and there is no language communication between each other. But to judge from these people who are in the Gamlin organization, it is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack, which is difficult. Harder!

Diverse people filled the second floor of the cabin deck. When Lu Shan and others entered, these workers were unloading collectively. After unloading, they will clean the entire cabin. The amount of work is huge. Everyone is busy and toiled. Give them a strong physique and powerful muscles.

Lu Shan looked at these workers back and forth, surprised.

Everyone looks normal, but if you look carefully, you always find something unusual.

For example, a certain worker in the No. 1 cabin has agile movements and unloading is a heavy physical task, but these goods are not as heavy to him. As soon as the arm is powered, a piece of goods is easily picked up by him. Then he steadily moved out of the cabin and moved quickly, and the work efficiency was much higher than that of other people.

Looking at the workers in the fourth cabin, although one of them is also seriously completing the task, he is alone and has no communication with the other workers, and it seems that there is some disdain in his eyes?

There is also the drunk guy in the ninth cabin. Everyone is working. Only he is drunk and no one speaks about him!

After seeing these weird people, Lu Shan's heart is full of wandering, who among them is the person in the Gamlin organization? Or are they all?

When Lu Shan was about to speak to Mu Wanqing and Qing Jie, he suddenly found that Mu Wanqing was gone.

"Where did Mu Wanqing's girl go?" Lu Shan frowned so critically, that girl wouldn't be in trouble?

Hearing Lu Shan's words, Qing Jie was also stunned, yeah, Mu Wanqing, who is she?

Mu Wanqing's sudden disappearance made Lu Shan smell a dangerous smell.

The boat was so mixed, with Mu Wanqing's self-cooked personality, it was inevitable that no accidents would occur. Lu Shan was most afraid that she met the people organized by Gamlin.

But at this moment, there was a sound of chaos in Module One, and Lu Shan frowned: "Go! Go and see!"

When Lu Shan arrived at the No. 1 warehouse, in addition to seeing a mess, he immediately saw the former agile worker with a crying cry and shouted in English: "My God! The most valuable cargo in the cabin was lost ! "

The most valuable thing?

Lu Shan grabbed the list of goods in his hand, and soon his eyes locked on a line.

"Song Junyao white porcelain plum bottle!"

This should be the most valuable item in the No. 1 cabin. I never expected that the people organized by Gamlin stole the finale of the upcoming auction under Lu Shan's eyelids?

This is naked contempt!

Lu Shan suddenly turned around and looked at Qing Jie, who was still in shock: "Don't your kid have the ability to remember it? Do you have any impression of these people at the scene, and see who is missing?"

Qing Jie heard the words and nodded heavily, his eyes were constantly scanning in the chaotic crowd, at the same time Lu Shan also opened the sky eye system, constantly watching the second floor of the deck and other places.

After a few minutes, Qing Jie shook her head and sighed: "There is no shortage, all are here!"

Five minutes after the white porcelain plum bottle was stolen, Zhang Yuanxing, the second mate of the ship, returned to Lu Shan. It turned out that he hurried from the captain's room after hearing the news of the baby's theft.

"How can this happen! My God! How do we ... tell the head office!" Zhang Yuanxing wanted to cry without tears.

But at this moment, Lu Shan glanced at Zhang Yuanxing's shoes accidentally. After seeing something strange, Lu Shan couldn't help sneering: "Mr. Zhang, didn't you go to the captain's room?"

"What?" Zhang Yuanxing pretended not to understand and looked at Lu Shan innocently.

"The captain's room is on the deck and is next to the highest command room. At this time, the ship has been in port and the deck has been cleaned. If you go to the captain's room for so long, there will always be no dirt on your shoes. You can Explain where you went? "

Hearing Lu Shan's words, Zhang Yuanxing couldn't help but change his face: "After I went to the captain's room, I went to inspect the various hatches. Why? What's wrong?"

Lu Shan smiled lightly: "There is nothing wrong with this book, but you accidentally touched something, which made me sure that you are a thief stealing a baby! You are simply a thief calling and catching a thief! You have phosphorous on your clothes, do n’t tell Me, you're going to inspect the phosphor tank! "

Phosphorus powder is commonly found in decorative materials and contains certain radioactive materials.

Phosphorus powder, which seems to have nothing to do with stealing treasures, plays a vital role. A large amount of phosphorous powder can make slow radioactivity into a strong shield for you, such as using a large amount of phosphorous powder to block far infrared rays. Anti-theft device.

Once the far-infrared irradiation port is covered with a large amount of phosphor powder, the far-infrared rays that will be emitted can be blocked out, making it completely useless!

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