Almighty Leveling System

Chapter 4447: Crossing the desert

When Lu Shan and his party came out of Chiyang City's teleportation formation, they immediately felt a dry and hot air wave rolling in.

The temperature here is much higher than that of Xinhuo City. In other is clearly a city, and it is so hot in the city, so what a crime to stay here!

At this moment, some of them still have their cultivation base hidden... even if they know that there is such a taboo on Lihuo Continent, the hidden cultivation base will be regarded as spies, but Lu Shan and the others are really not good at real strength. show out. matter where they go, they will inevitably attract the attention of countless people, that's not annoying enough!

Coming out of the teleportation array, you can see that the situation here is completely different from that of Fireworks City...

Xinhuo City occupies a huge area, and it is quite prosperous with people coming and going. But... the mortals in Xinhuo City accounted for the majority, and the cultivators were only a minority. But in this Chiyang city, there is no shadow of a mortal at all!

In my opinion, this place is similar to Ping An City. This city should be a place purely for practitioners, and the climate here is so bad that ordinary people should not be able to live here for a long time.

The other is the cultivators that haunt here, most of whom practice fire-attribute techniques, so naturally there will be no discomfort to the scorching climate here.

As for Lu Shan and his group, except for one flower, the three monsters are all fire attributes. As for Lu Shan, he has the talent of chaos, and he is also very friendly in terms of fire attributes, giving out a little breath. People will think that he is also a cultivator of the fire attribute technique. Therefore, the group of five of them does not seem abrupt here.

Lu Shan felt like an arrow at the moment, and he was not in the mood to stay here more, let alone have any contact with the people here. He left directly from the north gate of Chiyang City, and then flew into a barren and hot Chiyang. desert.

This desert is much more terrifying than the desert Lushan saw on the earth. I heard that Huang Chengzhu said before that this desert alone has a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles, and it looks like a desert in a restricted area of ​​life. In the middle, there are still many monsters surviving.

Especially the two monster beasts, sand scorpion and sand ant, have a terrifying number... often once encountered, it is a large area, even if the strongest cultivator encounters these two monsters, only Turn around and flee, otherwise once surrounded, it will almost certainly die.

Among them, sand scorpions are better. After all, they mainly live on the ground. Although some high-level sand scorpions also have the ability to fly, they generally do not leave the ground. They usually hide under the boundless sea of ​​sand. When you look at think that there is an endless desert in front of you, and you can’t see a living creature, but in the next moment, the entire sea of ​​sand may immediately churn up, with countless sands. The scorpion burrows out from under the sand, densely covering your entire field of vision, it feels absolutely hopeless.

But if you have been flying in the air without falling to the ground, even if there are a large number of sand scorpions hidden under the sand sea, they may not care about you. After all, most sand scorpions are still not capable of flying, and they are not suitable for fighting in the air, so if you can fly through the Red Sun Desert without touching the ground, then the sand scorpions will not pose too much threat to you. NS.

But sand ants are different!

The sand ants here have wings, and every sand ant is at least as tall as a fist. And they also have a good camouflage ability, falling in the desert, looking at it from afar, they can't be found at all. Maybe when you pass a sand dune, the sand dune will suddenly explode and turn into millions of sand ants flying over...

And even if you keep flying in the air, it is not safe. Sand ants are extremely aggressive. Any creature that enters their territory will rush up like an enemy, almost always a result of endless death.

Precisely because these two terrifying monsters exist in the Chiyang Desert, it is very dangerous here, and few cultivators dare to go deep into the desert.

However, Lu Shan and the others did not care about that much. After flying into the desert for a certain distance, Hua Wuyi determined the direction of Hua Wuxin she sensed, and Lu Shan took her back to the storage bag. Then, with three animal pets, he began to fly across the Red Sun Desert at full speed.

After all, Hua Wuyi only has the cultivation base of the Golden Core Stage, which is too far from the strength of the four of them. If Hua Wuyi keeps flying with Hua Wuyi, it will greatly slow down their speed.

Moreover, Hua Wuyi is not a fire-type cultivator. Flying in such a hot environment is quite a sin. In this case... it is better to let her hide in a storage bag and continue to practice!

The speed of one person and three beasts is fast to the extreme, like four meteors parallel to the ground, swiftly across the desert.

In the process, they alarmed at least three colonies of sand ants! Two groups of sand ants did not have time to fly into the air to intercept them, and they had already flown directly past them, leaving only the sand ants chasing them in vain in the air. When they found out that the other party was already flying soon. With no trace, no matter how persistent it is, the sand ant can only give up helplessly!

At least the third group of sand ants, because they were originally flying in the air, naturally formed an encirclement to them and the group very quickly.

But it’s useless at all...because the four have the ability to return to the void, they don’t even need to do it at all. Those sand ants that are the strongest and will not exceed the strength of the fifth-level monster, as long as they break into them. Within a certain range, they will lose their strength and fall like hail.

As a result, their party didn't take any action at all. Of course... they didn't intentionally kill a sand ant, they had successfully broken through the sand ant colony, and suddenly disappeared without a trace.

With a distance of hundreds of thousands of miles, they only took three days to cross the Red Sun Desert known as the Jedi, and finally saw the endless sea...

After Lu Shan and the others came to the beach, they took a rest here first, and they didn't forget to let the flowers out unintentionally to let the wind out...Of course, the main thing is to let Hua Wuinian determine the exact direction of Hua Wuxin's breath.

After all, whether flying in the desert or flying over the sea, there is no reference to accurately determine the direction. Even if Lu Shan’s sense of direction is pretty good, but in this case, it’s still easy to go in the wrong direction. Once the direction is really deviated, even if the big direction is not wrong, he must at least go in the wrong direction. A lot of wrongdoing.

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