Almighty Leveling System

Chapter 825: Choose wool

This girl looks pretty. Although she doesn't look like an all over the country, she looks very nice and has a sweet voice, which makes people feel comfortable.

It seems that this kind of jade shop with gambling nature has undergone certain screening when selecting waiters. For the basic situation of these jade rough materials introduced by the other party, Lu Shan just nodded.

This No. 2 jade rough storehouse is full of rough wool on both sides of the shelves. The rough wool is marked with a serial number and also marked with a price.

Basically, the price ranges from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands, but none of them exceeds one million. The price marked here is based on the soft currency, so people can see it at a glance.

These jadeite rough materials are basically good on the surface, but whether they are good or bad inside, it may be uncertain.

After walking through Warehouse No. 2, then came to Warehouse No. 1. In terms of decoration, warehouse No. 1 is also much more luxurious than warehouse No. 2. This may be because of different values, so that those who are willing to spend more money can enjoy better services.

The price of the jadeite rough wool here is at least 1 million, and the maximum is even 10 million. Lu Shan looked curiously at the jadeite rough wool with a price of 10 million. From the surface, the particle thickness and color The shades are relatively superior.

Heart movement, secretly opened the Tianyantong, but he did not release his mental power, considering that his current mental potion is limited, he still intends to save a little use.

The highest-priced jadeite raw wool in front of him was magnified many times in an instant. At this moment, he seemed to see a huge mountain, the surface of the mountain was covered with various spar particles, but at this time Because of the magnification, it looks very strange.

The transparency of these crystal particles is quite good, but the boundaries between the crystal particles have regular lines. Although it does not look obvious, in the case of Lu Shantianyantong, it is still clear.

If judging from the surface, this valuable jade rough is still quite good. Even with a magnifying glass, the looming regular pattern cannot be found.

According to some basic common sense, even if Lu Shan does not release his mental power, he can basically determine that this jadeite raw wool is very likely to be an ice-type jadeite jade if cut out.

The ice type jade is second only to the glass type, and its hardness is also very high, but it is not the highest one. As far as water is concerned, it is worse than glass type.

However, this kind of gambling stone originally had some luck in it, even if it is modern machinery and equipment, there is no way to detect whether it is good or bad, but the analysis from the surface can be closer to the high-end jade jade, but This is not absolute.

Lu Shan shook his head. If this is really a high-grade emerald rough wool, then even if it is bought for 10 million, it is also worth it, but if someone really buys it at this time, I am afraid that it will only lose money, even the ice inside. This kind of jade jade can sell for several millions, so the value produced is too great, it is not proportional at all.

At this moment, another beautiful waiter came over with Donna, and the other party apparently noticed the jade jade wool with the highest price.

"Ha ha! Lu Gongzi, wouldn't you have noticed this wool?"

Dona looked at Lu Shan and asked with a smile.

"Oh, I fancy it! Unfortunately, I don't have the money to buy it ... Will you lend me a little?"

The corner of Duo's mouth twitched, and with his knowledge, he naturally knew that this jadeite wool was likely to produce high-grade jadeite jade, even the top-level existence.

If you switch to the past, it doesn't matter if you borrow some money yourself. You can even help your friends choose some wool with better heads, but now they are betting on stones.

In case his hands are cheap and help others win their own money, then he really has to find a piece of tofu and hit him, so he will never agree to this kind of borrowing.

"Oh! I think you think too much, don't forget that we are competitors now!"

After saying this, he glanced at the highest-priced jade jade wool again, and then looked elsewhere, as if he didn't care.

Lu Shan sighed softly and whispered to himself, "It's a shame! I knew I should have brought some extra money. This jadeite wool is likely to produce a kind of ice jadeite, and still Such a big piece! If you weigh it according to the catty, you will only earn it! "

While talking, he shook his head in sigh, then turned to look at the beauty and said, "The price of jadeite wool here is too high, I can't afford it ... let's go and look outside!"

Du Li gave a scornful look at Lu Shan, thinking that the stakes were so high, but when she bought the jadeite wool, she began to pick the door. If this can also win, then I am afraid that it is really unreasonable.

However, he did not dare to disobey the words of the guests. He only nodded gently, and then led Lu Shan out of Warehouse No. 1. At that time, he did not forget to strike Lu Shan, and said with a smile: "You are also here Where this hunk comes, you still have to choose those tens of thousands of dollars. If you are lucky ... maybe you can get a good jade. "

Lu Shan didn't bother him, and followed Du Li, the little beautiful girl, directly out of warehouse No. 1. After seeing that the other party had left, Duo then moved back and came to the side of the highest-priced jadeite raw wool. Carefully Looked up.

"Just by that hunk, how could it be possible to have such precious wool, or do we have the identity of the dude!"

The waitress with a sweet smile on her face said to Duona.

"Hahaha! You little fairie can talk quite well, and this 1,000 yuan will tip you!"

Duona looked at the piece of wool in his hand, a smile on his face, and heard what the beautiful woman said. He immediately made him feel good, and directly rewarded him with a tip of 1,000 yuan. This can give this beautiful woman Pleasure.

"Thank you Donna! If you win later, don't betray others!"

The beautiful woman took the banknote and said coquettishly.

"This is of course. I'll wait for you at night, maybe you won't have to go to work in the future!"

Duona's mouth had a smirk in her mouth, and she stared unscrupulously at the place where the chest of the beauty waitress was raised.

After arriving at Warehouse No.2, she made another round in the warehouse. At this time, Du Li's face was not very good-looking. You must know that the higher the value of the jade wools chosen by these people, the higher their royalties.

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