Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 504: Huangquan River in Wangchuan Realm

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Looking at the two entrances that had appeared in front of him, Lin Xuan raised his brows, not because he suspected that it was fake, but a little strange. Why did these two entrances appear here, someone controlled, or was it for other reasons?


Suddenly, Lin Xuan raised his head and looked into the distance, but it was the rest of the officials in the cultivation world of Xiaotianguo who came to support him. Unfortunately, they didn't know that they were too late. The leader of Xiaotianguo's cultivation world, Abe Seimei, had already been beheaded... But With the weirdness of onmyoji, maybe he can be resurrected in an inhuman state.

Lin Xuan glanced at the still silent Imperial Violent Dragon, the earth-level demons were all around it and licking their wounds, and the Xuan-level yellow-level demons seemed to sense the approach of a large number of capable people, and began to faint from a state of fainting. wake up.

"It's time to make a choice, do you want to go back to Taixia successfully, or continue to stay in Xiaotianguo and be the master of your demons... Forget it, no matter what choice you make, you have to do it now. The main thing is to lead the army of demons and fight against the official capable people in the cultivation world of Xiaotianguo.”

The Imperial Violent Dragon looked at Lin Xuan in a complicated way. Thirty years and thirty years later, sir, I can't go back!

Lin Xuan had already read the eyes of the Imperial Violent Dragon, and he sighed inwardly, but didn't say anything. Maybe after this battle, its thoughts would change.

Thinking of this, the atmosphere outside is getting stronger and stronger, and those who are capable are getting closer and closer to the Yasukuni Ghost Society. Lin Xuan ignored those who were capable, but looked at Zhang Ningtian, "Are you going to Huangquan or Gaotianyuan?"

"Of course it's Huang Quan. I have no way to deal with the gods."

Zhang Ningtian said with a wry smile, his talent, occupation, and bloodline are all related to ghosts. He does have a certain restraint ability for ghosts, but for gods, there is no way.

Lin Xuan nodded without caring, and walked straight towards the entrance of Gao Tianyuan. Whether it was a **** or a ghost, for him, it was a dish!

Before entering, he glanced at the Imperial Violent Dragon. This terrifying demon lord revealed his true demon body and turned into a violent dinosaur. He led a number of terrifying demons and a team of capable people organized by the official organization of the practice world of Xiaotianguo. A brutal fight begins.

The two sides have reached a tacit understanding. Lin Xuan and Zhang Ningtian will deal with Izanami and Izanagi, while the Imperial Violent Dragon will deal with the official practitioners of Xiaotianguo. In the end, no matter who wins, they have to do it. After all, Zhang Ningtian was going to take control of Gao Tianyuan, and no one would be willing to give it up.

As soon as he stepped into the gate of God's Domain, Lin Xuan knew something was wrong.

It's not that there is a problem with this door, but a problem with the God's Domain. Gao Tianyuan is afraid that it has not been fully conceived. The space Lin Xuan entered is dark and full of depression, and there is a gurgling river next to it, exuding a stench. the taste of.

Where is this place?


With Tianxian in your mouth, follow the law!

After saying a word, a little light appeared above Lin Xuan's head, and then illuminated the entire area.

A turbid yellow soup was flowing under his feet, and the water did not reach his ankles, but Lin Xuan did not feel the existence of water.

He frowned, not knowing exactly where this place was. The legendary Gao Tianyuan was a fairyland with a beautiful environment and full of light. As for this place, it was too much.

Along the direction of the current, Lin Xuan went upstream, not because he wanted to see where the water was flowing from, but mainly because there was an inexplicable call coming from the source, which seemed to be the Gao Tianyuan that Lin Xuan was looking for.

In this yellow current, it is not safe, and there are dangers hidden in it... well, it is some strange things, such as a turtle without a turtle shell, a strange fish with three eyes full of sharp teeth, a The head flying all over the sky...Lin Xuan felt uncomfortable watching A random energy hit him, and the other party immediately died for him to see.

Along the way, he encountered quite a few monsters, and at this time, Lin Xuan also roughly knew where the boundary was.

This is Huangquan!

The place where Lin Xuan is located is the shallow water area of ​​Huangquan. The monsters bred here are not strong, and it can even be said that their strength is low and vulnerable, but in Huangquan there are definitely the existence of the peak of the earth and even the invincible.

And upstream, Lin Xuan will not see the end of Huangquan, and Huangquan has no end, but the still-breeding Gaotianyuan will appear there. If this is the case, then downstream, at the bottom of Huangquan, there will be Underworld world.

Above the human world, Gaotianyuan, the human world, below the human world, the shadows and the nine seclusions, the three worlds meet in the Wangchuan realm, and Huangquan is the river that exists in the Wangchuan realm. That is to say, Lin Xuan is now standing in the Wangchuan realm. boundary!

Now that he knows his current position, Lin Xuan is unwilling to continue to stand in the Yellow Springs, after all, the waters of the Yellow Springs are not clean.

Escaped the light of thunder, turned into thunder, turned into a sound of thunder, Lin Xuan disappeared in place, flashed towards the end, and there was a huge movement in an instant. In the deep water area of ​​Huangquan, a monster was awakened, and it opened He opened sixteen snake pupils and looked around the Forgotten River Realm. Naturally, he saw Lin Xuan, who was shining with lightning. A huge shadow quickly moved in the direction of Lin Xuan.

"I found it, Gao Tianyuan!"

What appeared in front of Lin Xuan's eyes was a huge membrane of the world. This should be the Gaotianyuan world that was still in the process of being conceived. Lin Xuan did not stop and entered another world.


Downstream of Huangquan, Zhang Ningtian was flowing downstream towards Huangquan, and he naturally sensed the call coming from the front.

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