Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 69: Special magic mulberry branch

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There are three floors in the entire gambling card venue, and there is no difference between the three floors, and all the ordinary gambling cards are placed.

Lin Xuan followed the faint sense of the magic pattern and came to the counter by the window on the second floor. At this time, three gambling dogs were holding a magnifying glass and carefully looking at the patterns on the pattern of the gambling card, and then took out a small card. booklet, carefully recording certain characteristics.

When the three heard the footsteps, they naturally raised their heads and glanced at them, only to find that they were just a teenager. They lost the mood to chat with Lin Xuan, shook their heads, put down the gambling cards in their hands, and prepared to go to other counters to have a look.

They are not serious dog gambling, but card gamblers who specialize in card gambling. Their biggest dream is to create a special profession "Ka Tianshi", and the booklet they recorded is the practice cheats of Ka Tianshi "Ka Tianshi". through"……

This is a group of middle-aged people with dreams. Lin Xuan didn't bother them. He walked forward on his own and picked up the card that the gambling dog had carefully pondered before. Sure enough, the magic pattern on his body came. An inexplicable joy.

This card is the root of the induction of his magic pattern?

There are still a little blurry yellow leaves on a yellow branch. As for the other ones, they are not displayed at all. Just looking at the pattern above, it will not be a good thing anyway, but it can also cause the magic pattern of the sky. sense of...

The gambling card is very deep!

Without hesitation, Lin Xuan took this gambling card and went to the organizer of this gambling event, asking them to lift the card lock and complete the purchase of this gambling card.

"This guest, I don't know if you are willing to open your eyes to everyone!"

For gambling dogs, the happiest thing is the moment of opening a card. Whether the card is your own or not, seeing a card is opened, cheering and sighing, it doesn't matter if you participate or not, just join The fun is what matters.

Lin Xuan frowned. To be honest, this gambling card in his hand must have risen sharply, so he was hesitant to expose it, and the person in charge in front of him seemed to see Lin Xuan's entanglement and took it out. A panacea comes.

"Sir, as the first guest of our Hessian Chamber of Commerce's Imperial Capital Black Market Branch, if you are willing to open a card here, this yin and yang fruit will be given to you as a gift!"

The yin and yang fruit, one of the extraordinary potions, has a great reconciling effect on the body and soul, and has a great effect on adjusting the fit between the body and soul when Lin Xuan breaks through.

"Hahaha, I don't like Lingzhi potion, but I like to be happy with everyone!"

Lin Xuan took out his gambling card, the power of the copy was running, and the fog on the gambling card gradually dissipated, revealing its original appearance, level and description.

【Card】: Mulberry Branch

[Type]: magic pattern

[Equal order]: Special

[Introduction]: A special type of magic pattern, which can coexist with the magic pattern of Yan and light, and cultivate the magic pattern to make it more powerful!

Special magic card? Can you also cultivate dual-type magic marks? ! !

This is definitely a big hit. The cost of this card is only one million, but some people are willing to pay a high price to buy it.

The person in charge of the chamber of commerce on the side lit up, and immediately grabbed Lin Xuan, who was going to leave with the Lingzhi potion, "Sir, I wonder if you are willing to sell this card, our chamber of commerce will definitely give you a price that will satisfy you!"

Not to mention the value of this magic card, the high-value card opened by the first customer is a huge gimmick. If you can keep this card in the store for publicity, there will be horror. The drainage effect of , if nothing else, the reputation alone can make a lot of money.

Lin Xuan thought about it for two seconds, then shook his head firmly. Although he was very interested in the high price that the person in charge said, the special magic pattern that can induce his own heaven-rank magic pattern is by no means a simple thing. Don't forget it. Well, the introduction of the card only introduces the general card effect!

Seeing this, the person in charge sighed, and no longer insisted, but strongly demanded to leave a photo. In return, Lin Xuan could choose a million-value spiritual plant potion in the store.

This is good, this is good!

What you take for nothing is incense.

After taking the photo at the door of the store with the card, Lin Xuan dodged and disappeared into the crowd.

Most of the people on the street were of the same shape, a mosaic shrouded in a layer of black fog of war, so Lin Xuan just rushed into the crowd and followed the others to make searching movements, oh, perfectly integrated.

After making a lot of money in the gambling card market, Lin Xuan's interest suddenly came to him. He was shopping around to see if his other abilities could sense something.

Unfortunately, after walking around the entire southern district, I found nothing, but instead walked to the central district.

The Central District is the core of the black market, and it is also the administrative department of the black market. It is no longer a place to buy and sell commodities. Well, it can’t be said that it is a task transaction. Buy some kind of skill card and so on.

Because it is a legal black market, there will be no crime such as murder and robbery.

Lin Xuan came here unknowingly, adhering to the principle of "everyone has come, it's better to take a look" and walked into the black market mission hall.

Surrounded by the real-time refreshed task list, a large number of tasks will be completed or released every moment. Many people are raising their heads and quickly memorizing the above information. Some of them are information hunters. They don't do tasks themselves, they just hand over the most suitable tasks to the team they work with.

He Shan is a rookie who has just entered the industry. Although he has a good way of organizing information, he does not have the contacts of the black market hunter team. Now he can only organize a large amount of task information while paying attention to whether there are new people. When he came to the black market mission Lin Xuan revealed a sense of freshness when he walked in (looking around the mission list), he was immediately discovered by the sensitive He Shan, walked up with a smile on his face, and the rest of the information The rookie hunter could only return angrily, secretly hating himself for walking slowly.

"Hello sir, my name is He Shan, I'm a black market information hunter. Is this your first time in the mission hall?"

Although it is an inquiry, it is affirmative.

"Well, it's my first time here. Come in and see. There are many tasks here. Are the tasks on the four lists the same?"

Lin Xuan was a little curious. On the four task lists, the tasks kept scrolling, and he couldn't even see them.

"It's not the same. The eastern list deals with the eastern area, focusing on wild monster tasks, the southern list deals with the southern area, and the spiritual planting potion quest is the main task, the west is mainly about equipping weapons, and the north is training materials. The three treasure cards, magic pattern cards, skill cards and other training cards are the main ones.”

He Shan briefly explained to Lin Xuan, and then asked, "I don't know which mission you want to take?"

"Take a mission? No, I want to post a mission!"

Lin Xuan also had some ideas after he came to the black market. It was not mature at first, but after walking into the quest hall of the black market, he found that there were many quests to catch wild monsters alive, and he was inspired immediately. Maybe the breakthrough of his talent and expertise is not needed. Adventure to face the mysterious monsters!

With the ability to use money, it is not very good to directly issue tasks and let people catch a few and beat them to death!

And through He Shan's understanding, if it is just captured alive for killing, the price is not too expensive, even if it is a wild monster of the mysterious rank, it only looks like three or four million!

Lin Xuan has enough money.

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