American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 225: Experience Card: Traveler

Steve couldn't understand Goofy's words, and even Samuel Stern, who had strengthened his IQ, was a little confused.

"I still have a chance to stop all conspiracies."

"We'll see you a month ago, Big Head."

? ? ?

What exactly do these two sentences mean?

What is Gao Fei trying to express?

Samuel's deployment has been basically completed so far, and the extraordinary alliance has risen with an unstoppable momentum.

A large amount of mutated serum has been injected into the newborns, and the police officers of the 109th precinct are all sacrificed.

Can Goofy save all this?

At this moment, Steve saw Gao Fei's body suddenly lit up with a strange light. At the same time, his uniform was automatic without wind, and it was like a battle flag in the room where there was no air flow at all.

Seeing this scene, Steve knew that Goofy was going to do something again, although he didn't know what Goofy was going to do, and the guy obviously didn't plan to play with him, but there was no doubt - Goofy was going to do something again .

Goofy is really doing something.

He clicked on the last experience card left in the system: Traveler.

The video in my head starts playing—

The universe started from the singularity, the explosion spread, and it continued to expand toward the endless space, but it finally collapsed back to the singularity, with a figure running through it.

The figure rushed out of the screen, as if fused with Gao Fei's body.

At the same time, the system gives an introduction:

"Traveler - The speed exceeds the speed of light, and I have insight into the mystery of the development of the universe. I travel in parallel universes, tampering with any timeline. There is no beginning and no end, only the process of continuous development and evolution."

At this moment, every cell of Gao Fei's body seemed to have changed, and the whole person was restless. At the same time, he felt as if he had connected with some powerful force, and this powerful force was even enough for him to surpass the speed of light!

This kind of power is different from power in the traditional sense. To be precise, it is not like power, but more like a new rule, a different dimension.

In the process of Goofy's encounter with this power, everything stops changing, the world seems to stand still, and he can even reverse time if he wants to.

Under this power, Gao Fei had a clear insight into a magical law - the speed of light is not just the speed of light, but the speed of the development of the universe.

In this universe: the growth of life, the development of things, the passage of time... everything travels at the speed of light, but many factors will weaken this speed, so that the final reflected speed is much lower than the speed of light, but under normal conditions , the speed of light is the speed at which the universe is advancing.

Once it exceeds the speed of light, the universe will no longer develop, and even retrospective will occur, the time line that has been formed will be erased, and many established facts will no longer exist.

Gao Fei, who has obtained this ability, is very happy, because he knows that not only will New York return to normal, but his colleagues in the 109th Precinct will also be resurrected.

Goofy made a decision without hesitation to reverse the time and erase the current timeline.

To **** with big-brained Samuel Stern and his awesome alliance!

Everything starts anew, and the plot is read again!

Goofy hooked up with the mysterious power, and gradually shuttled back along the timeline...

When I opened my eyes, there was a familiar smell in the car. Goofy was driving his police car, and Steve Rogers was sitting in the co-pilot.

Looking at the time, it is the second day after the passage of the "Superpower Registration Act". The New York City is in good order. Samuel Stern has just kidnapped Professor Connors to obtain the formula of lizard serum, but he didn't have time to invest. Production, let alone the formation of an extraordinary alliance.

Goofy parked the police car on the side of the road and took a leave of absence with Steve.

"Steve, I suddenly remembered something and I have to deal with it."

"Huh?" Steve was somewhat surprised, Goofy had never asked for leave on patrol, "What's the matter?"

"Small thing." Gao Fei smiled lightly and patted Steve on the shoulder, "Don't worry, I won't be going for a long time."

The traveler template not only gave Gao Fei the ability to modify the timeline, but also allowed him to have a speed that surpassed the speed of light, even if the jurisdiction of the 109th Bureau was far away from Samuel Stern's hiding place, in Gao Fei's opinion All in the blink of an eye.

After separating from Steve, Goofy quickly came to Queens. Before the action, he specially checked the background of the system - the worship value did not disappear due to the erasure of the timeline.

This is simply a bug in the system. If Goofy has the traverser template, he first earns enough worship points through a major event, and then uses the traversal function to return to the beginning of the major event, and repeats this countless times. Isn't it possible to brush the worship value infinitely?

At that time, after going through hundreds of times and brushing all the templates, wouldn't Goofy be able to directly reach the full level and travel through the Marvel Universe?

"No... I don't think the system will leave such a bad bug..."

Goofy muttered to himself.

"Or... am I overestimating the system?"

Goofy didn't delve into the system. After all, the time limit of the experience card is limited. Goofy's most important task now is to get rid of New York's confidant, Samuel Stern, the leader of the Extraordinary Alliance.

Revisiting Samuel Stern's hideout, the surveillance facilities here are fully equipped, but in front of Goofy, who has the speed of light, all this is useless.

He walked under the surveillance camera like a stroll in the courtyard, and then crossed the corridor to Samuel's door. When facing Samuel Stern's heavy door, Gao Fei suddenly had an idea. A new way to play.

He vibrated his own molecules to make them at a very high speed, and the high-speed moving molecules passed directly through Samuel's gate - this inspiration came from the Flash next door, and this set of traveler templates was highly similar to the Flash.

At this time, Samuel Stern was sitting in a dirty and dim room looking up information. The computer was the formula of the lizard serum developed by Professor Connors. A second person appeared.


Panicked, Samuel turned around and saw Goofy standing behind him.

"Officer Goofy? How could it be you?!"

Samuel is guilty of being a Seeing Goofy hitting a cat like a mouse, but he can't understand it - all his evil plans are in his stomach, and everything is still in its infancy, although He used mind control to confuse Professor Connors and Johnny and Ben of the Fantastic Four, but this was never enough to attract Goofy.

"He must not have come to arrest me. He has no way of knowing that I am the mastermind behind the scenes..."

"Maybe it's because of something else, like the Hulk thing, or maybe the NYPD is investigating unregistered psychics..."

Samuel Stern was deluding himself, and at the same time forced a smile to Goofy.

"Officer Goofy, why are you here all of a sudden? I... I remember my door was locked, how did you get in?"

Goofy sneered: "Samuel Stern, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you, I already know all your dirty conspiracies, and you will never have a chance to implement them!"

. vertex

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