American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 248: put in jail

Gao Fei's tossing and tumbling downstairs in his house was quite loud, and finally alarmed both the 109th Bureau and the Super Patrol.

Sam and Anna, who were on patrol, drove in, and Steve arrived on a motorcycle five minutes later.

By the time the support arrived, Ebony Maw had already been beaten to death.

Sam looked at the monster in front of him in shock and asked timidly, "Officer Goofy, this is..."

"These are aliens trying to invade Earth." Goofy explained after tidying up his clothes.

Steve was even more surprised - when he encountered it in Sunset Park a few days ago, this noseless alien was very powerful! If Mage Gu Yi hadn't arrived in time, he and Gao Fei might have been cold.

Why haven't we seen him for a few days, this guy suddenly turned into a chicken?

After thinking about it for a while, Steve suddenly realized.

Walking quietly to Gao Fei's side, the old partner asked in a low voice, "Is this idiot provoking Carrie?"

Gao Fei nodded with a smile, "deliver food to Carrie in person."

Steve didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and then asked, "So what are we going to do with him?"

Gao Fei smiled: "Isn't the Ravencraft Asylum already built? Just send him there. I'm worried that the asylum has no customers. I didn't expect the first customer to arrive so soon."

Steve nodded and said, "Yeah, according to the frequency of crimes committed by superpowers in New York, your prison will be overcrowded in a short time. You are the only prison in New York that can hold superpowers. This investment can make a lot of money..."

Gao Fei laughed: "I also serve the citizens of New York..."

Speaking of which, the waitress at the Mexican restaurant across the street walked out of the store with two big bags of Mexican food.

"Officer Goofy, Officer Goofy! Your takeaway is ready." The eldest sister said with a smile on her face, "You were so brave just now that you beat the alien invaders all over the place!"

After speaking, the eldest sister carefully looked at the ebony throat and asked in a low voice, "Will he wake up again in a while?"

"Don't worry, he won't wake up in a short time." Gao Fei took the takeaway from the eldest sister, and then asked Steve, "Have you eaten? Have a light meal with me?"

Steve is also polite: "I just ate before I came, but now I just happen to be hungry again."


After dinner, Goofy took care of Carrie and Steve transferred Ebony Throat to Ravencraft Lunatic Asylum as soon as possible.

Ebony Throat didn't wake up until he was placed in his confinement unit, and the angry monster savagely beat on the glass window.

"Stupid earthlings, you have no idea what you did!"

"Capturing me is your biggest mistake! You will usher in devastating revenge!"

"My father has the supreme ability, he is enough to destroy the planet!"

"You will regret it! You will be judged by him!"

Steve frowned at the alien in front of him, tilted his head and asked, "What nonsense is he talking about?"

Gao Fei smiled and said, "Terrorize us."

Steve, a steady man, suggested in a low voice, "Goofy, I think we'd better interrogate him, and also if he has any support. If he really is an alien invader, then his accomplices It is very likely that it will also come to Earth..."

"I think we have to investigate to see if there is an alien army behind this guy."

Gao Fei was kind: "This is a good suggestion, so good, let me talk to him alone."

"No problem." Steve stretched and headed out to visit the rest of the prison.

So there were only Gao Fei and Ebony throat left at the scene, and the two stood face to face through a special glass.

Ebony throat still maintains a high-spirited attitude despite being imprisoned, and he looks at Goofy fiercely.

"Earthman, you don't know my identity at all, and you don't even know what a stupid mistake you made!"

Since he was alone, Gao Fei was too lazy to act with him.

Buttoning his nails casually, Gao Fei said with a smile, "Oh? I don't know your identity at all? Ebony throat?"


Ebony Maw has never revealed his name in front of the Earthlings. He knew this, but the Earthlings in front of him actually called out his name, which surprised him.

Taking a deep breath, Ebony Throat felt it was time to re-examine the Earth cop.

After all, the Planet Devourer is his daughter, and this policeman is obviously very unusual.

"Who are you? What is your purpose?" Ebony-throated stared at Gao Fei and asked in a deep voice.

Gao Fei returned the question to him as it was.

"Who are you? What is your purpose?"

The ebony throat was so angry that he almost vomited blood, why are you learning to talk like me, Nima?

Everyone is an adult, can you stop being so naive!

Ebony throat narrowed his eyes and said sternly: "I won't answer your question until you answer my question, so don't want to know my purpose!"

Gao Fei sneered: "Hehe, do you think I won't know your purpose if you don't tell me? You are here for the Infinity Stones, right?"


Ebony throat is really going to vomit blood.

Nima, don't you know everything!

Now that you know, you still ask a fart!

Hit me in the face on purpose, right? !

Forced to stabilize his emotions, Ebony throat gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, very good... Since you know my identity and my purpose, you should know who is behind me, right? You should know that we are dark Father of the Order, great Thanos, right?"

"You should know that if you imprison me, Thanos will be furious, and once Thanos is furious, it will be the end of the earth!"

Ebony throat became more and more excited and arrogant as he spoke, and the whole person was arrogant and impassioned.

"Tremble! Earthlings, tremble!"

" Thanos crushes the earth as easily as crushing a speck of dust!"

Goofy squinted at the emotional ebony and then sighed sympathetically.

Ebony throat became angry and asked, "What are you sighing for?"

Gao Fei shook his head and said, "I think it's too pitiful for you to deceive yourself..."

"You think I'm deceiving myself?" Ebony-throated asked rhetorically.

Gao Fei smiled and nodded: "Of course it's self-deception, if you don't believe us, let's take a look at the relationship..."

"As far as I know, Thanos is very eager for the Infinity Stones now, and he also knows that there are several Infinity Stones on Earth... Oh, we can be more precise, to be precise, there are currently two Infinity Stones on Earth (space ,time)."

"Since Thanos is so eager for the Infinity Stones, and if you say, Thanos destroying the earth is as simple as crushing a speck of dust... Then why doesn't he come directly and crush the earth, and then crush the two on the earth How about taking the Infinity Stones for yourself?"

"The reason is simple - Thanos dare not."

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