American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 257: black widow ran away

late at night.

New York suburbs.

On an old Audi.

Goofy was eating donuts leisurely, while Carrie sat in the co-pilot with her head tilted.

"Dad, dad, where is the supper? There is nothing here, except for a dilapidated factory in the distance... Doesn't it look like there is a supper?"

"Don't worry, the supper will be delivered in a while." Gao Fei said with a smile, and then took another bite of the doughnut.

At this moment, the phone rang, and Gao Fei took out his cell phone.

It was Johnny's number, and it was about as long as he expected.

Connected to the phone, Johnny's voice came from the phone.

"Boss, Natasha has escaped from prison."

"Very good." Gao Fei smiled with satisfaction, "How long has she been gone?"

"It's been almost half an hour," Johnny said. "It took her ten minutes to escape from the lunatic asylum."

"Tsk... It seems that I still overestimated her ability. In addition, it also shows that the defense effect of our lunatic asylum is good." Gao Fei smiled, "Let Reed continue to monitor Natasha and wait for my news before dealing with her. arrest."

"Understood," Johnny agreed, then hung up.

Carrie in the co-pilot looked at Goofy curiously: "Father Goofy, is there something wrong at Ravencraft Asylum?"

"Don't worry, nothing major happened." Goofy rubbed Carrie's head, then unbuckled the seat belt and got out of the car.

"You sit in the car for a while and look at the stars. Dad will come when he goes." Gao Fei said.

"It's supper?" Carrie was very clever, and immediately guessed Goofy's intention.

"Yes, the supper is ready to be presented." Gao Fei said with a smile, closed the door and walked to the SHIELD base not far away.


In the S.H.I.E.L.D. base.

Nick Fury had already left for Europe, while Agents Hill and Hawkeye stayed to deal with the scene.

Thanks to the timely arrival of the high-level officials of the NYPD and the FBI, the super patrol team did not take away the core item of the second phase of the S.H.I.E.L.D. plan - the cosmic cube.

But even so, the thought of Goofy agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. still lingers.

Just as Maria Hill was sorting out the data for the day, Hawkeye suddenly came over in a hurry.

"Agent Hill, Officer again."

"What?!" Hill's expression was terrified, "What is this guy doing again? Didn't the problem between us have been resolved during the day? I have also submitted the relevant certificates to the NYPD and the FBI, what else does he want to do? "

"Agent Hill..." Hawkeye frowned and explained helplessly, "I heard that Natasha... Natasha escaped from prison."

"Escape... Jailbreak?!" Hill took a deep breath and his mentality exploded on the spot.

"Didn't it be agreed that Natasha would be imprisoned for a few days to buy time for the Cosmic Rubik's Cube plan? What happened to her? She wants to escape tonight?"

Hawkeye quickly covered his comrades: "Agent Hill, you know Natasha's character, she can't stand the humiliation of being a prisoner..."

"In addition, if she doesn't escape tonight, she will be registered as a superhuman tomorrow, which means that her personal information will be exposed to the NYPD, which is a fatal blow for a professional spy..."

"This is not the reason why she acted without authorization!" Agent Hill said forcefully, "Goofy is a devil, it's not a good thing to recruit him..."

"Hawkeye, I order you to cooperate with Gao Fei to find out Natasha's whereabouts immediately. Don't let Natasha go on his own way! Before the completion of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube plan, I don't want any extravagance! This is what the director meant."

However, before Hawkeye could answer, a familiar voice sounded from the corridor.

"Thank you Agent Hill for your cooperation, you are more sensible than Natasha."

Gao Fei had swaggered in, but the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. did not dare to stop him.

Hawkeye frowned, and his brain started buzzing—Agent Hill was right, Goofy was a big devil.

Maria Hill still had an iceberg face, but her attitude towards Goofy was much better than she was towards Hawkeye.

"Officer Goofy, I'm sorry Natasha acted recklessly, please rest assured, we will cooperate with you to arrest Natasha as soon as possible..."

Gao Fei smiled lightly, not giving Hill face.

"Agent Hill, Natasha is an agent of your S.H.I.E.L.D. after all. Now she has suddenly escaped from prison. You dare to say that this has nothing to do with your S.H.I.E.L.D.

Agent Hill quickly shook his head: "I can guarantee that S.H.I.E.L.D. has no knowledge of this."

Hawkeye also nodded and said, "Yes, Officer Goofy, Natasha has cut off all contact with S.H.I.E.L.D. since she was taken away by you."

Gao Fei sneered and shook his head: "I doubt this..."

Hill asked dejectedly: "Let's stop going around in circles, Officer Goofy, if you have any thoughts, just say it clearly. What do you want?"

Gao Fei liked Hill's cheerful personality and said bluntly: "Simple, now call all the agents in your base, let me check one by one, I want to make sure Natasha is not hiding in your S.H.I.E.L.D. base."


Hill and Hawkeye were both stunned.

It's not a good idea, is it?

"Officer Gao Fei, there are currently more than 20 agents in our base, are you sure they need to investigate?" Hill asked tentatively.

"Of course." Goofy nodded solemnly, "Not only that, but I will also search all your rooms."

"This...isn't it convenient?" Hawkeye frowned.

Gao Fei's attitude was tough: "It's inconvenient for me to have the final say."

Hill thought about it, anyway, SHIELD is not afraid of the shadow, not to mention that it must not be the enemy of the super patrol team in this sensitive period, and everything is more valuable.

So Hill took a step and compromised: "OK, I'll have all the agents gather in the corridor in five minutes."

"Very good." Goofy nodded, "I hope Natasha isn't among them."

Hill said firmly: "Don't worry, Natasha must not be among them."

After five minutes.

All S.H.I.E.L.D. agents in the base came to the hallway.

Hill took Gao Fei to investigate them one by one, and Natasha was indeed not among them.

"I said that Natasha's escape was a decision she made without permission. If I knew she planned to escape, then I would definitely stop her." Hill explained sincerely.

"It looks like I'm blaming you all wrong, but I hope you can help me hunt down Natasha, the fugitive." Goofy said.

"Of course, urging Natasha to complete the registration is also our SHIELD mission." Hill nodded.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden explosion not far away.

Boooom! !

Agent Hill was stunned, then turned around and asked, "What's the situation?"

Hawkeye spread his hands: "All the agents are being screened here, and we don't know what's going on."

Gao Fei said suspiciously, "Could it be... Natasha is back?"

The more Hill thought about it, the more wrong, and subconsciously hurried to the closed room where the universe cube was kept.

"Oops! Cosmic Rubik's Cube!"

When she shouted, Hawkeye also responded, and hurriedly took the agent to action.

"Block the entrance and exit of the base, block the entrance and exit of the base!"

But the entrance to the base was burnt out by Johnny Storm this morning. It would be so easy to block it. In fact, the S.H.I.E.L.D. base at this time was a sieve with loopholes everywhere.

Goofy followed behind the bewildered S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, pretending to be a fake person.

"Don't be afraid! I'll help you!"

"Officer Goofy is here to **** you!"

"With me, the bad guys don't dare to do anything wrong!"

But in fact, Goofy deliberately distracted some of the and gave a perfect cover for a bad old man in a black T-shirt.

The old man in a black T-shirt was wearing a helmet, holding a sparkling cube in his arms, and slipped out of the S.H.I.E.L.D. base on tiptoe.

Stepping on the motorcycle, the old man nodded and apologized to the security guards who were knocked out by him in the factory, whistled and drove all the way to the high-flying Audi car in the distance...

But Hill and Hawkeye, who rushed to the closed room of the Cosmos Cube, froze in place—the Cosmos Cube had long since disappeared.

"It's over." Hawkeye whispered.

Gao Fei behind him was calm.

"Don't panic, it's not a big problem, our super patrol team took over this case!"

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