American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 282: long time

Gao Fei suddenly found out that the ability of emotional confiscation is really a good ability, this skill is too practical.

Even if he is as irritable as Thor, after being imprisoned by him in prison, he can sit down and chat with him calmly, which is great!

Sometimes under the influence of negative emotions, the communication between people will become very difficult, and the communication in this case will even have the opposite effect.

But once the negative emotions are taken away, this concern is gone.

Thor instantly transformed into a modest gentleman, as gentle as a piece of jade.

In this case, Gao Fei was even more active in answering questions.

"Ahem, you shouldn't be in prison for too long, your crime is not serious. Although you smashed a street, considering your helpless actions to stop the Hulk, I I think the judge will give you a lighter sentence."

Gao Fei explained patiently.

"But Loki's situation is worse, he took 34 lives in New York (27 S.H.I.E.L.D. agents + 6 NASA engineers + Coulson), and that's not counting the case in Connecticut... Plus he also Suspected of kidnapping S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, stealing international secrets... He should be thankful that New York State does not have the death penalty, but life imprisonment is no way to escape."

Loki took a deep breath after hearing this: "Are you going to imprison me for life? Let me spend the rest of my life in this **** insane asylum?"

Gao Fei snorted coldly, thinking to himself: This is not bad, it's better than letting you go out and being pinched to death by Thanos.

Thor frowned and said in a low voice, "Officer Goofy, are you saying that you plan to use the laws of Earthlings to judge us? But we are not mortals, we are gods!"

"Don't always be a mortal, and don't always think of yourself as a god. Since the two of you have come to the earth, then I can only use the laws of the earth to judge you. There is no way, who made our earth a hospitable planet. What?" Gao Fei spread his hands.

Thor's brows became tighter and tighter, but after losing his anger, he didn't have the ability to explode.

He just asked Baba aggrievedly: "Where's Fury? Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D., I want to see him!"

Gao Fei smiled and nodded: "Yes."

After he finished speaking, he snapped his fingers, and a jailer on the opposite side opened the window of the confinement unit next to him.

A dark and shiny bald head appeared by the window, and Nick Fury was sitting inside thinking about life.

"Hi, Thor." Fury greeted with a calm expression, and he was not surprised that Thor and Loki were arrested.

"Frey?!" Thor was shocked on the spot, Nima turned out that this guy had already come in to eat in prison!

"Director Fury was imprisoned because of your involvement. He was convicted of colluding with aliens." Goofy explained.

Thor looked at Loki resentfully: "It's all your fault!"

Loki sighed: "It's my fault, it's all my fault, anyway, everyone is a prisoner now, and this ending can be considered a happy ending."

"What? Everyone is happy? Do you know what the word "everything is happy" means?" Thor said depressedly.

"Don't worry, bro, I believe Dad will come to save us, don't you?" Loki was quite optimistic, and at the same time threatened Goofy from the side, "Odin will never allow his children to be imprisoned by mortals, He will surely come to save us, won't he?"

"I seriously doubt it." Thor curled his lips. In the time of the sage, his IQ re-occupied the high ground, and his knowledge has become much better. He knows that Odin is by no means a father who protects the calf, and he will never be because of such trivial things. Things happen in person.

"In addition, Goofy said just now that I won't be imprisoned for too long, and my crime is very light. It is you who will be imprisoned for life, Loki." Thor said with some schadenfreude.

"So are you going to be judged by the earthlings? Brother? Are you still the Thor I know? Where's your backbone?" Loki asked reluctantly, wanting to finally awaken Thor's anger.

Unfortunately, Thor is still very calm.

"I think I have no other choice but to do this first."

"Oh! You coward!" Loki was exasperated.

But Goofy didn't give him a chance to continue talking, and threw him back to his confinement unit. The silent mode was activated, and even if Loki set off firecrackers in the prison, no one could hear him.

Thor also returned to his cell, and the Ravencraft Asylum was silent again.


After dealing with the Asgardians, it was already late at night, and Goofy drove home tiredly. He thought that Carrie must have fallen asleep by this time, so he was careful not to make any noise when he opened the door.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the door opened, Gao Fei saw Carrie sitting on the chair by the window waiting for him, the little girl's eyes were bright.

Gao Fei frowned, and just wanted to ask her why she didn't sleep so late, but before he could speak, Carrie smiled and said, "Sorry, Dad, I've eaten too many lollipops, and I'm in good spirits now. Not sleepy at all... Anyway, tomorrow is the weekend, I can sleep late today, right?"

Gao Fei was stunned for a moment, but she didn't expect her daughter to be quite smart, she didn't say anything, she guessed it all.

As a result, the thought of "Carrie is very smart" flashed in his mind when Carrie happily said, "Thank you dad, I'm just very smart, hoo hoo!"

Gao Fei was dumbfounded and looked at Carrie in shock.

"You know how to read minds?"—the words hadn't been uttered, but had just come to mind.

But Carrie already knew, and had an answer.

"I can really read minds! It's amazing! Dad, Dad, after I ate a lollipop, I felt something was wrong with me. I seemed to hear a lot of weird noises. I looked downstairs just now. Pedestrians, found that I can know what they are thinking... It turns out that I can really read minds!"

The little girl said excitedly.

Gao Fei nodded, in fact, after thinking about it, he knew the reason.

After devouring the original stone of space, Carrie mastered teleportation, and after devouring the original stone of mind, Carrie acquired the ability to read mind.

But mind reading is not a very friendly skill, especially among relatives and friends, Goofy himself has many secrets that Carrie can't know, so he can't let Carrie read his mental activities all the time.

"Carrie, I'm glad you've mastered the new skill, but now I need to know if you can handle this skill..." Goofy said.

"Clam?" Carrie hesitated slightly. "Manipulation? What do you mean?"

Goofy explained patiently: "That is... now you can read my thoughts, but can you not read my thoughts?"

"I'll try..." Carrie frowned seriously, "Father Goofy, if you want something, I'll see if I can read it..."

Goofy nodded, thinking to himself: Carrie, your pants are reversed, your pants are reversed...

If Carrie had read what he was thinking, she would immediately look down at her pants.

But Carrie didn't.

Gao Fei breathed a sigh of relief.

Carrie smiled happily: "Yes! I can manipulate it freely! I read it when I want to, and don't read it when I don't want to!"

Gao Fei nodded in relief: "That's good."

Then he hurriedly asked, "Carrie, when you're free, don't read Dad's heart, okay?"

"Why?" asked Carrie, looking up. "Don't you have a lot of shady little secrets?"


Gao Fei was speechless for a while, but was actually seen through.

But he still chose to explain it with high-sounding reasons.

"It is very inappropriate to read other people's thoughts without their permission, and it will also destroy the beauty between people..."

"For example, Dad was injured during the mission today, and I didn't want to tell you for fear that you would be worried, but as soon as you use mind reading, you will know it immediately, so you will worry about Dad..."

"For example, when you are celebrating your birthday, Dad wants to prepare a surprise party for But once you use mind reading, you will immediately know my plan, then this surprise party will not be a surprise yes, right?"

Carrie nodded seriously. "Dad is right."

Gao Fei rubbed Carrie's head: "It's good if you understand the truth. In short, mind reading is a very powerful ability, you must learn to use it with caution."

"I will, Dad." Carrie nodded earnestly.

Seeing her daughter being so obedient, Gao Fei was deeply relieved. Just as she was about to urge her to wash up, Carrie had already stood up from her chair.

"I'm going to wash up..."

"Carrie..." Gao Fei said with a gloomy expression that he should not abuse mind reading!

Carrie stuck out her tongue.

"Sorry dad, it's not an example."

. vertex

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