American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 294: Agent resurrected

Due to the increasing number of super criminals in the Ravencraft Asylum, this special prison began to expand after only six months of operation. The Osborne Group was responsible for funding, and Reed Richards was solely responsible for the expansion of the asylum. the design of.

Goofy has made a lot of money from this insightful investment, with a net profit of $4.5 million in the last quarter alone. And once Ravencraft's asylum is expanded, Goofy's earnings are likely to double within two years.

The Osborne Group, which had been sluggish all the time, also returned to spring because of this project, and continued to improve its arms production. Today, the Osborne Group has become a leading enterprise in the military industry in the United States and is flourishing in the business world.

After the "absorber" Karl Creel was imprisoned, Goofy spent a few days of leisure, but the leisure days ended not long after, because the "compound eye" designed by Reed always found Some weird stuff.

This morning, Reed called specially and said that the "compound eye" had located a very strange guy. This guy's energy flow was similar to that of a normal person, but it was different.

Of course, the reason why this guy is strange is not because of the abnormal energy flow in his body, but because of his identity.

He's Phil Coulson - an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

The poor man who was stabbed to death by Loki in the back three months ago was a heroic sacrifice, but now he has returned to New York alive and well.

Both Reed and the Fantastic Four felt that this matter was completely bizarre, so they specially invited Goofy to discuss it together. Goofy was not ambiguous and immediately drove straight to the Baxter Building.

Arriving at Reed's office, the Fantastic Four were discussing the surveillance footage that was brought up.

"Did Agent Coulson not die? Loki showed mercy to him?"

"Impossible, Loki directly pierced Agent Coulson's heart. Officer Goofy and I checked the wound later, and he died thoroughly. How could he not die?"

"Could it be that... Coulson also gained the immortality of Officer Goofy?"

"That's even more nonsense, if that's the case, Coulson would have been a superhero already..."

"Does S.H.I.E.L.D. have any black technology that can bring people back from the dead?"

Everyone chatted, but couldn't discuss a result, Gao Fei walked up to the crowd and asked, "What's the situation?"

Susan turned around and pointed to the surveillance video: "Phil Coulson, who died under Rocky's hands, is alive again. In addition, his body energy flow is slightly different from that of ordinary people. He has been in New York for 11 years now. Hours, and he has the intention to stay, do you need to characterize him as a superpower?"

"Has the energy flow in his body reached the standard of a power user?" Gao Fei asked.

"Not reached." Susan shook her head.

"Forget it, let him go. He has already died once, so don't embarrass him." Gao Fei said with a shrug.

Reed is still entangled in the question of Coulson's resurrection: "But how did Coulson come back to life? S.H.I.E.L.D. may have mastered some kind of advanced black technology. I seriously doubt that this black technology is related to the cosmic Rubik's Cube. …”

"Maybe this guy isn't Coulson at all?" Ben's brain circuit was strange. "Maybe Coulson has a twin brother, or is this just Coulson's simulated AI robot?"

"It's not impossible..." Reed nodded in approval, but curiosity always wanted him to investigate the matter.

Goofy roughly knew the reason for Coulson's resurrection, which involved a "Project Tahiti" developed by S.H.I.E.L.D. based on Kree corpses, but now that S.H.I.E.L.D. has not violated the law, Goofy naturally didn't bother to look for it. their troubles.

Everyone has their own work, and if they can live in peace with each other, it is best to have no problems with each other.

It's a pity that this is just Gao Fei's wishful thinking, because after three days, Gao Fei will have to deal with this matter.

three days later.

Goofy's old friend, Superintendent Schneider, came to the office to "visit" him again. As soon as Superintendent Schneider appeared, Goofy realized that a difficult case was about to happen.

The old friend did not disappoint him. This time, Schneider didn't even greet him. As soon as he came in from the door, he said straight to the point: "Something happened to Goofy, and a strange murder happened in Queens..."

Goofy was sitting at his workstation watching the progress of the expansion of Ravencraft Asylum, and was a little impatient to hear Schneider's description.

"Please, my superintendent, when did the homicide cases come under the control of our super patrol team? Doesn't the NYPD have a homicide team? We are only responsible for designing super power users' cases, and dealing with these cases has already made us very uncomfortable. tired..."

Schneider didn't listen to Goofy's trick, he walked over and glanced at Goofy's computer screen.

"Fuck you! You have time to see the expansion of the lunatic asylum during your working hours. How dare you say that you are tired? But I have to say, Ravencraft Asylum is really a cash cow. How much did you make last quarter? ? Reveal it to my brother? I promise not to reveal it..."

Superintendent Schneider asked with a gossip on his face.

Goofy smiled: "Just enough for me to buy that house in Canarsie."

"No? It must be more than that, I guess at least 10 million, right?" Superintendent Schneider laughed.

"Don't talk nonsense, money can't be so easy to earn." Gao Fei said, and then quickly changed the subject, "What happened to the murder, let me know."

Superintendent Schneider nodded quickly, then took out a stack of photos.

"This is the dead man..."

Gao Fei took the photo and looked at it, and saw that the deceased was a middle-aged man. His death was very tragic, and it seemed that he had been abused before his death.

"The murderer was brutal?" Gao Fei asked in a low voice.

"It should be said that the deceased was tortured before he died." Schneider said solemnly, "There are many simple interrogation tools at the scene, and considering the scars on the deceased's body, he should have been interrogated before he died."

"What is his identity?" Gao Fei asked again.

Schneider smiled bitterly: "This is the strange place, he is registered as a teacher in New York, and he has just been transferred from Baltimore, but we went to Baltimore to investigate this person, but there was nothing about him there. know..."

"The identity is forged." Gao Fei immediately concluded, "It seems that this guy is not an ordinary citizen..."

And speaking of this, Gao Fei continued to look at several other photos. The next photo contains a close-up photo of the deceased's facial features. When he saw this photo, Gao Fei was suddenly taken aback.

"Wait, this guy... looks familiar," Goofy whispered.

"Why does it look familiar? Have you seen him?" Superintendent Schneider asked curiously.

"I've seen it." Gao Fei said firmly, and then waved to Steve.

"Hey Steve, come here, have you seen this poor man?"

Steve got up and walked over, took the photo in Goofy's hand and looked at it.

"Familiar..." Captain America's memory is amazing, and he immediately remembered this person after a glance, "Wait, isn't this an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.? It's an agent in charge of the Cube R&D team."

"That's it's him!"

After Steve's reminder, Goofy also remembered.

"What? Are you sure you're an agent of that team?" Schneider breathed a sigh of relief, "But didn't the 27 agents of that team all die when Loki invaded?"


When Schneider said this, Steve was also surprised.

"The agents of that team are all dead. They were killed by Loki three months ago. How could he suddenly run to Queens and be killed again?"

Superintendent Schneider's face turned pale: "My God, how did a criminal investigation film mutate into a horror film? This guy's body has just been sent for examination, and the time of death will never exceed 12 hours - how could he have died three months ago? Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

Gao Fei lowered his head and did not speak. He continued to look through the remaining photos. If nothing unexpected, there must be more crucial evidence in the remaining photos.

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