American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 355: Convergence of celestial bodies

When it comes to Jane Foster, the little earthling girlfriend that Thor met in New Mexico, the face of Queen Frigga of Asgard is a bit ugly.

Obviously, she was not satisfied with her son, the confidante.

In comparison, she still prefers the Asgardian girl Sif. In her opinion, this brave and straightforward girl is more suitable to be Thor's good companion.

"You just miss that Atrium girl so much? Can't wait to go to London to find her? Forget it, I can't stop your decision, but I'm tired and don't want to run around with you any more..."

Frigg shook his head and said,

"Go find that Atrium girl. I'll stay in New York and wait for you. I think Officer Goofy will apply to visit Loki for me as soon as possible. I won't go anywhere until I see Loki."

Thor was speechless: "Isn't it, Frigga, you decided to stay in New York? In Goofy's house?"

"What's wrong with this?" Frigga asked dignifiedly, posing as a queen.

"But... but a few days ago, didn't you say that Gao Fei was a rude and rude sheriff in the atrium, a villain who made a fuss with chicken feathers as arrows?" Thor asked in a low voice, for fear that Gao Fei would hear.

It's a pity that Gao Fei's hearing is excellent, and he has already heard these words clearly.

But Goofy can also understand Frigga's complaint - Odin is a man of common sense, knowing that Loki should be punished for breaking the law, playing the role of a strict father; Frigga plays the role of a short-term mother, In this case sensibility prevails over rationality.

But despite this, Frigga didn't rely on Asgard's power to force a person. From this point of view, she can also be called reasonable.

Now because of the interracial love between Thor and Jane Foster, Frigga has even stood on a united front with Goofy in order to express her dissatisfaction. Thor is helpless and can't do anything about his own mother.

Frigga smiled indifferently: "What? Are you worried about leaving me alone in New York?"

Goofy patted Thor's shoulder with a smile and said, "Thor, don't worry, I will take good care of Frigga."

Frigg and Goofy hit it off: "I also believe Goofy can take good care of me."

"Hey..." Thor is not as smart as his mother, and finally compromised, "Okay, then you stay in New York and wait to visit Loki, and I'll go to London!"

"Aren't you going to see your brother?" Frigg asked disappointedly, not expecting Thor to abandon his brother for female sex.

"Meet him? I just want to beat him up right now!" Thor said angrily. "He's already caused us too much trouble!"

"But he is your brother after all..." Frigg sighed.

"Then you can convey my greetings to him for me." Thor did not soften his heart and said solemnly, "I have to deal with Jane's problem first."

Thor was impatient, and he was about to turn and leave after speaking.

Gao Fei didn't let him go so easily, he took his arm and said, "Wait, I have to ask you something before you leave."

Saying that, Gao Fei turned on the computer and played him a video of an ice monster.

"What is this monster? Do you have an impression?"

"Of course there is!" Thor pointed to the ice giant and smiled, "The ice giant of Jotunheim, the pet of the ice giant. When I beat the ice giant in Jotunheim last year, I knocked it to death. Only... the ice giant in your video should only be a juvenile, and its size has not fully grown..."

Thor was showing off his achievements, completely ignoring the main point. On the contrary, Frigga, who was next to him, saw the key at a glance and asked with a frown, "Why did the ice beast of Jotunheim appear in the atrium?"

"It's the gathering of celestial bodies..." Thor asked Heimdall just yesterday, so he immediately gave the answer, "The gathering of celestial bodies has begun again..."

"Is the celestial gathering about to start again? This is a troublesome thing." Frigg said worriedly.

Although Gao Fei had watched Thor 2, he was not too impressed with the content of the celestial bodies. He humbly asked: "What is the celestial bodies?"

Thor explained: "Simply put, it is the coincidence of the celestial bodies, the coincidence of the nine realms... Originally, the nine realms moved according to their own trajectories without interfering with each other, but at a certain point in time, the running trajectories of the nine realms would overlapping..."

"In this case, the nine worlds will meet strangely, and the physical space will completely overlap. An ice cave in Jotunheim is likely to appear on the streets of New York, and the Statue of Liberty in New York may also appear in Aspen. In Gard's palace..."

"That's why Jotunheim's ice giant came to New York, and Jane Foster in London ran to another place in the Nine Realms because of the convergence of celestial bodies, not on Earth."

Gao Fei suddenly realized, nodded and said: "I see... So, this overlap of the physical space of the Nine Realms is worldwide?"

"It doesn't necessarily depend on the size of the overlap, but since this happens in New York and London, I think the overlap is quite large," Thor speculates.

"How long will the body overlap last?" Goofy asked again.

Thor didn't know the answer anymore, and he hurriedly turned back to Frigga for help.

"A few days or a few months, the specific time is uncertain each time." Frigga said, "At the end of the celestial body convergence, this phenomenon of overlapping physical spaces will be very frequent and violent. You can see it when you are in the atrium. In the appearance of the other eight realms, it is possible to see Asgard."

"I'd rather not see anything..." Gao Fei shook his head and said, "This is not a romantic cosmic phenomenon. The overlapping of the Nine Realms will lead to chaos in the world, and monsters from other worlds may invade the earth."

"You're right." Frigga agreed with Goofy's opinion and nodded, "This is indeed a disaster. If the atrium overlaps with Asgard, then it's okay to say, but in case the atrium meets the right here. The malicious Jotunheim meets the ice giant, and it will be a terrible disaster."

Gao Fei took a deep breath and thought: Damn, it's time to call the Illuminati again. It was clearly stated before that meetings should not be held frequently, but as a result, urgent things happened every three days...

Thor looked at the time and began to panic, Jane had been gone for hours, and he had to go to London quickly.

"Goofy, Frigga will leave it to you, I have to go."

Thor picked up the hammer and turned away, and Frigga had to watch him go.

After sending Thor away, Goofy came back to clean up the room for Frigga, and he specially called down Carrie and Skye, who were watching a vampire TV show upstairs, and asked them to meet this new friend from Asgard.

The two ran down from the second floor neatly and met Frigga in the living room.

Frigg nodded towards the two of them, and his eyes lit up when he saw Skye.

"Oh, girl, you are not an ordinary Atrium person, I have seen the most cutting-edge technology in the universe in you..."

"Yes, I am a human being transformed by the Cree people..." Skye said bluntly, "It is indeed different from ordinary Earth people."

Frigg nodded, and his eyes fell on Carrie beside him.

Frigga's expression became even more shocked when she saw Carrie.

"Child, are you the kid who can hold Thor's hammer?"

Although Thor concealed this shameful thing, nothing on earth could escape Heimdall's eyes, so when Carrie picked up Thor's hammer, Odin and Frigga knew it. thing.

"Thor's Hammer? You mean Meow's Hammer? Yes, I can indeed take it." Carrie said proudly.

Frigg gently tugged at Carrie's hand and gently stroked the back of her hand. She seemed to be pampering Carrie's cute appearance, but she was actually trying to see through Carrie's true identity.

It's a pity that Frigga failed. Frigga, who is nearly 4,000 years old, has seen all kinds of gorgeous creatures in this universe. Her experience can almost be written into a huge biological picture, but despite this, she still can't. See through Carrie's race and ancestry...

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