American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 402: Cosmic Rubik's Cube Theft

"Reed, don't worry, I'll go to support now."

Gao Fei said to Mr. Fantastic on the phone, and he was ready to leave after hanging up the phone.

There is no doubt that the thieves who attacked Baxter Building this time must also be cosmic bounty hunters, and their target is very obvious, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube in Reed's hands.

Seeing Gao Fei getting up and preparing to leave, Rocket and Groot in the prison hurriedly stopped him.

"I'm Groot!"

"Earth Police! Where are you going? Wait, let us out first!"

Gao Fei turned around and smiled at the two of them: "I'm sorry, I have to go out to deal with a difficult case first. During this time, you should reflect on yourselves in prison."

"Hey! Earth Police! Didn't we agree before that as long as I answer your question, you will let us out? I thought about it just now, I think your proposal is worth adopting, and I will answer your question!" Rocket roared loudly.

"You decided too late, now even if you want to answer my question, I don't have time to listen to your confession." Gao Fei rejected the Rocket mercilessly, then turned and left the scene, "Goodbye, I will be back tomorrow. It's up to you."

"Hey! Earth Police! Hey!"

"Don't just leave, give us a few more minutes! Hey!"

Rocket and Groot watched Gaofei leave, but there was nothing they could do. The two leaned against the characteristic glass of the prison cell, grinning in despair...


Forty minutes later, Goofy drove to the Baxter Building.

The building is now in a mess, and the Stone Man is running up and down to check for suspicious elements.

"Hey, Ben, Ben!" Goofy called out to the Stone Man, and he had to call it twice before the Stone Man could hear it.

"Oh! Officer Goofy, you're finally here! Great, this **** thief stole the Cosmic Cube and messed up our Baxter Building, come and help me find him!"

"Who is the thief? Is it an alien? Or a superhuman on Earth?" Goofy asked, "Can compound eyes locate this guy?"

"Of course, this guy is a superhuman, but we can't be sure whether he is an earthman or an alien..." Ben said depressedly, "Damn, this guy is very cunning, he didn't leave immediately after stealing the universe cube. , but in the Baxter Building, which we couldn't find."

"Why? The positioning of the compound eye should be accurate to every corner, so it is impossible to locate him in the Baxter Building?" Goofy asked curiously.

"It's not because of Whitehall and his Terrigan food!" Ben said angrily, "Recently, there are more and more mutated inhumans in New York, and they all came to Baxter Building to register superpowers, and Baxter The number of psychics in the building is too dense, and there are several psychics on each floor... As a result, Reed can't tell which one is the intruding thief..."

"I see." Gao Fei suddenly realized, "This thief is really a thief. As long as he doesn't leave Baxter Building, the compound eyes can't locate him."

"Yes." Ben nodded.

At this moment, a nice voice came from behind.

"But this guy can't hide in the Baxter Building forever. I think he has to run out sooner or later, not to mention that once the superpowers who came to register leave at night, he has nowhere to hide. ."

The speaker was the invisible woman Susan Storm, who was walking towards Goofy with her long legs.

"Officer Gao Fei, I'm so sorry to trouble you to come and run again. There are too many things going on in New York these days. The super patrol team is crazy, right?"

Goofy smiled and nodded: "Yes, I have to admit, the whole of New York is in a mess, and the Super Patrol is even more messed up... Thank you for your understanding, Susan."

"Oh, I should be thanking you. If it weren't for you, New York might have been paralyzed." Susan smiled. "By the way, what happened to the spaceship that Reed discovered earlier?"

"That thing..." Goofy said, "Speaking of which, the spaceship has something to do with the thieves who broke into the Baxter Building."

"Could it be that the thieves who broke into Baxter Building got off that spaceship?" Susan asked.

"No, they're not a gang. The two aliens on the spaceship have been captured by me and are now in Ravencraft Prison. Their true identities are cosmic bounty hunters, come to Earth is for treasure." Goofy said.

"Treasure? Treasures on Earth?" Susan suddenly realized, "You mean... the universe Rubik's cube?"

"That's right." Goofy nodded, "Not only the universe cube, but also some other things, including Tony Stark's psychic scepter, the ether particles my daughter snatched from the dark elves, etc..."

"I don't know which wicked thing spread the news of these treasures on the earth to the universe, and the bounty hunters in the universe came to the earth one after another. I think these people I met today are just the vanguard, and they will patronize the earth's cosmic reward in the future. Golden hunters will only increase..."

Susan was shocked when she heard Gao Fei's words.

"What? In this way, the earth will not be a tourist attraction for aliens in the future? The alien mutation thing has made a mess in New York, and now groups of alien bounty hunters have emerged..." Susan Holding his forehead, he said, "God, let me die."

"Get up, Susan, we have to find the Cosmic Cube first." Goofy said, "Where's Reed? Where is he?"

"He is still monitoring compound eyes, and at the same time checking for suspicious elements on the floor. In fact, we have found some suspicious people on every floor. After screening, we should be able to find out who stole the Rubik's Cube." Susan replied.

As she spoke, Susan took out a tablet computer, dug out the surveillance footage on each floor and handed it to Goofy.

"Look, there are pictures of those suspicious elements on it."

Gao Fei flipped through the information captured by the surveillance video to screen for any criminal suspects.

There are indeed a lot of superpowers who came to Baxter Building to register today. It is said that eleven people have completed the registration.

"not him…"

"not him…"

"Oh, he's still a child, so it shouldn't be him..."

Gao Fei turned around and suddenly stopped on a photo.

In the photo is a hot girl with long hair and a shawl, but her skin is green, which is quite eye-catching in the crowd.

"Is it this girl?" Susan asked curiously, "I also thought she was a little strange just now. Although her skin color has changed after the alien mutation, her green color is very strange... and her dress is a little different. Earthling, could she be a cosmic bounty hunter?"

Gao Fei smiled lightly: "She must be."

Because Goofy has recognized her identity.

Gamora - one of Thanos' adopted daughters, she is known as a walking humanoid killer.

But was it really Gamora who stole the Cosmic Cube?

Goofy didn't jump to conclusions, he continued to scroll back, looking for other suspicious persons.

"Officer What are you looking for? Isn't this woman the culprit who stole the Rubik's Cube?" Susan asked curiously.

"Don't be so anxious, Susan." Goofy said, "I said before that there is more than one cosmic bounty hunter coming to Earth this time. I think more than one cosmic bounty hunter has infiltrated the Baxter Building."

"What?" Susan and Ben looked desperate after hearing this.

It looks like the Baxter Building is really lively today.

as predicted.

After Goofy continued to flip through a few photos, he found another familiar guy.

A guy who looked no different from Earthlings, with a big square face, an old-fashioned Walkman on his waist, humming while walking, and looked a bit like a harmless fat guy.

Peter Quill.

Or call him by his self-proclaimed nickname - "Star Lord".

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