American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 420: accuser ronan

Nebula did not reveal the true identity of her trump card, and she wanted to leave a suspense for Gao Fei, but unfortunately she didn't need to reveal the news at all, Gao Fei already knew who her trump card was.

As a notorious invader in the universe, the accuser Ronan is commanding a fleet of Kree people for disaster. Recently, Ronan has hooked up with Thanos, and Nebula and Gamora are the link between them. .

Gamora ran away from Ronan a long time ago because she despised Ronan's behavior, but Nebula was different. She has always maintained close contact with Ronan the accuser and his Kree fleet.

This time, when they come to Earth, Nebula and Ronan get what they need.

Nebula came to take Gamora's life, while Ronan was in charge of completing a series of bounty missions issued by Thanos.

As long as Ronan helps Thanos get the Cosmic Cube, Mind Scepter and Aether Particles, Thanos will help him destroy Chaida.

Nebula came to Earth a day early, and Ronan's Cree fleet arrived shortly after.

Therefore, even if Gao Fei was caught, Nebula was not panicked.

When Ronan and his Cree fleet arrived, Nebula believed that no matter how strong Goofy was, he would be crushed to death by the accuser Ronan like a flea.

Unfortunately, Gao Fei didn't think so.

He wanted to weigh how much the commander-in-chief of the Cree warship who was once frightened by Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers.

"You said you have accomplices?"

Gao Fei squinted at Nebula and asked with a sneer.

"Of course, they will easily defeat you, and then completely destroy the earth! At that time, the entire earth will be caught in the flames of war, and human beings will be wailing and completely wiped out!" Nebula said in a deep voice.

Gao Fei laughed dryly.

"Hehe, interesting, I would like to see if your accomplice is really so powerful..."

Nebula showed a cruel smile: "Don't worry, they won't let you down!"

Gao Fei pouted and said: "It's useless to say more now, let's see the true chapter on the battlefield, anyway, you will live in my prison for a long time, probably for a lifetime, and then wait for your accomplices to come, Can you see with your own eyes who we are more powerful?"

Nebula didn't expect that her trump card didn't scare Goofy at all, and it didn't even arouse any interest in him. Goofy didn't even have the intention to spy on the Kree.

She thought that Gao Fei would definitely torture her to extort a confession after learning that she had an accomplice, at least ask her how many accomplices there are, how advanced their technology is, when they arrived on Earth, etc...

Unfortunately, none of them, Gao Fei seems to have no interest in her accomplices.

This somewhat frustrated Nebula, and even felt a hint of anger.

"Hey! Earthlings, you don't want to ask me, who are my accomplices? You don't want to know how strong they are? You don't want to…"

Nebula patted the glass and asked.

Gao Fei really thought she was annoying, so he raised his hand and turned on the mute function of her imprisonment unit.

Nebula's voice was directly blocked, and the world was instantly quiet.

The little raccoon Rocket next to him couldn't help laughing, and took the opportunity to pat his horse and said, "Oh! Well done, Officer Goofy, I like your domineering style!"

Star-Lord looked at Rocket with contempt, and said to himself: What kind of flattery is this? Look at mine!

"Cough! Officer Goofy, I often hear people say that the real powerhouse never looks down on anyone. I think you are the real powerhouse, and you don't even bother to look down on this crazy woman's accomplice. Is not it?"

Gao Fei glanced at the two licking dogs, unable to laugh or cry.

He knows why these guys are flattering, they just want to go out early.

Of course, there's nothing wrong with Rocket and Groot. After all, they didn't cause any actual harm to New York, but Star-Lord should stop dreaming. When he stole the Rubik's Cube, he was caught and got all the money.

"Rocket, Groot, you are free."

Gao Fei didn't take out his anger with the two of them because the prison was bombed. He promised to let them go today, and he would never break his promise.

Opening the prison cell for two people, Goofy pointed towards the door.

"Your spaceship has been transported to the door, and you can leave Earth."

"Really?!" Rocket was overjoyed and ran out of the prison unit without saying a word.

Groot also danced happily and said with a smile, "I'm... Groot!"

Star-Lord in the prison cell was full of red eyes, patted the glass wall and said, "Officer Goofy, what about me? I want to go out too, please let me go?"

Gao Fei shrugged helplessly: "Sorry, you stole the universe cube, the evidence of the crime is solid, you can't leave."

"Oh, **** it! But I was trying to flatter you just now!" Star-Lord said aggrievedly, "Did I lick your **** properly?"

"I don't think it has anything to do with flattery." Rocket said gloatingly, "We are less guilty, and of course we can leave earlier."

"But your goal is the same as mine! It's just that you are a little slower!" Star-Lord said angrily, "If you weren't caught by Officer Goofy, you would be stealing the universe sooner or later! How dare you Deny it?"

Rocket grinned: "Even if you're telling the truth, it's not our problem. It's a loophole in the law on Earth, isn't it, Officer Goofy?"

Gao Fei smiled helplessly, what Rocket said was indeed right.

Although both Rocket and Star-Lord came to steal the universe cube, Rocket failed to succeed, and Star-Lord completed the crime - because of this, Star-Lord had to spend more time in prison.

"Okay, you two leave Earth as soon as possible." Goofy patted Rocket and Groot on the shoulders, and said, "You heard Nebula just now that her accomplices are coming to Earth to make trouble soon."

Rocket nodded, and just as he was about to leave, Groot suddenly whispered, "I'm... Groot."

Goofy couldn't understand Groot's language and asked Rocket curiously, "What is Groot talking about?"

Rocket didn't rush to answer, but frowned: "Groot, are you serious?"

Groot nodded: "I'm Groot."

Rocket was very helpless, so he had to turn around and said to Goofy: "Oh, this guy Groot thinks we need to remind you that we think Nebula's accomplice is likely to be the accuser Ronan, and he has a team of Cree people under him. army…"

"Oh, is that so?" Gao Fei actually knew about this for a long still pretended to be grateful and nodded, "Thank you for your reminder."

Without waiting for Rocket to answer, Gamora in the monitoring unit said: "It's not very likely, but it is. Nebula's accomplice is Ronan the accuser. Since Nebula has come to Earth, it means that Ronan is coming soon..."

"Ronan's purpose is to seize those treasures, and this guy's methods are never clean..."

"If you let him get close to the earth, it is very likely that he will directly destroy the earth after stealing the treasure..."

"Officer Goofy, I think the Earth is in a very dangerous situation. You must be careful about this matter. If the Earth is really invaded by Ronan, then what Nebula said is likely to become a reality - the Earth will be wiped out, and mankind is about to face destroy."

After hearing this, Groot nodded solemnly and said, "I'm Groot!"

Rocket was full of regret, glaring at Groot reproachfully and said: "Okay, Groot, look at what you have done, we could all leave happily in the spaceship, just because you have more. Just a word, now we can't walk steadily..."

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